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US and IRAN...reach NUKE deal !

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Last I checked Iran is a sovereign country and does not need our permission to do anything. Can other countries tell us what we can or can't do?
KCFlyer said:
Just curious, but if I linked to articles on Mother Jones or Huffington post or Media Matters, would you consider that to be good supporting evidence?   I wonder what the patriotupdate.com would have to say about Reagan selling arms to Iran just 5 years after they had held over 500 Americans hostage for a year. 
Enemy of my enemy......
delldude said:
Enemy of my enemy......
How "Muslim" of St Ronnie.  Principles count....unless they don't.  We don't negotiate with terrorists...we just sell them weapons. 
You can tell them what to do if you own them

I'd say Haliburton owes us a country

Time to pony up
Always got an excuse for BaRack!

It's cool though, because in 2016, when a republican is sitting in the a WH, everything that goes wrong, I will make sure to blame Obama!
If you meant me, That is not an excuse for anythng

Haliburton owes us a country

Haliburton owes some folks an arm or leg, or a brain, and some a mother or father or son or daughter, but it owes us a country

They can use some of the cash that they make in Iran (right now... Today... ) Patriots that they are and all, and buy us one.

We are going to be paying the bills for the invasion we held for them for a long time

Least they can do
southwind said:
Always got an excuse for BaRack!

It's cool though, because in 2016, when a republican is sitting in the a WH, everything that goes wrong, I will make sure to blame Obama!

And that would be different from now how?
According to New Beginnings’ dominionist pastor, Larry Huch, Ted Cruz got elected to the senate because God is about to begin his “rule and reign” and there will be a big “end-time transfer of wealth.”

God chose Ted Cruz and he is now apparently selecting his bankers.

So to pull all this logic together, God anoints priests to work in the church directly and kings to go out into the marketplace to conquer, plunder, and bring back the spoils to the church. The reason governmental regulation has to disappear from the marketplace is to make it completely available to the plunder of Christian “kings” who will accomplish the “end time transfer of wealth.” Then “God’s bankers” will usher in the “coming of the messiah.” The government is being shut down so that God’s bankers can bring Jesus back.
Dude was also recently "Annointed", in Iowa, by his daddy the Dominionist...

It's like a bad tv documentary about a child star, think The Jackson Five and papa, writ large and in real life

Even CS Lewis couldn't make this stuff up
southwind said:
Always got an excuse for BaRack!

It's cool though, because in 2016, when a republican is sitting in the a WH, everything that goes wrong, I will make sure to blame Obama!
Getting a REPLUG in the WH  in 16',...............is the equivalent of YOU getting 'service' in a house of ILL Repute.
Either way, .....It's not happening !
( The hillarious thing about YOU is,............You had a wheel barrow full of FIFTYS  $$  with you,....And STILL a  ' NO  GO ' )  !!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Getting a REPLUG in the WH  in 16',...............is the equivalent of YOU getting 'service' in a house of ILL Repute.
Either way, .....It's not happening !
( The hillarious thing about YOU is,............You had a wheel barrow full of FIFTYS  $$  with you,....And STILL a  ' NO  GO ' )  !!!!!!!
Speaking of Hillarious.....39% and falling.
What's worse? Major Garrett asking why Americans were left behind in Iran or President Obama actually leaving Americans behind in Iran...?
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