Was Karen responsible for the uniforms? Was KAREN responsible for the "Swooshliner" paint jobs, chopping up the Galleys, Envoy, and the airplanes, the Heritage (crop) circles, not hedging fuel, elimination of SABRE, and all the other arrogant dim witted decisions that are made around here on a daily basis. If so - is Karen still even employed at the Tempe Crystal Palace (TCP)? And if she is, Why?
I am not just asking the question, EVERYONE should be asking that question.
Seems to be this delusional corporate mantra around here since 2005, that if your any good at what you do - you should leave.
We don't want you because we don't want to pay you. That sure would explain the results we have been experienced. It seems the TCP stands for "Taking Care of my Peeps" Peeps you know everyone except those that Pay for all these mistakes and actually WORK here.
Since Travis Christ's departure a few years back - it was assumed (by all that knew him) that his departure was a good thing for the company, our employees , and most of all our passengers. If I may be allowed to use "Tempe speak" marketing was on an "upward trending metric", recalcitrant(ly) speaking of course. Also for the record the number of the "recalcitrant" was actually more like 35,000 (more than US/AWA combined today) - not 20,000.
So Karen is "now" the fall person of the week? It wasn't really Travis Christ after all it was Karen? What else has been the one constant the past 6 years? Think hard.
Those of you out there are too dense or belligerent to make the correlation, The individual that IS culpable is Doug Parker - A.K.A. "the Maverick of the Airline Industry and a true wall street corporate TOOL.
That's where the buck stops , the CEO - not Karen in Marketing.
IMHO - Recalcitrant(ly) speaking of course.