Usairways Takes First Place

OldGuyinPA said:
The home page is a joke. Go over to SWA and really see how simple and easy a site can be. When will they wake up.....
For me, simple isn't necessarily better. I LIKE how I can do most of what I need to directly from the US homepage. And I can search directly by price too when my plans are flexible. Can't do that from the SWA site (that I've noticed). I wouldn't blame US for also offering a search like SWA uses though. I think the nature of it it can steer people towards slightly higher fares than they might have started out looking for. The US search by date can sometimes lead to shockingly higher fares than one started out looking for.
lavMON said:
hey dood be talkin to me , mon??
hey i hearin' me homey turf be for dee 'transformation flyin' plan from dee FLL.
we be preparin' for dee arrival uv dee richmon from dee states...geev us dee megabux help wash away dee hurricane......we love you guys......
hey mon....make it dee jamaican........

I spit my coffee on the keyboard. You jerk! That was too funny! :up:
The current site has its ups and downs. I think the worst part of it is the barrage of unexpected, undetailed error messages for no reason.

If they ever decide to release the new site, its got some big shoes to fill with all of the touting its received and the amount of "testing" its gone though.

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you employees defy all logic and saneness. #### whine #### whine. the consulting group looked at 18 airlines. please , all of you whiners GET A LIFE.

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