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US and IRAN...reach NUKE deal !

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If the USA is too weak-kneed to do anything about Iran, not to worry - Israel has the stones to bomb Iran's nuclear labs. Maybe even with some behind-the-scenes support from Saudi Arabia.
When Israel took out Iraq's reactor site, they had help from the Saudis ie AWACS and flight path.
FWAAA said:
If the USA is too weak-kneed to do anything about Iran, not to worry - Israel has the stones to bomb Iran's nuclear labs. Maybe even with some behind-the-scenes support from Saudi Arabia.
Part of me is entirely OK with that outcome, since the real threat of a nuclear Iran is to Israel and the Saudis.

Unfortunately, all it does is reinforces the perception that the US can't be a trusted ally in it for the long run, and further embolden groups like ISIS.
Well, at least when Iran decides to use a nuclear weapon, we'll all know who to look back on and blame!

BUSH! Right Demorats?
You know this is a piece of crap.....many dems have been crowing about it plus lib's are blaming Bush on social media already...LOL
Must be bad...

Putin the Pussy
Merkel the Millie Milquetoast
Cameron the Cowering Caver
Xi JinPing
(Nevermind France... Already know what The not quite Right thinks of anything French, ((forget that there would not be an USA, either ideologically or politically, if not for them...)) )

All bent over 'ol Rouhani's desk squealing like pigs...

Someone should make a painting, on black velvet with lots of garishly bright colors...
southwind said:
Sounds to me like the Iranians had BaRack drop his drawers, bent him over the negotiating table and made him squeal like a pig!
Will you disappointed if it never happened?
southwind said:
Will you be able to outrun a nuclear missile?
You are Such a  Friggin' MORON... that there is NO word in any Dictionary  that could adequately  describe just how much.
The VERY second,  that IF Iran were to launch a missle or missles headed to North America,...........Those  long black painted      ' Tubes ' .....that no one ever see's or hears, would launch an UNHOLY barrage  from down-in-the-deep, that would Obliverate Iran to a total pile of Sand !
(I'll give you a hint here.  I am Not referring to the US Army / Marines / Air Force or Coast Guard ) !
" RUN SILENT,..........RUN DEEP "    ! !
FWAAA said:
If the USA is too weak-kneed to do anything about Iran, not to worry - Israel has the stones to bomb Iran's nuclear labs. Maybe even with some behind-the-scenes support from Saudi Arabia.
Israel has the stones...and a few billion of US Dollars per year to bomb them.  
Dog Wonder said:
If Obama was for war, you would be a peacenik.
I'm for not giving nuclear weapons to a country that funds terrorism!

KCFlyer said:
Israel has the stones...and a few billion of US Dollars per year to bomb them.
And now Iran will have a few billion US Dollars.

"The Obama administration on Wednesday paid $490 million in cash assets to Iran and will have released a total of $11.9 billion to the Islamic Republic by the time nuclear talks are scheduled to end in June, according to figures provided by the State Department."
Read more at http://patriotupdate.com/2015/01/u-s-award-iran-11-9-billion-end-nuke-talks/
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