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Want afa-CWA representation? Just wait for the afa-CWA Raid

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Absolutely. Truce it is.....with you.

Thank you...

For the record, none of us said APFA didn't fold. We just said we'd rather have an independent union than be part of a big business union like AFA.

Fair enough...And for the record, I firmly believe that Patricia Friend knows that there's not a fat chance in hell that AFA could even attempt to try and organize the F/A's at AA. It's just not how the AFA bylaws are spelled out...
Hey, delusional one, I replied with facts and you choose to overlook them and author your own AA contract.

We may both work for major airlines but the similiarities end there. We do things differently, we have different style carts, different style service, different uniforms, different planes, different ways of bidding, different bases, and different contracts and manuals. You don't work here so you don't know what it's like.

Even if you know people in LGA, you still don't know what it's like. Your friends, or acquaintances, may be bidding/trip trade/mentally challenged and not know how to make the best of their schedule, or they just may not like their career.

Not only is every airline different, but every base at EVERY airline is different too. I fly INTL out of ORD. So far it's nothing like INTL out of DFW and both are completely different than INTL out of New York.

Unwad your panties and give it a rest already. We get the picture, you hate AA and can't believe that we like it.

Once again, can you answer the question??? How do you think your contract negotiations will go next round and your 3rd Q results?? The question isn't about whos airline is better.. Or who hates who.. I find it amusing how you constantly change the topic and won't answer the question. I have worked for two airlines and don't wish ill will toward anyone, but it is hard not to say harsh things toward people who talk trash about others constantly. The remarks you and yours make are hateful and rude and reinforce your dissatisfaction... not mine... I know it is not heaven at UAL but this isn't a contest about which is better, it is a message board about our unions.. So once again please give me a look into the future about you contract negotiations and how they will go..
At the same time, I do advocate bringing as many non represented carriers under the same union.
Seriously???? At the same time that they say, "Work the trip and write it up?" ...... have they gotten back to you yet? I have a problem with them taking dues money and using it to organize a group that does not want to be organized in the first place while at the same time TOTALLY ignoring the people that are paying the dues to keep them in business. Did you know that the "volunteers" are getting paid 92 hours a month to drop their trips to organize Delta although AFA still doesn't even return calls to REAL members?

I want to be a "volunteer".

I heard the dues are going UP next year. The fun never stops.

First of all, it's great to see in these forums again. It's been a long while. Secondly, I think you and I have had this debate in the past. The truth of the matter is, and let's face it: Our membership is very apathetic. I worked at a previous carrier that was AFA-affiliated and the membership was involved. I have to give the AA flight attendants credit, where it is due: They brought their company to its knees during the strike of '93. We've never had that kind of solidarity and/or participation by the membership at UAL in the 12 years that I've been there (I say "there" because I am currently on a 90-day leave). Ever. (Recall the Kevin "Lump Sum" Contract of '97?). Union elections come and go and we have a 15% voter turn out, at best. I know it sounds cliche, but a union is only as strong as its membership. And on some level I have to agree with you: Our MEC leadership is weak, because they have failed at knowing how to engage the membership. For the most part, the collective at UAL doesn't even understand how the the collective bargaining process works, and that can be attributed to our MEC leadership, past and present. Having said that, at the end of day, I DO support the vision as it is spelled out in the constitution and bylaws. Over time, I think it gives us strength in numbers to be represented under a single union umbrella. I believe in the concept of being able to parallel bargain collectively, across different carriers, under one union. Having been through bankruptcy, where we could've had our contract totally gutted, I have to say that I am grateful that we had some leverage with which to negotiate. At the end of the day, our MEC leadership was able to preserve our work rules and minimize the givebacks that the company was seeking under Chapter 11, Section 13 (?). It could've been a lot worse. I don't think we would've been better off under an independent union or worse, no union, where we would've had no negotiating leverage. Fly, I don't walk around wearing rose-colored glasses, but, at the same time I do believe in our union's vision. It's past my bedtime... :closedeyes: Peace.
Seriously???? At the same time that they say, "Work the trip and write it up?" ...... have they gotten back to you yet? I have a problem with them taking dues money and using it to organize a group that does not want to be organized in the first place while at the same time TOTALLY ignoring the people that are paying the dues to keep them in business. Did you know that the "volunteers" are getting paid 92 hours a month to drop their trips to organize Delta although AFA still doesn't even return calls to REAL members?

I want to be a "volunteer".

I heard the dues are going UP next year. The fun never stops.

First of all your dues money isn't being used to organize, it is a grass roots effort, that is where you are wrong... You have to educate yourself first before stating things. I know a few volunteers and they are not taken off their line and paid 92 hours, did you know that the volunteer means exactly that, VOLUNTEER.. Part time people are given 5 hours per day for their days of work. First off, a group from DAL came to AFA for representation not vice versa. There is a LARGE (confidential) number of DAL f/as that are mobilizers and helping to organize DAL. Orginazation of DAL is important to everyone for the simple fact that one of the very first order of business will be to negotiate a contract that includes work rules and work enhancements, etc.... Which in turn can help raise the bar for all other flight attendants in future negotiations. As far as the AFA not answering your call; it is not the local level that is organizing, it is the international level.. If your local rep isn't working for you then you have a voice and can vote them out, remember you are the union...... The money with the proposed dues increase (which hasn't happened in 16 years) will go to help you and your local, has your rent been increased in 16 years??? You seem like the type that likes to voice your opinion yet stand on the sideline... Perhaps you should get involved which will in turn educate you on the process..
I'm sorry, I couldn't even finish your first sentence. the 'volunteers' organizing Delta are most certainly being taken off the line and receiving 92 hours of pay per month. How do I know? Good friend is one of them. You need to EDUCATE yourself boyfriend. There is NOTHING grassroots about afa/CWA except the bodies they are burying underneath that grass.

A "group" from Delta came? How many? 5? 8? 22? hello???? They (AFA) bombed miserably 6 years ago and it cost the dues paying members plenty of $$$ and now they are at it again.

Has my rent gone up in 16 years? Hmmm, well let's see. My PAY sure has NOT....in fact, it went DOWN!!!!. Seems like a mighty bad time for the AFA to start asking for an increase, don't you think?

Boyfriend, I've been in since way before you were, and if I've learned anything, it's this: you aren't changing Jack! Jack is here and he likes how he looks. Do you understand that? Those f/a's who haven't worked for years who now represent us, they have no intentions of ever flying again, they like making the big bucks and there is no way they are coming back on the line. You can run around and pretend your making a difference, but you aren't, you are a hamster in a wheel. Why do you think they refuse to allow us to use Webcams or to have an internet board? Has that occured to you? Do you suppose it is because they don't want to actually hear what you have to say? Status quo, Joe.

Delta is doing GREAT without AFA, just the threat of them keeps Delta mgmt giving them exactly what they need. Way to go DL. Remember, who was more hurt in bk, UAL, US, NW (all AFA carriers) or Delta (non AFA carrier)...........think hard...........hint: NOT DELTA.

Hi Jamake!
I'm sorry, I couldn't even finish your first sentence. the 'volunteers' organizing Delta are most certainly being taken off the line and receiving 92 hours of pay per month. How do I know? Good friend is one of them. You need to EDUCATE yourself boyfriend. There is NOTHING grassroots about afa/CWA except the bodies they are burying underneath that grass.

A "group" from Delta came? How many? 5? 8? 22? hello???? They (AFA) bombed miserably 6 years ago and it cost the dues paying members plenty of $$$ and now they are at it again.

Has my rent gone up in 16 years? Hmmm, well let's see. My PAY sure has NOT....in fact, it went DOWN!!!!. Seems like a mighty bad time for the AFA to start asking for an increase, don't you think?

Boyfriend, I've been in since way before you were, and if I've learned anything, it's this: you aren't changing Jack! Jack is here and he likes how he looks. Do you understand that? Those f/a's who haven't worked for years who now represent us, they have no intentions of ever flying again, they like making the big bucks and there is no way they are coming back on the line. You can run around and pretend your making a difference, but you aren't, you are a hamster in a wheel. Why do you think they refuse to allow us to use Webcams or to have an internet board? Has that occured to you? Do you suppose it is because they don't want to actually hear what you have to say? Status quo, Joe.

Delta is doing GREAT without AFA, just the threat of them keeps Delta mgmt giving them exactly what they need. Way to go DL. Remember, who was more hurt in bk, UAL, US, NW (all AFA carriers) or Delta (non AFA carrier)...........think hard...........hint: NOT DELTA.
Hi Jamake!

Wow you are truly SAD!!!! Whats the matter did AFA not get your job back??? You have no idea.... unfortunately uneducated people like you, know exactly what DAL will get when a merge happens.. the staple gun, man the DAL management can sure help em there huh? How about their work rules and paid vaca days?? Oh also what about that seniority list, did you know that DAL doesn't publish a seniority list, if you want to look at it - well good luck, you have to view it in front of a supervisor. you are one of the reasons people laugh at our country, because of the ignorance and lack of ambition.. Could you imagine the situation we would be in if all of the employees acted like you.. SAD SAD SAD!!! I would suggest them join any union, it is better than not being represented at all. And its GIRLFRIEND, if you must know.
HOLY SHET......."Beauty"..........FLY just "#### SLAPPED your A$$ !!!!! "OUCH" :shock: :shock:

But to be honest with you("beauty"), I've always admired your "gusto" for sticking up for UAL, who I have always thought was(and to a certain degree still is) a Good airline.

(Like AA and NW, UAL is one of the "Last of the Mohicans" as it pertains to old time Legacys)

I am one of these "92 hour" volunteers. Therefore, I can assure you Fly is wrong! All the money for organizing Delta comes from the CWA Organizing Budget. I DO NOT get 92 hours a month from the AFA. If anyone has any question that they would like answered please send me a PM.

This whole drive was brought about by Delta FA's! The Numbers are looking mighty good!

A question about the original topic here. Is the APFA a member of the AFL-CIO?

I am one of these "92 hour" volunteers. Therefore, I can assure you Fly is wrong! All the money for organizing Delta comes from the CWA Organizing Budget. I DO NOT get 92 hours a month from the AFA. If anyone has any question that they would like answered please send me a PM.

This whole drive was brought about by Delta FA's! The Numbers are looking mighty good!

A question about the original topic here. Is the APFA a member of the AFL-CIO?
We heard the same line the last two times AFA decided Delta FA's needed to be represented by them.

APFA is not a member of the AFL-CIO.
HOLY SHET......."Beauty"..........FLY just "#### SLAPPED your A$$ !!!!! "OUCH" :shock: :shock:
But to be honest with you("beauty"), I've always admired your "gusto" for sticking up for UAL, who I have always thought was(and to a certain degree still is) a Good airline.

(Like AA and NW, UAL is one of the "Last of the Mohicans" as it pertains to old time Legacys)

NO Fly didn't slap anything but his own face - I suspect that you are not a member of the AFA or you would know this... Fly is a whiner and a complainer that wants something for nothing and is obviously uneducated about the topic, similar to StrAAight, IORFA, FAMikey etc... I don't stick up for anything that I don't believe in, and there isn't one person that can change my mind.. UAL is a decent airline NHBB but this isn't about UAL - all airlines are practically the same now, no matter how you mix it, they all have their bad points and their good. We are talking about representation here and it is obvious that Fly has been burned or something b/c they are bitter. It amazes me that you could lay the law down in front people on this board and that would say it isn't so.. The hate makes me ill, and I hope that whatever nasty post you folks post today about me, you think twice, because you are no better than the next, and if you have a solution then go sale it... Bitc++++ will get you nowhere and being proactive will get you everywhere... Little lesson I learned myself believe it or not!!!
NO Fly didn't slap anything but his own face - I suspect that you are not a member of the AFA or you would know this... Fly is a whiner and a complainer that wants something for nothing and is obviously uneducated about the topic, similar to StrAAight, IORFA, FAMikey etc...
If thats the case what does it say about the ridiculous posts and rants by you?
I don't stick up for anything that I don't believe in, and there isn't one person that can change my mind..
We know all to well. When presented with facts you ignore them and opt for the same old dribble.
UAL is a decent airline NHBB but this isn't about UAL - all airlines are practically the same now, no matter how you mix it, they all have their bad points and their good.
funny you never seem to find the energy to type something positive. You come over to post you hate, half truths and total lies.
The hate makes me ill,
You seem to relish in it. Its all you post negitive about everyone else and everything not directlyconnected with you.
Bitc++++ will get you nowhere and being proactive will get you everywhere... Little lesson I learned myself believe it or not!!!
Not! Your post show it is not a lessoned learned by you. No matter how highly you think of yourself.
Once again, can you answer the question??? How do you think your contract negotiations will go next round and your 3rd Q results??

I'm hoping my next negotiations go well. I have no idea how they will go because I need to see a few things first. We are currently voting for our elected negotiators (our appointed ones are pretty bad) and we will vote in a new president at the beginning of next year. I'll get back to you on that once we find out who the negotiators are and who the president is. The negotiator ballots are due October 4th.

My 3rd quarter results I expect will be much better than the second because I have had to sit on a jumpseat all summer long while non revving and I didn't even have a seat to sit on in any of our terminals while waiting for my flights either. All of the flights I have worked have been oversold too.

The question isn't about whose airline is better.. Or who hates whom.. I find it amusing how you constantly change the topic and won't answer the question. I have worked for two airlines and don't wish ill will towards anyone, but it is hard not to say harsh things toward people who talk trash about others constantly. The remarks you and yours make are hateful and rude and reinforce your dissatisfaction... not mine... I know it is not heaven at UAL but this isn't a contest about which is better, it is a message board about our unions.. So once again please give me a look into the future about your contract negotiations and how they will go..

You're the one that made it into a pissing contest. I don't change any topic. You are all over the map with all of your comments so it is kind of difficult to find anything more pertinent to respond to. Not to mention, I am not writing an essay for college, I am on a message board, and it is MY CHOICE what I feel like answering to in which post. I respond to parts of posts all the time without responding to other parts because they don't interest me.

YOU still haven't answered the queston about why you are always on the AA message board and not the UAL one?
This cant happen soon enough---->You cant STAPLE ANYMORE........thanks to.....<drum roll>....AFA-CWA:


Washington, DC –Flight attendants today made significant headway in improving workplace safety and health when the United States House of Representatives passed a reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) applauded the House’s efforts to ensure that flight attendant specific provisions were included in the final bill, H.R. 2881


Protection for seniority integration in case of an airline merger was also included. This provision will help to ensure that, in the event of an airline merger, all employees are treated fairly and one group is not stapled to the bottom of the merged seniority list.
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