OK... well, I have seen no press release on this issue, but then again, US Airways normally operates more slowly than the federal government, so I would not be surprised....
I would really like to believe this rumor, because Fleet simplification should be a huge priority at US Airways right now, but the timeframe is completely unrealistic from so many angles.
1) US Airways has a schedule to run. It cannot immediately lose 50-85 aircraft. Sorry, can't happen. The cost of canceling these flights would put US Airways out of business in short order. Siegel, Bronner, etc would be sued for breach of fiduciary duties.
2) 279 aircraft limit. If US Airways violates, I am sure they will need an armada of lawyers.
3) Why would Fed Ex immediately take 50 aircraft which they presumably have no crews qualified to fly?
4) Why would Fed Ex take immediate possestion of 50 aircraft, only to have them all sit idle while waiting to get restrofitted (remove pax cabin, install cargo doors, etc).
5) While US Airways did get some ATSB loan relief for selling assets, You cannot sell your 1995 Cadillac El Dorado and go out and purchase a 2004 BMW with the proceeds. Simply put, the cash inflow from the sale won't help get the replacement airplanes ordered from Airbus. Who would finance this when they just defaulted on their loan? Airbus cannot be THAT desparate for aircraft sales. Furthermore, US Airways' pre-payment on the ATSB loan makes the immediate cash situation even more dangerous (Less cash on hand).
Again, I would like to believe this one, because the fleet needs to be addressed. And, it does not involve a certain pilot's dream... But alas, I'm not going to lose any sleep over this one... In order for anything like this to occur, there would have to be several items in place (none of which appear to be) and a transition period (i.e. US Airways deliveres 2/month to FedEx). Sorry, I have to see this one to believe it.