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US and IRAN...reach NUKE deal !

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Ms Tree said:
Iran had 5,000 centrifuges in 2008.

Where is your source regarding the advanced capabilities of the Iranian military?
Doesn't take advanced capabilities.
Simple set of box cutters out smarted smugtards like yourself to kill 3k people on 9/11.
Ignorance and complacency is more dangerous then advanced weaponry. 
townpete said:
Doesn't take advanced capabilities.
Simple set of box cutters out smarted smugtards like yourself to kill 3k people on 9/11.
Ignorance and complacency is more dangerous then advanced weaponry. 

townpete said:
Their military might is so antiquated?

And belong in a museum?

So when they build their first nuke (if they haven't already), they will add that for display at that museum? lol

Pro tip: If a country can develop and build nuclear weaponary, their military is not "third world" by any means.

You were not talking about terrorists. You were talking about their military capability. 777 said the force was antiquated and belonged in a museum. You implied it was not.

You cannot back up that claim any more than you could back up the claim regarding taxes used to pay Iran. You posts prove you are full of it. When you are caught you post pictures because that is all you have. It's your 'tell' that you have a losing hand.
Their military might is so antiquated?

And belong in a museum?
So when they build their first nuke (if they haven't already), they will add that for display at that museum? lol
Ms Tree said:

You were not talking about terrorists. You were talking about their military capability. 777 said the force was antiquated and belonged in a museum. You implied it was not.

You cannot back up that claim any more than you could back up the claim regarding taxes used to pay Iran. You posts prove you are full of it. When you are caught you post pictures because that is all you have. It's your 'tell' that you have a losing hand.
Their military might is so antiquated?

And belong in a museum?
So when they build their first nuke (if they haven't already), they will add that for display at that museum? lol
Obviously, simple concepts are hard for you.
townpete said:
Obviously, simple concepts are hard for you.
Apparently you too.  Yes...box cutters brought down the world trade center.  But we are worried about nukes Iran MIGHT get.  Iran has oil.  The aren't hurting that bad.  North Korea HAS nukes...they ARE hurting.  If a terrorist wanted a nuke, would they wait to get it from their muslim brother....or might they go to the fat Asian boy, who really needs the money? 
A look at The Google reveals Petey's "problem" with comprehension

He doesn't want to

Every far right blog and "information service" has several alarming Headlines about this tax money going to Iran Thingie.

The Thing Is, that every single one of them states that the money is unfrozen Iranian assets, iow, was their money, not ours, and certainly not tax money. They then dress this up in the most convoluted way imaginable to make their All Anti-Obama All The Time Case.

Fear, incorporated...
townpete said:
Doesn't take advanced capabilities.
Simple set of box cutters out smarted smugtards like yourself to kill 3k people on 9/11.
Ignorance and complacency is more dangerous then advanced weaponry. 
Small aircraft makes a great delivery system.
Ms Tree said:

And belong in a museum?
So when they build their first nuke (if they haven't already), they will add that for display at that museum? lol
Maybe they test it down DFW way?
According to Benji, without this deal, Iran would have The Bomb NOW

Do they?
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