" Way down South in the land of Cotton,....Old times there are NOT Forgotten......."

Ms Tree said:
I must admit I never had you pegged as an apologist for white supremacists.
I'd just as soon see avowed supremacists carted off to Gitmo like other terrorists were.

Unfortunately, thought-crime and being a racist bigot aren't outlawed. Yet.
eolesen said:
I'd just as soon see avowed supremacists carted off to Gitmo like other terrorists were.Unfortunately, thought-crime and being a racist bigot aren't outlawed. Yet.
No one is discussing thoughts and I think you know that. Pretty sad dodge though.
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  • #109
southwind said:
Yeah, that'll help the country thats become even more divided since the newest resident, in the W.H. has taken office!
Nothing has / is / or ever  will divide the country MORE than when you  back-water....Red-neck......MF's...succeeded from the United States of America, back around 1860, to create your own Phoney Money, and a Flag that stood for;
1. States Rights
AND  (drum roll please)
2.  S L A V E R Y   !
And DON'T EVER  Forget it  !!
southwind said:
Yeah, that'll help the country thats become even more divided since the newest resident, in the W.H. has taken office!
Is that your excuse for posting the same trash Roof did?
southwind said:
Yeah, that'll help the country thats become even more divided since the newest resident, in the W.H. has taken office!
The only thing that happened is that the racists started coming out of the woodwork WHEN OUR PRESIDENT TOOK OFFICE!
The Confederate flag (or the Flag of the Army Of Northern Virginia) which SC didn't fight under, (I was always told that the fought under the "Bonny Blue Flag") wouldn't have been a problem. BUT the yahoos; idiots; and Klansmen were waving it around during their reign of terror during Reconstruction and afterwards. Where were the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy who should have protected the heritage by NOT using and sanctioning that flag of treason the way that it did. But they didn't.......
That flag need to stay in a museum. Only one flag should fly........the Stars and Stripes!!!!
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  • #114
eolesen said:
Right, Bears. Attitudes like yours are unifying. Really.
I'm NOT trying to unify....' JACK SHIIT ' Eric.  I post FACTS, and when I'm wrong, I say i'm wrong !
I notice that I have NO conflicts with the other truth-tellers here on the 'cooler.
Face it Eric, a lot of people don't care for the truth on this board, whether the subject be Racism, Capitalism or Religion,   B U T doesn't disqualify my posts from being...F A C T U A L .
It IS what it IS...Mr. Management  !!
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  • #115
T5towbar said:
The only thing that happened is that the racists started coming out of the woodwork WHEN OUR PRESIDENT TOOK OFFICE!
The Confederate flag (or the Flag of the Army Of Northern Virginia) which SC didn't fight under, (I was always told that the fought under the "Bonny Blue Flag") wouldn't have been a problem. BUT the yahoos; idiots; and Klansmen were waving it around during their reign of terror during Reconstruction and afterwards. Where were the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy who should have protected the heritage by NOT using and sanctioning that flag of treason the way that it did. But they didn't.......
That flag need to stay in a museum. Only one flag should fly........the Stars and Stripes!!!!
Excellent post....' T5 '   !
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
I'm NOT trying to unify....' JACK SHIIT ' Eric.  I post FACTS, and when I'm wrong, I say i'm wrong !
I notice that I have NO conflicts with the other truth-tellers here on the 'cooler.
Face it Eric, a lot of people don't care for the truth on this board, whether the subject be Racism, Capitalism or Religion,   B U T doesn't disqualify my posts from being...F A C T U A L .
It IS what it IS...Mr. Management  !!
Your opinions are hardly facts.

Most of the time it's strewn with vulgarity, normally has outright bigotry, almost always is derogatory or inflammatory, and occasionally falls just few degrees short of the type of hate speech you saw coming from the shooter in Charleston.

That opinion, too, by the way. Feel free to dispute that I think you're a bigot, derogatory, or hateful. It probably won't change my views much, though.
eolesen said:
Your opinions are hardly facts.Most of the time it's strewn with vulgarity, normally has outright bigotry, almost always is derogatory or inflammatory, and occasionally falls just few degrees short of the type of hate speech you saw coming from the shooter in Charleston.That opinion, too, by the way. Feel free to dispute that I think you're a bigot, derogatory, or hateful. It probably won't change my views much, though.
Unlike your "facts" that are phrased a bit nicer (sometimes) but are still wrong. The flag is flow Ina state building and is controlled by the state legeslature which still has not lowered the flag to half staff. I'm sure that is not insulting to the blacks in SC.
Ms Tree said:
Unlike your "facts" that are phrased a bit nicer (sometimes) but are still wrong. The flag is flow Ina state building and is controlled by the state legeslature which still has not lowered the flag to half staff. I'm sure that is not insulting to the blacks in SC.
Go ahead, just even TRY to tell me this Battle Flag isn't fully worthy of our respect and commemoration as fellow Americans, and should just be conveniently and whimsically discarded from "politically correct"...umm..."memory" on a moment's whimsy, as if any spineless "liberals" ever had even the very slightest knowledge of actual, non-BS excuses for history to begin with:
Should the Flag flown over the Alamo also be erased from memory, since Texas later fought against the northern invasion? I mean after all; if we're to become purely "politically correct" here; that necessarily requires a wholesale evisceration of any semblance of actual and REAL history....Right?
Draw your own Family lines back to San Jacinto and afterwards to Gettysburg and then get back to me on how everyone "should" feel....momentary "feelings" of course always
being the most important thing....Right?
Sigh!...Stalin himself would be proud of our currently spineless society's eager willingness to magically disregard all our honorable history, just so's to advance a momentary political goal/whim/"feel good" instant of the present instead....Sometimes?....Words just fail me.
Ms Tree? If you could flip back in time for even a moment to proudly confront my ancestors and tell them all just how "pokitcally incorrect" their Flags were....well...No matter. Thanks for the laughs for even envisioning that alone. ;)
Tell me these people weren't all truly courageous Americans fully worthy of our current and forever continued respect? Should their Battle Flags ever be any less so?...Just for a moment's infantile idiocy of "political correctness" and the sad fact that they're long-dead, and no longer able to personally defend themselves against the wholly childish stupidity of merely contemporarily narcissistic village idiots and court jestors?
Sigh...no matter nowadays, I suppose: I've got it! Hey kids! How 'bout tomorrow, or next week at the most, we tear down Old Glory herself from every pole everywhere!....I mean, after all; we surely wouldn't want to ever at all even possibly risk "offending" anyone...Right?
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  • #120
" In Honor for those who Fought "  ??
Fought for  WHAT ?
What's that you say EastUS1.............Fought for States Rights ? ........... My, how very Noble.
And what did States Rights entail,....in regard to the issue at hand........ EastUS1 ?
What's that you say EastUS1, .......you'll have to say that a bit louder,......... your response was barely audible ?
Oh,....your saying...S L A V E R Y ?....................Meaning the act of placing Human Beings in CHAINS, whipped while in Bondage ?
MY MY.  What a NOBLE Cause  !!!!!!!!!!!
They have a Theater group up here every Summer, over at Harvard University.
Maybe you might try out your......D R A M A...over there ?

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