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Which Maintenance Base Will Fall?

It was Concessions for Jobs...

Now it's Jobs for Fuel....
and next its concessions and jobs because we can't compete with the LCC's or the singapore's. chairman of maintenace along with several other management heads had a meeting here in tulsa with narrow body lines and said and i quote: "we are in a fight for our jobs and we better learn how to compete with the singapore's" :end quote. one individual went as far as to say we would be making a profit but they have to pay our wages :blink: also stated in the meeting was that if we get our cost low enough, perhaps even if AA fails we could offer third party maintenace and remain as an entity. MCI and STL are just the beginning, the intention of this meeting was to scare the membership and to lube us up for the next round.........BOHICA!
Local 12..you mention BOHICA...how many days without a job/insurance have you suffered while at AA, under the TWU?

Our industry is changing, that's a fact man...but amfa is not going to change a damn thing in it's outcome. (Nor is the TWU/IAM/IBT)...what we need is a 100% across the board wildcat, crippling the revenuers for a couple of days...they're the ones needing the touch of reality!
Drippy Quill said:
Local 12..you mention BOHICA...how many days without a job/insurance have you suffered while at AA, under the TWU?

Our industry is changing, that's a fact man...but amfa is not going to change a damn thing in it's outcome. (Nor is the TWU/IAM/IBT)...what we need is a 100% across the board wildcat, crippling the revenuers for a couple of days...they're the ones needing the touch of reality!
a wildcat is only good if all mechanics at all effected carriers are on board and the afl-cio industrial catch all unions will not back us up! hell they are in bed with the "KOMPANY's" they are afraid of losing that precious dues flow. the AFL-CIO is to labor as the UN is to world conflict "IRRELEVANT''. what we need is a "MECHANICS" union who is going to take a stand for our "CRAFT" who represents all mechanics at all carriers, no it does'nt even have to be AMFA but right now they are the only one proposing just that idea, in fact they now represent 8 carriers. cant you see whats happening to our "CRAFT" ? it is being decimated and until we make a stand and demand what we are worth, the company unions will continue to sell us out for dues and jobs at all cost.
Drippy Quill said:
Our industry is changing, that's a fact man...but amfa is not going to change a damn thing in it's outcome. (Nor is the TWU/IAM/IBT)...what we need is a 100% across the board wildcat, crippling the revenuers for a couple of days...they're the ones needing the touch of reality!

SO, if AMFA, TWU, IAM, and IBt are not going to change the outcome, then exactly who in your mind is going to lead and co-ordinate this wildcat?

Seems to me, you are speaking out both sides of your mouth, unless you believe that somehow a spontaneous wildcat will happen without leadership or co-ordination.

Please explain how you think this wildcat should take place and when?

The fact is ALL Unions are currently to worried about protecting dues money and/or Politics to risk any legal fines or loss of dues on something that would actually change the direction we are headed and help the working man. They are however, the required king-pin to make it happen, and indeed could change the outcome if they had the courage and desire.
Drippy Quill said:
Hey idiot...go look up wildcat.

many have suggested Wildcat, However it has been the TWU who has stated, "We can hurt them more if we stay inside and work safe".
Buck said:
many have suggested Wildcat, However it has been the TWU who has stated, "We can hurt them more if we stay inside and work safe".

Safety is everyone's concern...*gag*..and of course you're hip enough to realize no union will advocate or suggest a wildcat...has amfa?..of course not Buck...then it wouldn't be a wildcat...doh!...
Drippy Quill said:
Safety is everyone's concern...*gag*..and of course you're hip enough to realize no union will advocate or suggest a wildcat...has amfa?..of course not Buck...then it wouldn't be a wildcat...doh!...

I am not sure why you are attempting to prevent AMFA from representing those at American today. There may be a card drive in progress, however I would think that you would be more concerned with your seniority and how the TWU has thrown that out. AMFA had nothing to do with your new AA/TWU seniority. You received what you were told and that is final right?

The point is that the TWU will not support any form of a strike or job action. You seem to be from the old school of unionism, but it is those who have enjoy a job at the cost of concessions who have determined your fate. AMFA has nothing to do with it. I think you need to do some serious research on the TWU on concessionary contracts. But I assume you are to be busy in your semi-retirement AMFA hating binge to conduct real research on what has happened to you, not what will happen to those still viable in the industry.
but it is those who have enjoy a job at the cost of concessions who have determined your fate

Wrongo Bucko...currently fuel is driving my fate, not you, not me, not the votes to keep AA out of BK...not the TWU...not AMFA...not the AFL-CIO...just oil/barrelhead.

And really Buck...my fight against AMFA is still as strong as it always has been, what has changed? AMFA hasn't proven to me they are about a damn thing...except placing real-estate agents at their bargaining tables..that's a slick move...confuse the company.

Buck..I am old school...and when the time to fight presents itself I'll be there....but can we hurry...HAHAHA!!!
Drippy Quill said:
Wrongo Bucko...currently fuel is driving my fate, not you, not me, not the votes to keep AA out of BK...not the TWU...not AMFA...not the AFL-CIO...just oil/barrelhead.

And really Buck...my fight against AMFA is still as strong as it always has been, what has changed? AMFA hasn't proven to me they are about a damn thing...except placing real-estate agents at their bargaining tables..that's a slick move...confuse the company.

Buck..I am old school...and when the time to fight presents itself I'll be there....but can we hurry...HAHAHA!!!

That's right Buck, the TWU has NOT a damn to do with the loss of his seniority.

It was the price of a barrel of oil that stapled him to the bottom of the AA seniority list.

This man will bury his head in the sand for life over the seniority issue. Despite the fact that had he been given his seniority, he would remain employed, he claims only the price of oil is driving his fate.

Talk about a blind man 😛h34r:

When you really think hard about it, the previous AMFA employees from Ozark have not been furloughed by the price of oil. Oh no, they still have enough seniority to remain employed. Thank God the price of oil favored those guys.

Don't worry Drippy, CIO's step-daughter and who knows the other relatives will remain on the job at your expense and also blindly defend the TWU.
just goes to show how severe brainwashing can be on ones sense's, its almost sad to see someone who can be so mind controlled to the point of giving thier master praise for the beatings!
Dippy, the time to fight was back in the 1980's. What did you do? You voted yes to give Icahn everything! The time to fight again was in 2003,but again you voted yes to give Carty everything he wanted! Dippy,you don't know how to fight! All you know is how to surrender! :down:
*snatches nape of scalp, pulls head out of sand*....Ahhhhhhhh...thanks Dave...damn cats...*patoooeee*...

Let's just take a lookee at what you just stated Davey mah boy...

the TWU has NOT a damn to do with the loss of his seniority

How to make this simple enough for Davey...the TWU..you and 9,000 others, saw TWA as a threat to your spotless record of "NO FURLOUGH", vacation selection, and job advancement...plain and simple. You were threatened by the possibility of a dovetailing...it did not occur...you brushed your brow in relief....and then continued your TWU degradation.
The thought of having so many employees dovetailed with higher seniority sent your floor into a frenzy...the TWU leadership did EXACTLY as it should have...it followed the wishes of the floor...and *poooofff*...there it is....

....now then Davey, you, as an awfully weak organizer, see it as an opportunity to bash the TWU leadership, during this time of economic depression (I'm depressed) to promote your desire..the entrance of AMFA onto our property...can I say..."you suck man"? Had the TWU allowed the dovetailing of TWA into their ranks AMFA's name would already be hanging on the door, as it should have been.

...and Princess..you are correct about the Icahn poop...had we accepting Meyers' initial offer Icahn would never had been introduced to TWA. The IAM sought him out...what a blunder, but ya see...Icahn sugarcoated the IAM with all the promises of building this TWA empire with additions of head count and expansions of MCI..well guess what...he lied...he raped...the IAM got rid of him...but it was like putting a band-aid on an limb severance..the damage was unfixable.

...and I realize had AA not purchased TWA I would have been employed elsewhere a whole lot sooner. We received no vote even as owner/operators, we did not ask to enter your little empire. Ya hang on for the ride...and the ride is over...no biggy. With the talent level of our floor jobs will be found..and who knows..someday we may get to rub elbows...HAHAHA!!!
So we should take that diatribe as a retraction of your "fuel is driving your fate" comment?
You take it for what it states...you suck...HAHAHA!!!..ya loser. You really give AMFA members/promoters a bad name Davey...glad you're not pro TWU!

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