I'm sorry, I couldn't even finish your first sentence. the 'volunteers' organizing Delta are most certainly being taken off the line and receiving 92 hours of pay per month. How do I know? Good friend is one of them. You need to EDUCATE yourself boyfriend. There is NOTHING grassroots about afa/CWA except the bodies they are burying underneath that grass.
A "group" from Delta came? How many? 5? 8? 22? hello???? They (AFA) bombed miserably 6 years ago and it cost the dues paying members plenty of $$$ and now they are at it again.
Has my rent gone up in 16 years? Hmmm, well let's see. My PAY sure has NOT....in fact, it went DOWN!!!!. Seems like a mighty bad time for the AFA to start asking for an increase, don't you think?
Boyfriend, I've been in since way before you were, and if I've learned anything, it's this: you aren't changing Jack! Jack is here and he likes how he looks. Do you understand that? Those f/a's who haven't worked for years who now represent us, they have no intentions of ever flying again, they like making the big bucks and there is no way they are coming back on the line. You can run around and pretend your making a difference, but you aren't, you are a hamster in a wheel. Why do you think they refuse to allow us to use Webcams or to have an internet board? Has that occured to you? Do you suppose it is because they don't want to actually hear what you have to say? Status quo, Joe.
Delta is doing GREAT without AFA, just the threat of them keeps Delta mgmt giving them exactly what they need. Way to go DL. Remember, who was more hurt in bk, UAL, US, NW (all AFA carriers) or Delta (non AFA carrier)...........think hard...........hint: NOT DELTA.
Hi Jamake!