Voluntary Bridge to Retirement- To be awarded in advance of other types of leaves of absence. The Company reserves the right to limit the number of Flight Attendants who may accept the program, and to discontinue the program at any time. Full provisions of this program are available on Jetnet, but include;
Eligibility: A Flight Attendant, not currently on furlough, who is at least 50 years of age, with at least 15 years of Company Seniority as of August 31, 2008
Permanent separation without recall rights
Severance: $15,000
COBRA Medical Coverage: The Flight Attendant initially will be offered six months of subsidized COBRA medical coverage at 20% of the normal COBRA rates (subject to the Flight Attendant complying with applicable requirements and conditions). A Flight Attendant who complies with applicable requirements will remain eligible to purchase COBRA medical coverage for another 12 months at full COBRA rates. Subject to the provisions of the applicable retiree medical plan (which controls as to retiree medical matters), the Flight Attendant will become eligible for retiree medical at age 55 if they continue to prefund until that time, provided that s/he began prefunding when first eligible, and has continued to make prefunding payments since that time.
Travel: AA/AE travel only, D2 eligible travelers only and subject to imputed income after 90 days. At age 55, retiree travel will be identical to travel for other retirees.
Broad Based Stock Options: Stock options may be exercised up to 90 days after separation. Stock Options will be forfeited after 90 days
Separation Date: At Onboard Service discretion subject to operational needs
A Flight Attendant cannot take both this Voluntary Program and Article 30.