Reality Check is absolutely correct.
The CWA can and will disprove all the company's arguements period. They will prove to the court that U has been bargaining in extremely bad faith, always intended to just fire us all, and is only attempting to bust a union here. The judge will not comply with the requests by U. What they will do is void all labor contracts period. But when it comes time to ante up, CWA will not likely give more than what the company asks and actually stands a good chance at paying less. The fact is this, when all contracts are voided, the judge will set cuts for each group. He will not be giving one group raises while others get cuts, he will not take a huge percentage from CWA while only a few percent from AFA etc etc etc. So, with all the "givebacks" taken away by the judge, that goes toward the necessary savings goal meaning we won't have to give as much as the company has been demanding of us. But, I tend to think that the judge will likely just figure a set percentage for everyone to be cut period. No givebacks, no raises, no stock, no profit sharing, no million dollar retirement bonus, no 5% annual cash payment, just a set cut. When and if the company comes out of BK, they will have to renegotiate all the contracts simultaneously. I don't envy the company when they have to sit across from CWA. CWA will have their day, now or later, and the company will feel like the ones getting the shaft. I'll definetely be smiling that day.