
As of Tuesday, I heard there were only about 100. Many of which were the 200 that were involuntarliy furloughed Jan 15th. I am sure the number went up.
As of yesterday 175 but only 122 are eligible so far. Everyone waits until the last minute as usual.
For those 200 F/A's furloughed on 1-15...REVIEW SECTION 19-2. Be aware of your options.
Deadline was at noon today for VF8. Company will post results on HUB by 6 PM. Anyone have any "inside" info on the numbers?
The VF8 results will not be posted as scheduled. It will be at least 7-10 days before they can be posted. Long story and still be worked out but the 200 furloughs will have "first right of refusal" before anything is awarded. We are still waiting on a final VF8 totals.
Don't know if rumor or fact...but someone told me in Phl on Friday that they had over 500 put in. Then on one of the posts I believe i read from Pitbull that there were over 300.
It was a little over 300 but not all were eligible. Depending on how many of the 200 1/15 furloughs indicate intention to return, the VF8 will be awarded minus the number that will stay out on furlough. So if 20 stay out on furlough...then only 180 will be awarded in seniority order the VF8.
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Over 300 is correct. Hopefully we will know who was awarded in the next few days.
So do you think there will be further displacements coming soon? Or do you think they will open up transfers?
USAirBoyA330 said:
The VF8 results will not be posted as scheduled. It will be at least 7-10 days before they can be posted. Long story and still be worked out but the 200 furloughs will have "first right of refusal" before anything is awarded. We are still waiting on a final VF8 totals.

The process by which management wants to go to the INVOLS and "recall" them first, IS HALF ### BACKWARDS. The arbitrat. rendered a decision, and this mangement took that decision and flipped it on its "head".

THE FIRST THING MANAGEMENT MUST DO IN THIS PROCESS IS AWARD THE VF FIRST, because that is the "driving mehanism" that reveals how many "recalls" of involuntary furloughees must take place. With a VF, it becomes a 1-to-1 ratio....1 active invol to 1 active VF participant.

Not the other way around.

Once again management asked for no "input" from AFA.

The next thing mangement must do after they award the VFs is separate out the 352 (of the 552) f/as and let them "default" to what status they were on. They should be completely out of this equation. Because, if this management would have honored our contract language, these folks would not have been included in order to "capture" 200 active junior folks.

After that, than the "recalling" of the 200 actives and asking them if they want to return (according to 19.2) or "bypass" this recall, can take place.

If ALL 200 "BYPASS" recall, then mangement moves on down the list of 2,200 INVOLUNTARY FURLOUGHEES that are out there and notify them for "recall" until they get 200 back on the property.

THIS IS THE CORRECT WAY. Anything short of this process above is a violation of our contract again, in additon, a violation of past practice in handling these VFs.

This process will allow those f/as who "bypass" recall to go to MAA if they had chosen, and life goes on.....
The letter has not even been finalized for the 200 1/15 furloughs to indicate their intent to pass or return. They can't award anything until that is agreed upon, printed, mailed out, reaches the furloughs, 7 days to respond and tallied. It will be at least 10 more days I would say. The company made a mess :blink:

Well....that makes sense. It seems things change on a daily basis and everyone explains things differently but what your saying makes TOTAL sense. I don't think they know what they are doing from one minute to another.

This management never, ever, ever, asks for AFA input. So, now they have their panties bunched up.

This is the only fair, rational manner , and according to our contract, to handle this. If mangement looks real hard, it actually benefits them as well. They could meet their timelines...but time is ticking, ticking......

And if we have to take this thing to Exped. arbitration again, it will be total chaos with the timelines for mangement. They should always include the AFA MEC when they make these kinds of decisions. They never do. And they should not contest unemployment for these 200 active junior fuloughees who "bypass" as they have yanked them back and forth with no money unless they come back. Mangement will not save anything by denying 200 furloughees unemployment. If there is any "win fall" to be had, it should fall on the side of the f/a.

Again, if unemployment is contested will be viewed as a "slap" to AFA and the f/as group as a whole. And that will not fair well in the future. No siree, not at all.

And we do not forgive and forget!
To this day, I'm still unclear how the company can "cap" the amount of VF's they award----- with over 2,200 fa/s still out on " involuntary furlough." Why do they care? There are thousands waiting for recall! Our contract can't stop this unfair practice??? There should NOT be a CAP of VF AWARDS with OVER 2000 flight attendants OUT OF WORK!!! :eek:

OK...I feel better.......a little... <_< Rant over.... :down:

I'm now going to vote NO on "deal to save the company X 3"-if given the chance!!!

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