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USAirways IT Department.........read this !

Well I about fell out of my chair just now. :shock: Not 1 but 3 emails from USAirways confirming my change to the email address.

WOW !! Someone actually listened at the Sandcastle and changed my email address.

so, if at first you dont succeed, try, try, try, try, try again! lol Glad they finally got it straightened out.
Well I about fell out of my chair just now. :shock: Not 1 but 3 emails from USAirways confirming my change to the email address.

WOW !! Someone actually listened at the Sandcastle and changed my email address.
Good day for you, first, you get your e-mail fixed then you get to nail that 17 year old.
Well I about fell out of my chair just now. :shock: Not 1 but 3 emails from USAirways confirming my change to the email address.

WOW !! Someone actually listened at the Sandcastle and changed my email address.
Tempe must be reading this board! What do we have to expect now, a snowstorm on Mother's Day? :shock:
Most sensible people have an email address that doesn't need changing just because they have move ..... 😀

Now thats funny. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not really funny. Clueless, maybe?

Many business people use their company email address for various travel related websites. That makes sense, doesn't it?

When you move far away, one might assume that would also entail a job change (except for airline crews.) I doubt there are many companies that let ex-employees keep their email accounts on their servers, nor let those ex-employees have continued access.

So, in some cases changing email information makes perfect sense.
I read this thread and am stunned that some posters are BLAMING THE CUSTOMER!

The point the OP was trying to make was obvious.
Fix the web site. Yesterday. :blink:
I had the same problem, John Reistrup actually had to fix it himself (So he led me to believe) apparently there are several different locations where it needs to be corrected and apparently you can't do it yourself. Just another enhancement...
2clippedwings Posted Today, 06:12 PM
I read this thread and am stunned that some posters are BLAMING THE CUSTOMER!

The point the OP was trying to make was obvious.
Fix the web site. Yesterday.

Why is he being attacked for his email preferences? His point (and a good one at that) is that the IT department at US Airways is horrible.

I wasn't attacking him, I read the original post differently. I was suggesting the other options, Yahoo, Hotmail...etc.... Sometimes the obvious things one knows can be the stuff one forgets. But in their case I read the post and I understand it now. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.
I read this thread and am stunned that some posters are BLAMING THE CUSTOMER!

The point the OP was trying to make was obvious.
Fix the web site. Yesterday. :blink:

Oh my - you must not read this board much - it is ALWAYS the customers fault - never the employees fault! Always management or those nasty pain the arse customers - go figure. Most emloyees on this board have no idea how to take responsibility for anything.
Oh my - you must not read this board much - it is ALWAYS the customers fault - never the employees fault! Always management or those nasty pain the arse customers - go figure. Most emloyees on this board have no idea how to take responsibility for anything.

Please! I'm placing the blame on Tempe who have set the tone of "blame the customer" which then flows down through the employee attitude.
In all fairness I disagree.

The Sandcastle blames ANYONE & EVERYONE but themselves for their failures and front line employees are no less likely to be blamed than customers.

I'm frankly surprised that DP didn't blame the Bartender.
The bartender probably was an Illegal. Didn't want to get into more trouble, cause he probably hired him. :lol:
Another Question for the IT Dept.

Why does it take three pages to print out a recipt?

The first one has all of the infor, the next two are onlt headers and footers.
Bob you are correct it my paper.

I also find it easier to use the kiosk, or even the ticket counter. And that paper stock cost alot more, so I will stop checkin in at home until they can find a way to better format the OLBP.
Today I'm unable to book online because the self-populated DM number I have always used is in an "invalid format". That's a new one. I tried several times with different browsers, finally had to call CP line, and the agent had to enter almost all of my info manually, since she couldn't access the profile. The agent said there were all kinds of new, strange problems like that today.