EyeInTheSky said:
In other words, become invertebrates. I mean, why have a union when there are so many pussy wussy pilots out there? No wonder the whole profession has gone to hell.
It's been awhile since I've brought this up,
but I think it is materially important to the
future of airline employees.
Why are airline unions needed anyway? Why
not let the free market determine work rules
and salaries in the airline industry, just as it
does with many industries south of Virginia?
At will employment works for the vast
majority of employees as long as they are
willing to do the job they are being paid to do.
Federal and State labor laws pretty much
protect employees from the abuses that
caused the formation of unions in the 1920's,
and any airline could make it as a non-union
entity today.
In general, unions have improved the quality
of life for employees, but they have also
hindered the flexibility of corporations in
reacting to market changes, which in turn
limits the ability of the unions to make
large gains in contract negotiations.
During growth periods, corporations will
give up more than they can afford just
to keep the peace with unions. When a
particular industry is in a contraction mode,
such as the airlines are now, it is essential
to bring unionized costs back into line,
and federal bankruptcy laws are being
used as the main tool to do so.
Without a unionized workforce, it is
unlikely that US or UA would have chosen
to go to CH11 due to the amount of
control that is lost to creditors and other
outside influences.
Something to think about.