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This is exactly what none of us understand. If 1000 people want a VF, let them go and bring back 1000 willing individuals who are thrilled to be back and make SIGNIFICANTLY lower wages. That helps the company! And not that its good for us, but dont they realize that junior employees are generally more cooperative and less concerned with work rules etc... This company doesnt think straight when it comes to anything. They moan about high wages but wont let senior folks who make more money, work less time, and dont want to be there go, and wont call back junior folks who make bottom of scale, work alot, and really want to be there.

If junior folks were apt not to care about work rules, you would have filled the first round classes at MAA. And that is just not happening.

Most of AFA calls on a daily basis has nothing to do with wages and benefits, as it has to do with "quality of life" issues and work rules specifically. Mostly from our junior work force.
That true PIT. I shoud've used the word "notice" maybe... what I was trying to say was that some changes (at least those thus far, especially pay) impact senior people more. I wasnt trying to imply that junior people are dumb or anything...

Welcome back by the way, you were gone for a bit there...

Just as an aside, this management doesn't even want to honor our contracts unless we enforce compliance with the VF program. They say it is an adminstrative headache. They will not keep the revolving door opened with the 2,000 INOVLs to bring them into training everytime a furlough is offered. Look what we had to go through just for this VF on a much smaller scale.

I agree with you to a point, but if I were one that had been furloughed a ways back, I probably would have moved on or did something in the interim until I got recalled. Let's say they allow whomever wants a VF to take one and they recall, say 800 of you. You give up jobs(maybe) and move to another place (maybe), then 6 months later these VF's want to come back.........you are on the street AGAIN. Do you really want to live like that for years not knowing from day to day?
I lived it!!!!!! Trust me, you are better where you are right now. When my class just got furloughed Jan.15th they were so unbelievably relieved. They don't want to come back right now. Many will exercise the recall passing rights. It is over for them. It is sort of like dying from an illness, you don't want to die, but you want it to end...the suffering has to stop.

Bottom line, I don't think the "give anyone who wants it" theory is a good thing. Unless it is a min. of 3 years for the VF and we know the union would not like that. The roller coaster ride had to stop for us.
As one door closes, another one will ALWAYS open. You know what I am refering to.

Hang in there. The right thing will happen.
It would be messy if they kept offering short voluntary furloughs. If they offer long ones (two, three, five years) many would be happy to keep the job for another year or two.
Any word on the f/a training schedule for MAA. I take it the FEB 2nd class is being delayed until???? Twicebaked? 330? Thanks for any info. I swear I'm on the verge of becoming medicated..... :blink:
MAA F/A training is delayed because of the blatant disregard for the contract. Management thinks they are so smug and slick.....but they just got punched in the face by the arbitrator. They now are whining like some little sissy because of their own mistake!
MAA training is delayed until management decides to crap or get off the pot! The sooner they do the right thing...the sooner we can get back on track. But you know how they are...
They are mad they got caught with their pants down and instead of working toward a solution, they are thinking of ways to be spiteful.
What about the VFs scheduled to come back in June 2004? Any word on offering a VF9? How many are scheduled to come back?
Hula Girl:

Gosh...you really are going to send CCY into a twitter already talking about VF9 when they can't even sort out the DISASTER they created with VF8. :lol:
Something else I've been wondering about:

We have PIT reserves who are on TDY in DCA & LGA that'is supposed to end on Sat. This will leave those two bases extrememely short for reserve coverage. I suppose they could just cover the trips out of base, but if memory serves me correctly, LGA was only left with 5 or 6 reserves after the company pullled their stunt with the involuntary furoughs. 😉

You hit it right on the head. This little stunt really effected a lot of things! The more time they waist....the worse it gets.
Well, it's the 25th of the month and I haven't even flown 50 hours. I am ready to delcare BK myself. So they can ask ALL they want....I have nothing left to give. I think I need to go play Mahong....this is really getting depressing. Sitting around practically all month on EDGE never knowing IF I will be called. And I know I shouldn't rant because ALOT of my friends are furloughed and would love to be onboard I know. Ya know what I think? Our management sits around behind their desks everyday playing with them selves seeing who can get off first. Problem is none of them have a D...K! :down:
F/AinDay said:
Something else I've been wondering about:

We have PIT reserves who are on TDY in DCA & LGA that'is supposed to end on Sat. This will leave those two bases extrememely short for reserve coverage. I suppose they could just cover the trips out of base, but if memory serves me correctly, LGA was only left with 5 or 6 reserves after the company pullled their stunt with the involuntary furoughs. 😉
It is my understanding that the invols that get called back need to be in base and ready for a trip by 1500 on the 31st.

Anyone confirm or deny? Pitbull?

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