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What contract, sorry i hit the wrong key


Feb 12, 2003
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Go see your shop steward and file grievances, that is why the process is in place. To make management adhere to the letter of the contract.
Here we are in Bos with the SOS going on.
We finally unionize and what happens, we vote to take concessions or else!!
Now local management is up to the SOS, changing things at their wim. They cut how many DAT days are allowed, mandatoring us again with no notice,setting up there own special rules on training!!!
I think the CWA needs to step up the plate, we need local agreements that management needs to stick to. The National contract doesn''t protect us when local management decides to change something.
As popeye would say Icanst take no more
The same thing is going on all over the system. Many will not even waste their time filling out grievance forms anymore because they will be ignored. Haven't heard of any type of grievance being paid in quite some time. I am really starting to believe the true meaning of IAM-I'll Ask Managment. Just received a new benifits enrollment package in the mail.....the company will let you downgrade you coverage but not upgrade???
On 2/19/2003 6:38:00 PM LavMan wrote:

Go see your shop steward and file grievances, that is why the process is in place. To make management adhere to the letter of the contract.

My experience has been there is a vast gulf fixed between how the mech contract is administered, vs CWA/IAM fleet.

Case in point, where the IAM mech and fleet contracts read the same word for word, you get vastly different outcomes. Always unfavorable to fleet. The company is taking advantage of inexperience and the IAM's lack of stones.
TWU anyone????? I'd personally like to dump the CWA. The airport should be under one union. Teamsta's???