Wow! That seems a bit harsh, especially if those folks gave up their living arrangements because of being furloughed in the first place. If memory serves me right, most if not all of them were displaced anyway. 🙁Twicebaked said:It is my understanding that the invols that get called back need to be in base and ready for a trip by 1500 on the 31st.F/AinDay said:Something else I've been wondering about:
We have PIT reserves who are on TDY in DCA & LGA that'is supposed to end on Sat. This will leave those two bases extrememely short for reserve coverage. I suppose they could just cover the trips out of base, but if memory serves me correctly, LGA was only left with 5 or 6 reserves after the company pullled their stunt with the involuntary furoughs. 😉
Anyone confirm or deny? Pitbull?
Wouldn't they (the involuntary folks) be eligible to apply for the voluntary as well? This has gotten so's ridiculous.