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oh why, oh why would LCC want to compete head-on with LUV and UAL in DEN?
oh why, oh why would LCC want beat up old A320's?
oh why, oh why would LCC want to bail out Republic?
oh why, oh why would LCC want their debt?
oh why, oh why would LCC want ANOTHER group of disgruntled pilots?
And no DOH.

And now you beg the west for compromise and you beg Doug for pay parity.

The truth does hurt because I'm laughing so hard AT YOU, not with you. :lol:

Thanks for turning this into a pilot thread. You pilots just have to urinate on everything.
oh why, oh why would LCC want to compete head-on with LUV and UAL in DEN?

Maybe they don't? US has shown a willingness to close hubs and bases in the a blink of an eye. Witness CMH, PIT, LAS just for starters. Really what does DEN give them that they don't have in PHX? MKE gives them something they don't have in a Midwest hub.

oh why, oh why would LCC want beat up old A320's?

The F9 320's that I've seen aren't any more or less beat up then the ones at US are, Some of which date back to Braniff II

oh why, oh why would LCC want to bail out Republic?

Why not? The cost structure is lower. Integrate the mainline F9 flying into US, create one large Wholly Owned sub for the Express flying and be done with it. In many cases you wouldn't even have to repaint the planes. Also ground ops for Republic is already in place. Basically US comes in on the Republic side and say give us the keys and operates that portion of the acquisition with little change.

oh why, oh why would LCC want their debt?

If US acquires Republic out of BK, much of the debt will be gone.
oh why, oh why would LCC want ANOTHER group of disgruntled pilots?

Because they make jack diddly and LOA93 would be a pay increase.
But still no St. Nick. The truth hurts, doesn't it.

Not nearly as much as a RJ wage paycheck for flying a B737 or Airbus A320....the other truth...... <_< We here at LCC wish to thank you. Were it not for you, we might not be making a profit in these tumultuous times.
Not nearly as much as a RJ wage paycheck for flying a B737 or Airbus A320....the other truth...... <_< We here at LCC wish to thank you. Were it not for you, we might not be making a profit in these tumultuous times.

Don't you have NINE other threads to puke and spew your vile venom. Must we have every thread yet another exercise of Mental Constipation and Verbal Diarrhea from the pilots?
Don't you have NINE other threads to puke and spew your vile venom. Must we have every thread yet another exercise of Mental Constipation and Verbal Diarrhea from the pilots?

NOPE. I've got other websites too. I'm on vacation, and got my chores done for the day Pops. Try taking someone else to the woodshed.
NOPE. I've got other websites too. I'm on vacation, and got my chores done for the day Pops. Try taking someone else to the woodshed.

Nah, I think I'll stick around. If your Prima Donna ego and over inflated sense of self worth gets any worse you'll have to change your name to Cleary :lol: :lol: :lol:
So, it sounds like the old rumor of the East going with AA and the West being sold off to Republic is finally materializing.

MKE gives them something they don't have in a Midwest hub.

MKE is in the process of being reduced to 20 flights/day - not much of a hub.

Why not? The cost structure is lower.

At 16.2 cents CASM per BTS, F9 would be tied for third highest among the network carriers.

Because they make jack diddly and LOA93 would be a pay increase.

4th year A320 captain is the same as LOA 93 and TOS is higher than west.

MKE is in the process of being reduced to 20 flights/day - not much of a hub.

Well the facility there is well suited to a hub operation since Miswest had prett much the whole D concourse and the express gates too. Perfect for US, not so perfect for F9

At 16.2 cents CASM per BTS, F9 would be tied for third highest among the network carriers.

With the fixed costs integrated into US I'd think you'd see a drop in CASM

4th year A320 captain is the same as LOA 93 and TOS is higher than west.

My point was the salary disparity in and of itself wouldn't be a show stopper merger wise.

Well the facility there is well suited to a hub operation since Miswest had prett much the whole D concourse and the express gates too. Perfect for US, not so perfect for F9

That might be, but if F9 is abandoning MKE because it's not profitable what are the chances that it'd be profitable for US. It's not exactly a hotbed of O&D traffic having about a quarter of CLT's O&D and enplaned passengers.

With the fixed costs integrated into US I'd think you'd see a drop in CASM

Most of the fixed costs would remain unless they dumped airplanes and airport facilities, but then why buy them? A burning desire to have more employees?

My point was the salary disparity in and of itself wouldn't be a show stopper merger wise.

You're right - they could impose LOA 93 (and the other groups pay/benefits) on the F9 employees and create another group of disgruntled employees.

There is one problem, although not insurmountable I guess. The Republic family and F9 have been merged with one seniority list - presumably for each unionized group since the law doesn't distinguish between groups. F9, without the 190's, would probably lose more money than it already does. Leave the 190's with Republic and they couldn't fly them - every other carrier's scope language prevents it. Take the 190's and US would have to operate them as mainline. In other words, the "branded" operation as Republic calls it, is a tangled web. Is it worth it to sort that all out for 55 airplanes when US would probably like to shrink mainline more than the TA allows? If US wanted a hub in MKE they could be getting gates now - don't need to buy F9 for that.

The value, if any, that F9 has is DEN but F9 is the 4th place carrier there and losing money. I just don't see any value in F9, and apparently the only value Republic sees is as someone to provide a fee for departure contract since they're trying to unload F9.

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