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Us Employees Deserve Better

sfb, You're preaching to the choir there. But one thing you said there, about scope clauses harming US's ability to take on the RJ's from other airlines - I think some of the real radical captains out there would take umbrage to that. You see, they believe that RJ's should not even exist. They also detest the idea of LCC's and regular joes getting on planes. In other words, the US pilot group is saddled with a bunch of old farts who are bent on living in the good old days of the 1970's, even if it means killing the company.

The CASM was, and is still higher than other carriers. But why? To be sure, management foolery is to blame, but so is the blind greed and stuipidity of the unions. We were all going to get rich, no? At the expense of the dumb flying public who didn't have an option, until those nasty LCC's came along with their normal payed employees and efficient work rules. And now, we are struggling to change to adapt, but I feel that based upon the characters I have met on this board and in my travels around the system...US doesn't have a prayer. ALPA and IAM are of the "no concessions" mentality, and are going to take a 100% paycut instead of a 20% one. I am angry that myself and others have to suffer for their decisions, but it is not the end of the world. There is life after US Airways, but it's a damned shame that we will have to leave it in the first place.
", but I feel that based upon the characters I have met on this board" quote from el gato

please consider that the individuals who post on this board are just that...individuals!

individuals who do not represent the vast majority of the hard working, people pleasing,

employees of us airways......if one does not take care,it is very easy for one to color us airways

employees as a cesspool of negativity- just from reading some of the individual posts and thus

do a great injustice to one's own outlook and to the great "un-posted" majority of us airways

employees. ...caveat emptor reader

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