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Usairways Pilots Pass Ta


Aug 30, 2002
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I saw the pilots agreed to the TA, I believe they are the lowest paid of the legacy carriers and most of the LCC. 124 for 737 compared to swa 182. A-330 capt. at 159hr. watch out now
Guess the LCCs really helped this industry....at least for us passengers at least <_<
LCC's were great for the paying pax, but it ruined it for the workers pay. It dramatically lowered the bar on compensation. It will NEVER be a good paying job again....NEVER!! It's nice to have a job...but don't do it for FREE!! Think about it...went to LGA the other day and the limo fare cost more to go downtown then the airfare was to get there. What's wrong with that picture. Thank you LCC's!!! We now work for peanuts!

Your post is patently unfair.

First, the LUV pilots and I dare say employees are not "low" paid. They are however extremely productive.

The U pilots ( and I used to be one) and the U employees are being asked to subsidize a horribly unproductive business model (hubs are higher yield) and a horribly untalented management . In other words, the employees are being asked to pay for the transformation of their airline.

Low pay doesnt have to be part of the equation.

Flufdriver said:
LCC's were great for the paying pax, but it ruined it for the workers pay. It dramatically lowered the bar on compensation. It will NEVER be a good paying job again....NEVER!! It's nice to have a job...but don't do it for FREE!! Think about it...went to LGA the other day and the limo fare cost more to go downtown then the airfare was to get there. What's wrong with that picture. Thank you LCC's!!! We now work for peanuts!
Funny you mention that...I was in PHL the other day and saw two billboards side by side on Interstate 95. RED ROOF INN $79.00 per night for a room at the airport. Ticket on USA- 3000 PHL-TPA $59.00!
Check this out. I did a little homework.

$2000 for Super Bowl ticket...checked internet..that was the cheapest.
$475 for US ticket...last minute
$370 for SW but 6 day staying...other flts sold out
$87 per night times three for $261..have to stay in Orlando..everything in Jax area sold out
$135 for car rental from MCO and back for three days
$400 at LEAST for food and booze.

So roughly $2800 for entertainment (or $3200)
$370 for cheapest ticket staying 6 days so add on another $400 for the extra hotel and car rental days.

$2800 vs. $475
$3200 vs. $370

Now mind you, these events are last minute, but still.

My friends, argue with me ALL you want. THIS is why the industry is going under. Think about it.