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That's the truth......what a pity what has become of it.....they have ruined the USAirways name.

You people have short memories. I have been hearing the same hatred for US Airways for 20 years. While the name and reputation has definitely gone from bad to worst, we have NEVER, EVER been close to being one of the greatest airlines. Time to let go of the selected memory syndrome.
I agree, it's not just US Airways having these weekly meltdowns. The entire industry that is on the brink of total collapse God forbid another major natural disaster such as Katrina or a terrorist attack happens once again.

It may not be very popular with the airlines, but I think the government should step in and ban airlines from serving anything smaller then 100 seats to PHL, BOS, EWR, LGA, and JFK. A simple rain shower shouldn't cause 3 to 6 hour delays. This will eliminate hundreds of flights in the Northeast freeing up valuable space for aircraft to run more efficiently. I rather have fewer flights to the New York area and be on time for once then to wait 3 hours because 100 regional jets are circling the area trying to land. People in smaller cities that want to go to the Northeast can connect via the freed up regional jets into one of about 5 hubs that are in a one hour flying distance to the Northeast. Even if there was hourly service from each hub to the above mentioned airports using larger aircraft it still would be less congested then it is now. Like anything in this industry, it will take a major catastrophe due to congested airspace before anything is done or even considered.

These shortages of front line employees and pilots is outrageous. Maybe if your plane isn't sitting in a penalty box for 3 hours waiting for clearance to take off it would eliminate some of that shortage. All they are doing now is scamming the customers if they can't afford to hire enough people to fulfill their own schedule.

You might say you paid $99 for a roundtrip ticket, you get what you paid for. I say it's not worth the price of admission to a movie. At least at a movie theater you get what they advertise and the film starts on time, ends on time and you have a comfortable seat in the process.
You people have short memories. I have been hearing the same hatred for US Airways for 20 years. While the name and reputation has definitely gone from bad to worst, we have NEVER, EVER been close to being one of the greatest airlines. Time to let go of the selected memory syndrome.

Sorry Charlie. It was a great airline by many standards! You just refuse to remember.

Bankruptcy and union busting execs hired by the legacies have ruined the industry with their "downsizing of labor, wages, and idea of "small jets" as the only business model they could come up with to reduce capacity.

With regard to the above post....me thinks NOW would be a good time to "regulate". :up:
When the HP and US merger was finalized, I thought the name should be changed so as to not carry a negative company image into the new combined carrier. Boy, was I wrong. In 30+ years of airline customer service, I have never seen it this bag this consistently. I can look back at the previous US Airways and sadly say, " it was better in the good ole days." When you say that the operations,going through 2 bankruptcies was better then operations at the new US Airways, it gives perspective as to how bad it really is.

It use to be that US ran a quality operation and could price itself a little above the competition. Now, well....we are living on our past image. Half of the East Coast operations is Express. When you know that the Express operators don't have enough crews to keep the airplanes flying but you go ahead and schedule flights anyway, that is no longer poor management, its stupidity. When you schedule all of the Express aircraft, without any spares, you again are being so short sighted as to be just plain stupid again. I believe the true villains here are the Board of Directors. They are suppose to be representing the stockholders and keeping the corporate management honest and have a long vision for the company. US's board does get it or not terrible interested in the company.
Sorry Charlie. It was a great airline by many standards! You just refuse to remember.

Bankruptcy and union busting execs hired by the legacies have ruined the industry with their "downsizing of labor, wages, and idea of "small jets" as the only business model they could come up with to reduce capacity.

With regard to the above post....me thinks NOW would be a good time to "regulate". :up:

I agree wholeheartedly!
I believe upper management(they) have set up this airline to fail. It only continues because of the hard work of the people that make it go which makes it harder for Parker to take it down. They are trying to drive the passengers away. They are trying to make it so miserable for the employee's that they will quit. They want to drive the stock down so they can either sell the airline or go back to BK court where they can strip all the contracts, pay, and benefits and rid themselves of most of the employee's. Remember this is a LCC and management is of no class. So, as it spirials in, it's not going to get any better. The End
This was, IMO, one of the greatest airlines ever...at one time.

:blink: :blink:

One of the greatest airlines ever? Are you serious? Really? Maybe part of the statement is missing?

Greatest airline ever....

... in Pittsburgh?
... with a stylized American flag for a logo?
... that has had two bankrupcies recently?
... for ice cream sandwich lovers?
... for flying pigs?
... for navy blue enthusiasts?

Surely part of that statement is missing?
Sorry Charlie. It was a great airline by many standards! You just refuse to remember.

Bankruptcy and union busting execs hired by the legacies have ruined the industry with their "downsizing of labor, wages, and idea of "small jets" as the only business model they could come up with to reduce capacity.

With regard to the above post....me thinks NOW would be a good time to "regulate". :up:

When...pre 1987? I have seen nothing but stupid decisions since thing. Most of us didnt have the honor of pre merger Colodny days, which was over 20 years ago.
:blink: :blink:

One of the greatest airlines ever? Are you serious? Really? Maybe part of the statement is missing?

Greatest airline ever....

... in Pittsburgh?
... with a stylized American flag for a logo?
... that has had two bankrupcies recently?
... for ice cream sandwich lovers?
... for flying pigs?
... for navy blue enthusiasts?

Surely part of that statement is missing?

The part that was missing was you.

Surely, you weren't here. You came on board...at the end.

When...pre 1987? I have seen nothing but stupid decisions since thing. Most of us didnt have the honor of pre merger Colodny days, which was over 20 years ago.

Boy is your "recall" diminished.

I'm speaking post 80's...and into the 90's...the airline made a consistant profit from 1995-2000. By 1998, the company stock was hovering over $80 a share. The company went coast to coast and International. Had a profitable route system over 400 mainline a/c of large jets, and a consistant product, perks and all.

By the year Dec. 2001, it was reported that the company had over $1 billion in cash, per the Wolfe, then CEO post United merger collapse and post 9/11.
The part that was missing was you.

Surely, you weren't here. You came on board...at the end.

I wish I had come on with USAir in the earlier 80's to experience what was the USAir you knew, but MANY of us have experienced nothing but stupid decisions since the PSA and Piedmont mergers. As there isn't enough web pages to publish them all...a great thread in and of it's self..I will refrain from doing so.

Sorry Pitbull, I didn't see time specific ...i guess part of that diminished recall 😛 Having said that, Even in the profitable years you mentioned, US Airways continued it's reputation as being mediocre. Profit has nothing to do with "greatness".

When I hear the old folks who actually traveled during the glory days talk about "great airlines", US Airways has NEVER EVER been listed in the same sentence as Pan Am or TWA. THEY were the TRUE great airline. They are now gone, but they're greatness lives on. I have yet to hear anyone say "That US Airways is/was one of the greatest. They managed to post profits for a short time in the 90's."

We are nothing but a kitty cat airline that is way past it's nine lives and always seems to resurrect itself from road killed it IS, just to be bandaged up and thrown back in the traffic.

We should be called US Cursedways.
We are nothing but a kitty cat airline that is way past it's nine lives and always seems to resurrect itself from road killed it IS, just to be bandaged up and thrown back in thr traffic.

Perhaps, to some degree, you may have a small argument. But the airline comes back...know why?
Because of the dedication of the employees. "seems to resurrect itself", as you put it...that says something the other "great" carriers didn't have.
Perhaps, but the airline comes back...know why? Because of the dedication of the employees. "seems to resurrect itself", as you put it...that says something the other "great" carriers didn't have.

Now THAT is something we can agree on. Let's hope enough of us dedicated employees stay to keep it going.
Piedmont was the ONLY airline in the "Circle of Despair" <heritage logo> that understood ANY aspect of Customer Service. PSA was known for goodlooking employees that could 'sparkle' on a dreary, rainy day in Seattle (and they still Do). USAir/Allegheny will always bring back images of Genie Trays and serving "slop" on a 20 minute hop that required nothing more than a beverage. AWA was the first airline after deregulation that SURVIVED but rarely 'wowed' anyone outside of PHX. So as far as far as Origins of The Circus....."those are the Days of Our Lives" 😛 . Parker's Implosion is a whole different matter.