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US uniform discussion

SHARES worked?

SHARES is a disaster and agents are still having problems with it, they can chime in and tell you.

Guess you werent at the East stations where ALL the kiosks failed.

And CO doesnt use the same version of SHARES, they actually dont mind spending money and using a better version of SHARES.

Put the koolade down.

IT is still a JOKE at US AIRWAYS... the KIOSH PROBLEM is with the COMPUTER with is controlled by TEMPE.... a 40GB Hard drive was installed and partitioned at 6GB so when WINDOWS did the updates it filled up the HARD DRIVES..... THUR the KIOSH shuts DOWN because the hard drive is full.
My question is how can something that is still fully operational and perhaps is the most vital of all computer systems running at an airline objectively still be described as a failure? Perhaps you don’t understand the meaning of the word failure in terms of a computer system. I still run Windows on my PC even though it is far more of a “failure” than SHARES ever was.

Does CLT still operate in SABRE today? Do the east kiosks work with SHARES today? Since that is rhetorical I can answer and say, yes they do.
Only because the agents are seasoned and resourceful and have the ability to do work arounds. And sabre is a must at USAirways in day-to-day operation. Of course one could be a stepford agent aka hp agent.Bottom line HP went with SHARES on the res side trying to save money because they could or thought they could. On the operations side HP went with sabre because of the sensitivity of running the airline jointly.SABRE trumps POS SHARES there is no denying that…..
There are many FAs that rock the look, going all out with the more "formal" Jacket or vest, tie/scarves. They are neat, clean and professional. I myself always try to look like that.

There are many however, who can wear that exact same ensemble and it looks like trash. Why? Their ties are stained, their uniform is so wrinkled its obvious they balled it into a corner the night before. Forget about getting the items cleaned. 😱

There are some here that obviously have no pride in themselves and it shows!

Then there are some that really think that the sweatsuit "will do just fine" because their other pieces "don't fit today" .... Umm., they NEVER fit! :blink:
Agree. You covered it in a nutshell. I am utterly shocked that I wasn't slammed on My Commentary (not that I can't back it up.........hell, We see it on a DAILY Basis). I am not overly fond of this Uniform/Costume but when PROPERLY Sized, it Should accomodate most sizes. Simply put..........don't put 20lbs of "x" in a 5lb bag. (And the 20lb measurement is a generous figure. If one wears a Size 16 dress, cut out the 'fuzzy match' and STOP the addition-by-subtraction with division thrown in just because YOU Never wore a Size 18 before.). There are many that still look good but waay too many that let themselves GO...........and they call it Neverneverland or Fantasyland.
When someone refers to the sweat suit I believe they are referring to the two tone zip sweater. There is the sky blue zip sweater with dark blue stripes along with a dark blue sweater with sky blue stripes. I'm sorry but it looks like a jogging jacket and NOT airline related at all. I don't care.....it doesn't look airline AT ALL! ! ! ! This uniform can be worn to look professional but the fact remains that the quality of the fabric is bad. The white shirts turn yellow regardless of the type of upkeep people try. It also doesn't breathe and feels like it's made from a starched tablecloth. I see older women walking around with dark tights, skorts, the un tucked white shirt and one of the zip sweaters. SO G'DAMN UGLY. Nobody is saying f/a's should be viewed as sex symbols these days, (certainly not to a degree here) but what might I ask is wrong with looking a little womanly and dare I say it sexy or AGE APPROPRIATE? Oh and men that don't have an Adonis body......LOSE THE MOCK PLEASE! ! ! ! :lol:
All the uniforms sux way to many options on what to wear. The fit is horrible. We look like we are wearing circus costumes .

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