Westjet AMT’s overwhelmingly vote no.


Oct 20, 2007
CALGARY — The union representing mechanics at WestJet says members voted overwhelmingly to reject a tentative agreement with the airline.

The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, which represents some 670 aircraft maintenance engineers and other skilled trade positions at the carrier, says about 97 per cent of its members cast a ballot against the deal.

https://www.travelweek.ca/news/the-airline-says-the-result-does-not-affect operations/

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Ok so at least this time AMFA’s doing it the right way unlike the decision at NWA all those years ago.

They sent the last offer to their AMT’s to let “THEM” decide and not the hierarchy.

It’ll be interesting to see what Management does next? Will they lock them out and will the AMT’s strike?

Definitely 👍 wish them the best. The AMT’s.
Weasles said something positive about AMFA? Somewhere in Hell, it must be snowing on Bears...

I must have missed something --- was this a real TA, or just the "last and best offer" from the company?

A 97% "No" vote on a negotiated TA would normally be seen as a vote of no-confidence on the negotiating committee as much as the agreement itself.
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Weasles said something positive about AMFA? Somewhere in Hell, it must be snowing on Bears...

I must have missed something --- was this a real TA, or just the "last and best offer" from the company?

A 97% "No" vote on a negotiated TA would normally be seen as a vote of no-confidence on the negotiating committee as much as the agreement itself.

I’ve said a few things here and there positive about the Lawfirm (AMFA) But I have to be honest and say they may be in over their heads again? I don’t know about Canada’s labor laws though.

This was the last offer the company gave them before they were about to lock them out. So the Airline must have contingency plans. Before they get locked out or go on strike they did what I said was the right thing letting their members decide.

I didn’t read AMFA endorse or say to reject the deal so not sure that should be a vote of no confidence against them. I wouldn’t hold the decision against them.
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Still.... 97%. That's unity.

If it’s actually a reputable vote? I keep seeing a lot of these high nineties vote totals lately in my industry. Quite honestly people don’t have the ability to be that unified in reality.

Proof would ultimately be in the pudding if they actually walk in 2 days. Will that be unified? Will there be scabs? Will the Canadian Government tell them to get their asses back to work?
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Not a closed shop. Many not paying dues. Also, forced in to binding arbitration as of today. Perfect cover for AMFA to say "don't blame us." Such great negotiators....NOT!

Exactly. So who winds up paying the tab again for the work (cough cough) done by the SSM&P Lawfirm? The schmucks in the US that work for SWA. The whole thing is a scam.