We voted twice because a no vote would have sent AA to BK and we would be working under very different agreement. I think he protected the membership by pushing for the RPA... he knew what things would look like if AA had a BK judge on their side.The TWA voters will matter since I am guessing that more than 1000 will be back on the line by the time the vote comes up. Don't forget it was only a few votes that threw his ass out of office. And I can assure you that every former TWA f/a will vote, but not for him. We will once again block vote
John not only screwed the TWA'ers but his own as well. The RPA was a farce and illegal. How do you vote twice?
Tommie is no prize, but I am sure there is a much better candidate out there. From what I hear Tommie is not running again.
Also John did not screw the TWA f/as .... It ALL came from AA and made the union look like the bad guy...