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US uniform discussion

Didn't the website have a beta online running parallel with the legacy site for several months prior to a final cutover?

I think you forgot about what happened in 2006. http://airlineforums.com/topic/28980-us-airways-web-site-draws-ire/page__p__383092__hl__beta__fromsearch__1#entry383092
Was Karen responsible for the uniforms? Was KAREN responsible for the "Swooshliner" paint jobs, chopping up the Galleys, Envoy, and the airplanes, the Heritage (crop) circles, not hedging fuel, elimination of SABRE, and all the other arrogant dim witted decisions that are made around here on a daily basis. If so - is Karen still even employed at the Tempe Crystal Palace (TCP)? And if she is, Why?

I am not just asking the question, EVERYONE should be asking that question.

Seems to be this delusional corporate mantra around here since 2005, that if your any good at what you do - you should leave.
We don't want you because we don't want to pay you. That sure would explain the results we have been experienced. It seems the TCP stands for "Taking Care of my Peeps" Peeps you know everyone except those that Pay for all these mistakes and actually WORK here.

Since Travis Christ's departure a few years back - it was assumed (by all that knew him) that his departure was a good thing for the company, our employees , and most of all our passengers. If I may be allowed to use "Tempe speak" marketing was on an "upward trending metric", recalcitrant(ly) speaking of course. Also for the record the number of the "recalcitrant" was actually more like 35,000 (more than US/AWA combined today) - not 20,000.

So Karen is "now" the fall person of the week? It wasn't really Travis Christ after all it was Karen? What else has been the one constant the past 6 years? Think hard.

Those of you out there are too dense or belligerent to make the correlation, The individual that IS culpable is Doug Parker - A.K.A. "the Maverick of the Airline Industry and a true wall street corporate TOOL.

That's where the buck stops , the CEO - not Karen in Marketing.

IMHO - Recalcitrant(ly) speaking of course.
You may be more in need of a therapist rather than a search for truth and facts presented on a web board. So, your rant has now been reduced to livery paint schemes and the heritage logo? Those are just matters of personal preference or opinion (i.e. there is no right or wrong answer because they cannot be measured in purely objective terms). You may need some serious help if you spend all day thinking about such trivial things. I can’t say the new livery is the best anyone could have come up with, but in comparison to the legacy US and AWA livery schemes – this is a vast improvement (IMO of course).

SHARES is a business decision, but it too is a matter of personal preference rather than an objective fact. It worked at pre-merger HP and CO and it has continued to work for four years at US, at a more favorable cost than SABRE so it cannot be considered a failed decision, objectively speaking. Not hedging fuel worked in 2010; where this will lead US in 2011 is still a guess at this point, but that decision was likely made at the BOD anyway.

As for the rest of your post, I’m just not even sure what your issues or complaints are since the lucidity level was quite low for most of this post. My reference to 20,000 was an approximation of the FAs and CSRs, not the entire number of US employees. This post started on uniform complaints and I was just offering a name to go with the question of who from management thought certain colors and style options were a good idea. It was this legacy east holdover that receives these honors.
UGLY-Plain and Simple..

Who wears those sweaters to work anyway

Gross..I own NO SWEATERS!

SHARES worked?

SHARES is a disaster and agents are still having problems with it, they can chime in and tell you.

Guess you werent at the East stations where ALL the kiosks failed.

And CO doesnt use the same version of SHARES, they actually dont mind spending money and using a better version of SHARES.

Put the koolade down.
SHARES worked?

SHARES is a disaster and agents are still having problems with it, they can chime in and tell you.

Guess you werent at the East stations where ALL the kiosks failed.

And CO doesnt use the same version of SHARES, they actually dont mind spending money and using a better version of SHARES.

Put the koolade down.
I never said the res migration was entirely successful. That wasn’t the point.

So if SHARES is a failure, then when after the migration was complete did:
US convert off of SHARES to another res system?
Stop accepting passenger bookings?
Stop issue boarding passes?
Stop boarding passengers at the gate?
Cease operations because SHARES is/was a failure?

My question is how can something that is still fully operational and perhaps is the most vital of all computer systems running at an airline objectively still be described as a failure? Perhaps you don’t understand the meaning of the word failure in terms of a computer system. I still run Windows on my PC even though it is far more of a “failure” than SHARES ever was.

Does CLT still operate in SABRE today? Do the east kiosks work with SHARES today? Since that is rhetorical I can answer and say, yes they do.
You may be more in need of a therapist rather than a search for truth and facts presented on a web board. So, your rant has now been reduced to livery paint schemes and the heritage logo? Those are just matters of personal preference or opinion (i.e. there is no right or wrong answer because they cannot be measured in purely objective terms). You may need some serious help if you spend all day thinking about such trivial things. I can’t say the new livery is the best anyone could have come up with, but in comparison to the legacy US and AWA livery schemes – this is a vast improvement (IMO of course).

SHARES is a business decision, but it too is a matter of personal preference rather than an objective fact. It worked at pre-merger HP and CO and it has continued to work for four years at US, at a more favorable cost than SABRE so it cannot be considered a failed decision, objectively speaking. Not hedging fuel worked in 2010; where this will lead US in 2011 is still a guess at this point, but that decision was likely made at the BOD anyway.

As for the rest of your post, I’m just not even sure what your issues or complaints are since the lucidity level was quite low for most of this post. My reference to 20,000 was an approximation of the FAs and CSRs, not the entire number of US employees. This post started on uniform complaints and I was just offering a name to go with the question of who from management thought certain colors and style options were a good idea. It was this legacy east holdover that receives these honors.

Tell you what there Captain- This legacy holdover, lucidity's level is a bit low right now, I am probably in desperate need of therapy, or quite possibly on the verge of some trivial web board rant, (or what we call back east - getting off a #$% 4 day trip)

I'll let you have the last word on the subject. Most of us recalcitrant types know HOW important that is to some people to have the last word - then actually confront and solve a problem.

I do have a better use of my time. I like attending my "8 step program for Legacy Airlines Employees Disease" - it used to be 12 steps, but you know - cost cuts and the economy. Seems to be just as good.

The entire uniform debacle is merely just one example, of one decision, that illuminates how decisions and plans are formulated and implemented within this corporate structure. CHEAPO
You seem to very content with the current level of leadership - and I assume working for AWA (even though we now call it the 8 step version of US Airways).

I am not. I even sometimes become verbal about it with other recalcitrant types. That's just the legacy in me. So that is where we will have to agree to disagree.

Aside from the uniform, if you were applying at a major airline for the first time today what would be your preferred first choice, second, and third, - Honestly?

Who would you "settle" for? And where is US/AWE on that list?
Tell you what there Captain- This legacy holdover lucidity's level is low right now, I am probably in desperate need of therapy, and quite possibly on the verge of some trivial web board rant, (or what we call back east - getting off a #$% 4 day trip)

I'll gonna let you have the last word on the subject. Most of us recalcitrant types know important that is to some people to have he last word then actually address and solve a problem.

I do have a better use of my time like attending my "8 step program for legacy employees Disease" - it used to be 12 steps, but you know - cost cuts and the economy. Seems to be just as good.

The entire uniform debacle is merely just one example, of one decision, that illuminates how decisions and plans are formulated and implemented within this corporate structure. CHEAPO
You seem to very content with the current level of leadership - and I assume working for AWA (even though we now call it the 8 step version of US Airways).

I am not. I even sometimes become verbal about it with other recalcitrant types. That's just the legacy in me. So that is where we will have to agree to disagree.

Aside from the uniform, if you were applying at a major airline for the first time today what would be your preferred first choice, second, third, - Honestly?

Who would you "settle" for? And where is US/AWE on that list?
I don’t really have the need to get in the last word as you suggest; however I do prefer to have people explain their position with logic, reason and facts rather than just resort to vitriol and a ubiquitous and unsubstantiated hatred for management. Doug and the rest of senior management are doing the jobs that the shareholders hired them to do – that is, run a safe, reliable, and profitable airline that provides a reasonable return on investment in an industry where doing so is an enormous challenge. Doug has the longest tenure of any currently-serving major airline CEO and the shareholders show no signs of looking for another to replace him. He has also made the tough decisions to ensure AWA & US stayed out of bankruptcy court while about half of his legacy peers decided to let creditors pay for their operational and financial failures, and forced bankruptcy concessions on their employees. So, among the major airlines I would rather work for Doug Parker than any other airline CEO who is either unseasoned by comparison or who readily jumps into bankruptcy protection rather than managing their way through tough times.
UM US Airways was in Bankruptcy when the merger was announced and HP was going to have to file without the merger.

US filed twice in 2 years, there was no need to file again, as East was in Chapter 11 all ready.

HP had previously filed bankruptcy and forced concessions on its employees, and were all ready the bottom feeder in pay rates, the ATSB on approving HP's loand said no concessions were necessary from the employees as they were all ready the lowest paid in the industry.

He has alienated the top fliers at the company and nickel-ed and dimed the passengers. Lets charge passengers for non-alcoholic beverages in one example.

What history book have you been reading?
UM US Airways was in Bankruptcy when the merger was announced and HP was going to have to file without the merger.

US filed twice in 2 years, there was no need to file again, as East was in Chapter 11 all ready.

HP had previously filed bankruptcy and forced concessions on its employees, and were all ready the bottom feeder in pay rates, the ATSB on approving HP's loand said no concessions were necessary from the employees as they were all ready the lowest paid in the industry.

He has alienated the top fliers at the company and nickel-ed and dimed the passengers. Lets charge passengers for non-alcoholic beverages in one example.

What history book have you been reading?
Are you saying Doug was CEO when AWA went into bankruptcy protection? Was Scott President and Derek CFO and Robert COO at that time too? Not according to the history book I'm reading. Which one are your reading?

Doug has been advocating mergers and consolidations long before US went into bankruptcy I or II and he followed through on his vision to join AWA to another carrier to make the two stronger that they were individually. How much trouble AWA was in pre-merger is debatable, but the fact that Doug ensured it's operational survival by leading the merger process is not. If the AWA stockholders had not agreed to the merger based on Doug's vision, analysis and leadership strength then US wouldn't have had any other options.

When fares aren't covering operational costs and the market is over saturated with capacity to the point where no one carrier can force a fare increase then what would you suggest as the stand-in CEO for the day? Every airline, including WN, was exploring and instituting new fees to close the gap between revenue and costs. Some worked and were matched by others, some didn't and were rolled back. This happens all the time in an industry where pricing is always subject to what the competition is willing to do or not do. Perhaps you have seen fares and fees rolled out by other carriers only to be pulled back in in 24-48 hours. What is your thoughts on those airlines and those CEOs?
No where did I say DUI Doug was CEO during bankruptcy, are you putting words into my posts?

US East under Lakefield approached Doug about the merger, hired Seabury to raise the money and John Luth from Seabury and associates led the merger effort.

Once again you post revisionist history.
Are you saying Doug was CEO when AWA went into bankruptcy protection? Was Scott President and Derek CFO and Robert COO at that time too? Not according to the history book I'm reading. Which one are your reading?

Doug has been advocating mergers and consolidations long before US went into bankruptcy I or II and he followed through on his vision to join AWA to another carrier to make the two stronger that they were individually. How much trouble AWA was in pre-merger is debatable, but the fact that Doug ensured it's operational survival by leading the merger process is not. If the AWA stockholders had not agreed to the merger based on Doug's vision, analysis and leadership strength then US wouldn't have had any other options.

When fares aren't covering operational costs and the market is over saturated with capacity to the point where no one carrier can force a fare increase then what would you suggest as the stand-in CEO for the day? Every airline, including WN, was exploring and instituting new fees to close the gap between revenue and costs. Some worked and were matched by others, some didn't and were rolled back. This happens all the time in an industry where pricing is always subject to what the competition is willing to do or not do. Perhaps you have seen fares and fees rolled out by other carriers only to be pulled back in in 24-48 hours. What is your thoughts on those airlines and those CEOs?
Perhaps this thread should change its name to Halleujah Dougie and Hail Mary Scott?
Anywho, the fact remains our uniforms are less than uniform. Hideous would be a better word. The pieces are ugly to the bone. I personally like a clean-cut, conservative, crisp looking one. There's something to be said about if you look good, you feel great. Give me back my double-breasted blazer, white blouse and yes even the tab/tie.
There are many FAs that rock the look, going all out with the more "formal" Jacket or vest, tie/scarves. They are neat, clean and professional. I myself always try to look like that.

There are many however, who can wear that exact same ensemble and it looks like trash. Why? Their ties are stained, their uniform is so wrinkled its obvious they balled it into a corner the night before. Forget about getting the items cleaned. 😱

There are some here that obviously have no pride in themselves and it shows!

Then there are some that really think that the sweatsuit "will do just fine" because their other pieces "don't fit today" .... Umm., they NEVER fit! :blink:
There are many FAs that rock the look, going all out with the more "formal" Jacket or vest, tie/scarves. They are neat, clean and professional. I myself always try to look like that.

There are many however, who can wear that exact same ensemble and it looks like trash. Why? Their ties are stained, their uniform is so wrinkled its obvious they balled it into a corner the night before. Forget about getting the items cleaned. 😱

There are some here that obviously have no pride in themselves and it shows!

Then there are some that really think that the sweatsuit "will do just fine" because their other pieces "don't fit today" .... Umm., they NEVER fit! :blink:

Which pieces constitute the sweatsuit? I don't think we got offered that one in PIT.
Which pieces constitute the sweatsuit? I don't think we got offered that one in PIT.
That would be on Southwest... w/ the sneakers.... but oh.... they are 20 years younger and can wear them...
but that will change soon.... their workforce is aging as well....

it will be in no time!

I for one never was offered a sweat suit here at USairways. I do like wearing the pants...
and no heals... but a SweatSuit???? PLAEAASE????

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