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Us Airways Strategic Analysis


The difference is Brooner made his comment once, to one newspaper. Labor did it over-and-over and it was continuously read nationally day-after-day. The duration of labors comments and the repeated negative news is what hurt the most because of its exposure, just like it's now playing out at United.

Did Bronner's comments hurt revenue? Absolutely, but his comment was one-time that got mentioned a few times more in the press versus the repeated and much longer labor news and media attention.



He made it numerous times in both Bankruptcy cases.
The comment during this bankruptcy case was made to Michelline Maynard of the New York Times. Then is was picked up by some other news media outlets.

The repeated "concession stand is closed" rhetoric, CHAOS press release/comments, strike press release/comments, and labor trying to convey a public labor impasse happened with more parties over-and-over through the S.1113(E), S.1113©, and then the ratification process.

I believe labor issued more press releases and more interviews to voice this posture than Bronner's coupled of comments, which were later disputed by Lakefield.

In the end what did labor’s posture produce? Accelerated corporate losses, near liquidation, and worse contracts than the company’s “askâ€￾. The only union who met the ask and did not give more was the TWU and their three units.

What's interesting is that United's unions did not learn from US Airways' mistakes and the Chicago-based carrier could be in worse shape than US Airways.


Well let's all just hope Dr. Bonehead gets to play golf real soon. Maybe he can invite Mr Regards to play with him...... EVERYDAY
Oh yeah the old consession stand is close slogan. Yeah that helped us alot. I think he gets it just find.! So did that particular union!