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US Airways top execs enter into new change-of-control deals

Read the tea leaves folks! You can insult Doug and company all you want but he got his and we failed at getting ours! We have been bought and paid for and I sure hope it was worth it folks because WE are the ones who will pay the price. Wall street doesn't like uncertainty and it's just a matter of time now. Three cheers to the east and USAPA as always everything you touch you destroy!!! :down:

Get those resumes ready people we are gonna need them...

Wow! AWA320...you're a flat-out genius!. If you hadn't posted this latest baby drool...few would realize that Parker's overall BS and obscene "compensation" is entirely the fault of those pesky east pilots (whom, I understand, originally gave the idea of the apple to the serpent in the garden) :lol:

PS: "You can insult Doug and company all you want but he got his.." Sigh..If that's the way you measure a man, or view life overall...you've my fullest sympathy sir.
Read the tea leaves folks! You can insult Doug and company all you want but he got his and we failed at getting ours! We have been bought and paid for and I sure hope it was worth it folks because WE are the ones who will pay the price. Wall street doesn't like uncertainty and it's just a matter of time now. Three cheers to the east and USAPA as always everything you touch you destroy!!! :down:

Get those resumes ready people we are gonna need them...

Hey, you left out Prater.
Wow! AWA320...you're a flat-out genius!. If you hadn't posted this latest baby drool...few would realize that Parker's overall BS and obscene "compensation" is entirely the fault of those pesky east pilots (whom, I understand, originally gave the idea of the apple to the serpent in the garden) :lol:

PS: "You can insult Doug and company all you want but he got his.." Sigh..If that's the way you measure a man, or view life overall...you've my fullest sympathy sir.

As always with you, you missed the point entirely. Enjoy the days...
As always with you, you missed the point entirely. Enjoy the days...

You had a "point"? I will confess that it entirely eluded me :lol:

Umm..what was your "point"? I got that Parker's a getting his, which you apparently envy and tacitly approve of, the east pilots are somehow "destroying" everything, you're evidently panic stricken and fearfull that it's magically now resume time....that cover the blather? Hmm..still missing any "point" here.

Why is it I feel like I'm in High School when I start to read these so called debates?

God in heaven it's like watching two second stringers on the football team fight over who gets to date the ugliest cheerleader.

These Golden Parachutes are a particularly pungent pile of putrid feline feces fettered only by public opinion.

PS: HP_FA how was that line?

Hey!...It keeps us off the streets and outta' trouble at least 😉

" Parachutes are a particularly pungent pile of putrid .." = Allowable and avowable alliteration good sir.

As per the basic thread stream: I cannot seriously contemplate the obscene rewards all the "quality people" are receiving without a rising gorge. I do find it typical that with some likely merger-mania yet to occur, they've managed to spend enought time/effort to ensure even more appalling returns for themselves when such happens. I don't believe that anyone still imagines that these people have any long term plan for this op, save to sell/merge/whatever, and their priorites are pretty clear.
I feel kinda of bad for him, i mean they took away his car allowance!!

"The significant amendments in the amended and restated agreement are as follows:
Elimination of Mr. Parker's car allowance. "
ONLY in the world of USA Capitalism folks,...........ONLY in America. !!!

God help the good folks(Employees and Loyal Customers)

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
These Golden Parachutes are a particularly pungent pile of putrid feline feces fettered only by public opinion.

PS: HP_FA how was that line?

It was OK Bob, but cats are too small to make as big a pile as what I was trying to get across. 🙄
As far as Mini-ME-Parker is concerned.......He and CEO's like him have "Legitimized Corruption". 😛h34r: He is the 21st century "Black Plague". Need I say more.
Hey, look I am no great fan in Parker in particular how after the West rampers have been tooled by both him and IAM, but I am also not going to blame his pay from "crowding out" available company money for a pay raise either.

I don't know the exact figures but assuming Parker is averaging $3 million a year after bonuses, stock option, etc. and there are 30,000 employees, that's $100 per employee? Sorry, that isn't going to make or break my finances for the year. Throw in the whole executive crew's pay and that still isn't going to move me into a higher socio-economic class or higher income tax bracket either. Let's stop focusing on the shrill and the emotions with a healthy dose of class envy over executive pay and look past this hatred and be a little more grounded in our views.

Furthermore, if something eats at you this badly, you need to find another occupation, regardless of wherever you are employed. As it was said in "The Godfather, Part II"... "This is the business we have chosen."

So scribes Jester.
Read the tea leaves folks! You can insult Doug and company all you want but he got his and we failed at getting ours! We have been bought and paid for and I sure hope it was worth it folks because WE are the ones who will pay the price. Wall street doesn't like uncertainty and it's just a matter of time now. Three cheers to the east and USAPA as always everything you touch you destroy!!! :down:

Get those resumes ready people we are gonna need them...

Welcome back!

BTW, you should know by now not to eat green corn.
I feel kinda of bad for him, i mean they took away his car allowance!!

"The significant amendments in the amended and restated agreement are as follows:
Elimination of Mr. Parker's car allowance. "

You didn't read far enough.

He now has a company (read: employee paid) limo, with driver. I guess to reduce embarrassment to the board.

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