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Twicebaked said:
F/AinDay said:
Something else I've been wondering about:

We have PIT reserves who are on TDY in DCA & LGA that'is supposed to end on Sat. This will leave those two bases extrememely short for reserve coverage. I suppose they could just cover the trips out of base, but if memory serves me correctly, LGA was only left with 5 or 6 reserves after the company pullled their stunt with the involuntary furoughs. 😉
It is my understanding that the invols that get called back need to be in base and ready for a trip by 1500 on the 31st.

Anyone confirm or deny? Pitbull?
Wow! That seems a bit harsh, especially if those folks gave up their living arrangements because of being furloughed in the first place. If memory serves me right, most if not all of them were displaced anyway. 🙁

Wouldn't they (the involuntary folks) be eligible to apply for the voluntary as well? This has gotten so confusing...it's ridiculous.
With only 200 VF's being offered and over 300 having applied....they would not be able to hold a VF.

They are getting screwed yet again royally.

SECTION 19.2.G READ up invols.

Press your union for compliance from the company. You will be screwed again come June.....
F/AinDay said:
Twicebaked said:
F/AinDay said:
Something else I've been wondering about:

We have PIT reserves who are on TDY in DCA & LGA that'is supposed to end on Sat. This will leave those two bases extrememely short for reserve coverage. I suppose they could just cover the trips out of base, but if memory serves me correctly, LGA was only left with 5 or 6 reserves after the company pullled their stunt with the involuntary furoughs. 😉
It is my understanding that the invols that get called back need to be in base and ready for a trip by 1500 on the 31st.

Anyone confirm or deny? Pitbull?
Wow! That seems a bit harsh, especially if those folks gave up their living arrangements because of being furloughed in the first place. If memory serves me right, most if not all of them were displaced anyway. 🙁

Wouldn't they (the involuntary folks) be eligible to apply for the voluntary as well? This has gotten so confusing...it's ridiculous.

Timelines have changed. Management was expecting those f/as who accepted "recall" to be in base on Feb. 10. However, that has probably changed as AFA did not accept the company's process by which to honor the arbt. decision.


Not sure what you are alluding to, but AFA has already notified the company, short of blowing the place up. So, with regard to severance pay and Unemployment comp. the co. has the right to contest unemployment for those who reject "recall". We are telling, not asking, the co. to NOT contest unemployment for those f/as who bypass "recall" to mainline. Why? Because they have screwed with their lives and have created this havoc of yanking back and forth. We believe they should do the honorable thing and allow those who bypass, to still collect their unemployment. Can managment refuse? Absolutely. Will mangement fill the wrath from AFA in the future for whatever it is they may or may not propose, YOU BETCHYA! Manaagement either does the right thing here and honor the language of 19.2 AFTER they award the VF, then let the other 352 (of the 552) defualt back to their original status before the INVOL furlough occured, and not contest unemployement for bypass of the remainding 200 invol actives, then life will be ok. If they f%&* with us on this.....they will live to remember it it in the future.
Any news on the awarding of VF8 and recalls? It's already January 28th. Has any progress been made in solving this issue?
Nope...management is just off in outer space as usual. AFA faxed over a counter proposal last Friday but, the company has not officially responded. Good lord...come June more VF's will return and we will be on VF9 before VF8 is resolved. 🙄
Company's proposal was yet again, unacceptable. AFA had a conference call this past Saturday and the MEC came to an agreement and submitted this agreement on Sunday.

AFA waits word today, no answer yet of acceptance in total. One thing I can tell you, the VF8 will be awarded FIRST. The problem left is the 352 f/as that were pulled off their leaves and place on INVOL status.

AFA is trying to rectify this. Not at liberty to give all the details, but by tomorrow, we should have resolution.
Thank you Pitbull for keeping us informed. It means a great deal. Thank you.... 🙂
Just read the e-line about the VF1-VF6 extensions due soon. How many F/A's are scheduled to return June 2004? And how does this affect the current situation with the VF8 and the F/A's who are being recalled with this latest layoff?
If the company accepts AFA's latest proposal, those on V8 should not be affected. Those who get recalled may be affected again come June. The extensions for the past VFs have to be in by March 3. I believe there is over 847 slated to return.
Ouch....with the extensions on VF1-VF6 being offered as low as 6 months, hopefully all will extend a little longer. Hard to believe that this all started almost 3 years ago!
I heard that the issues involved in the recall/ VF8 have finally been settled. Does anyone have any information?
This is what I gathered.... MEC e-line will be more specific and is forth coming.

VF8 Furloughs will be awarded tomorrow. Commences Feb. 16. 2004. There were over 300 applicants, so all 200 will be awarded by seniority order.

There will be a letter that will go out to the 552 flight attendants who have been incorrectly involuntarily furloughed certified and regular mail. You must respond within 7 days acknowledging their receit of said letter and their responsibility to return to active status by Feb. 16, 2004. These folks will take the status they had on January 14, 2004 as if the furlough never occurred. All 200 active f/as that were incorrectly furloughed will have to be in their respective bases as of February 16. You will be able to bid for your March schedule, and line holders will be a free spirit. You will have half your guarantee to start the month in LTO on Feb. 16. If you have any reimbursable reasonable expenses for losses incurred for this move from bases, details will be in the letter on how to get reimbursed and what types of expenses are reimbursable.

More specifics will be forthcoming in your letter and in the MEC E-line.

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