twuer said:AMFA Philosophy............
Hey just think, if amfa had been at AA we wouldn't even be having this conversatoin now would we??? AA would hardly exist!!!!!!!!!!!
TIME FOR CHANGE said:If that means getting rid of the top 40 A holes that are sinking this ship. I am all for it.
Then again you can just keep selling out while they get offered bonuses and stock options. Keep the same game plan with the shared sacrafice :blink:
Collect your 19 dollars and 99 cents every month for pulling together and winning together.
Last time I checked a few useless slogans never won me anything.
But you keep giving and I will keep taking. 3 years and liquidation 😀
j7915 said:So come up with a game plan. Last I checked the company belongs to the shareholders. If they want to reward the "top 45" then buy stock and vote in a new BOD.
There are three somewhat related options:
Negotiate and try to strengthen the company so there will be a better future, Keep work in house so that you have some negotiating strength.
Become an outsourcer a la SWA, UAL, NWA, note all AMFA represented airlines,
Or quit and go for a different career. Try plumbing or A/C, So far those fields are not overrun by folks from south of the border, and one can hardly get a plumber from Changhai Plumbing Services.
So come up with a game plan. Last I checked the company belongs to the shareholders. If they want to reward the "top 45" then buy stock and vote in a new BOD.