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US Airways Seeks Court Approval to End Pacts With Two Unions

You think that little of your third grade child?? Heaven help him,..or her.
You're right, he's much more intelligent than that. He would have known that Mr. Siegel meant what he said, published in the media and wrote into all the other agreements all along. Remember something else Mr. Siegel said? He said that he would look for cuts similar to what was in his first proposal for the groups that didn't go along with the plan. I would look for HUGE hits in the request to the court. All the whiners here have no one to blame but themselves.
On 8/26/2002 3:41:21 PM

Funny how he wasn't peddling this c-r-a-p a few short days ago on his rosebuds and buttermilk pancakes road shows...what a friggin joke! You folks with the rose colored glasses still trust him now? Fool me once shame on you .. etc etc

Sorry, but I was at the PIT meeting and he is doing exactly what he said he would do. Only difference is that in PIT he said the court date was Sept 3rd. In my opinion the CWA had a 1 week extension to come to an agreement. The silence from the CWA is deafening. I hope that means that they are making progress.
Are u actually surprised? How long do you honestly think US Airways had to keep negotiating? Into infinity? At some point, the restructuring of the company either has to happen, or the company has to be liquidated. Creditors will not wait forever. All parties have had months to negotiate, all the while knowing that failure to reach agreements would lead to this very point. Siegel has only lived up to what he has repeatedly said he would do: restructure US Airways one way or the other. Anyone who doubted his sincerity on that matter should have woken up the day the Chapter 11 papers were filed. It's unfortunate, but it's also reality. He will get the cuts he's seeking (and possibly more) one way or another.
On 8/26/2002 5:00:28 PM

On 8/26/2002 3:41:21 PM

Funny how he wasn't peddling this c-r-a-p a few short days ago on his rosebuds and buttermilk pancakes road shows...what a friggin joke! You folks with the rose colored glasses still trust him now? Fool me once shame on you .. etc etc

Sorry, but I was at the PIT meeting and he is doing exactly what he said he would do. Only difference is that in PIT he said the court date was Sept 3rd. In my opinion the CWA had a 1 week extension to come to an agreement. The silence from the CWA is deafening. I hope that means that they are making progress.

I attended his mtg as well. He used the term LABOR FRIENDLY about 12 difft times in his rhetoric.Although there is obviously a sense of urgency in accomplishing things(you could have fooled me dragging this out for 3 months), the straggler 2 unions haven't even been given a chance to vote yet and all of a sudden he starts disseminating deliberate negative publicity(re: article) about pulling the plug on the contracts. I foresee a CWA NO vote coming out of all this and no time for replacements by their much heralded and desired group of Burger King workers, but a ch 7 liquidation as the economy is not rebounding whatsoever and you cannot shrink a company into profitability.. Unlike the company and its idle baloney about a plan B, I personally have one.
Siegel is digging his own grave with his shabby respect for the front line. But They might just have a CEO spot at PetSmart open.[😛]
On 8/26/2002 6:44:54 PM

So now suddenly 87 mil is such an insignificant number? It's the workforce behind it, not the money. The money has been squandered daily by the uppers so money ain't the issue or their priority.I feel like I am at a "Waffle" King convention..So which is it folks??????
With the economy the way it is, ALL the CWA jobs could be filled, trained and online in less than a week. The IAM would have a harder time replacing the mechs, but fleet could also be replaced in about that time. Remember a few years ago when AMR had a FA strike and Crandall got FAA permission to hire and train replacements in 2 weeks. It would certainly be ugly, but it could be done. Especially with the level of support these groups could probably expect from the groups which already took cuts. Many of these functions could (and probably would) be farmed out to contractors. I'm thinking that if Dave is looking to sell or merge with someone else after emerging from chap11 that this may be his exact goal. A "no" vote just allows him to do it!
I attended his mtg as well. He used the term LABOR FRIENDLY about 12 difft times in his rhetoric.Although there is obviously a sense of urgency in accomplishing things(you could have fooled me dragging this out for 3 months), the straggler 2 unions haven't even been given a chance to vote yet and all of a sudden he starts disseminating deliberate negative publicity(re: article) about pulling the plug on the contracts. I foresee a CWA NO vote coming out of all this and no time for replacements by their much heralded and desired group of Burger King workers, but a ch 7 liquidation as the economy is not rebounding whatsoever and you cannot shrink a company into profitability.. Unlike the company and its idle baloney about a plan B, I personally have one.
Siegel is digging his own grave with his shabby respect for the front line. But They might just have a CEO spot at PetSmart open.[😛]
What about company friendly? All I see is a couple of groups saying "I already gave!", even though that's about the stupidest thing I (and most on this board) have ever heard. It's okay if pilots, F/As, management and everyone else ponies up, but not you. Well, I've got news for you. You're gonna pony up something, just as Dave said, and it you don't like it I suggest you go out and dig the want ads out of the garbage. U is in sad shape, and it's absolutely pointless to dwell on how it got there (past management, frozen pensions, etc). There is NOTHING that can be done about that stuff now; it should have been handled then. I, as much as anyone, want U (or UAWGC) to survive and prosper; I didn't like the retroactive cut anymore than anyone else. 70% of something is WAY better than 100% of nothing. That's all there is. Hey, we may ALL be out looking for a job REAL SOON; It's not out of the realm of possibilities that U could be liquidated by Christmas. I really don't think it'll matter one iota whether the IAM or CWA votes no. Dave has this thing all lined up, and a no vote will just make it worse for each group.
O.K. here it goes-- Dave needs everyone oneboard with cuts. $87 Million is not make or break, but he WILL get participation from ALL groups. No waffling here, just universal participation. Talk of a labor action? That will be corrected, BUT QUICK, with the announcement of a res. center closing. Just watch the infighting at that point...[:0]
File Ch.7 after a CWA no vote? Over $87 Million dollars? You're kidding right? Siegal's getting his money one way or the other. It appears you CWA folks are playing Russian Roulette, and are about to hit the bullet in the chamber. Those of you who think a judge is going to look favorably on a rogue group after the MAJORITY have ponied up, think again. This has been a relatively "labor friendly" process. The dollar amount has been reduced to $70 Million, and your leadership could come up with that number in the way of their choosing. For those of you who wanted to "bring on the judge", well here he comes. It appears he's carrying a very LARGE hammer...
...Siegel is digging his own grave with his shabby respect for the front line. But They might just have a CEO spot at PetSmart open.[😛]
By the way, you cannot demand respect, you MUST EARN IT! Maybe at Petsmart he could be your new boss!
On 8/26/2002 7:22:12 PM

when you out on the street and you see him replace you easily dont say no one did not warn you...I have been saying a long time how easy it is to replace cwa employees..

PSA starting wages for new employees is $6 plus and hour....to do work at the airport......

Piedmont starts out at about $8 ........and the only difference between working at PSA and Piedmont and mainline is the planes they have to fill.....

Shrink the fleet to under 100 planes...shrink the fares in each market from 30 to 5..remove the freq flyer program...simplify policies and procedures to 1/4 of what they are now...employ enough agents to handle the phone and airport pasgrs efficently and professionally, and YEH I will work for 8 bux an hour..ain't gonna happen. U will go ch7 1st.
when you out on the street and you see him replace you easily dont say no one did not warn you...I have been saying a long time how easy it is to replace cwa employees..

PSA starting wages for new employees is $6 plus and hour....to do work at the airport......

Piedmont starts out at about $8 ........and the only difference between working at PSA and Piedmont and mainline is the planes they have to fill.....
I do like the part in this article which states employees making less than 30K a year will be relatively untouched by the give backs. Are there really that many CWA members making over 30k? Call center folks should be lucky to make more than 15-20K a year unless you are management; not to mention CSRs at the airports. CWA gambled and lost, no shock here. I'm sure the date has to do with a deadline which the company couldn't avoid.

>>So you punch your kids face in and then quickly turn around and kiss his boo boos? Sounds a little psycho to me..based on that scenario you yourself just painted, you have rendered your opinions as useless here.<<

No one's opinion is useless. No one here is above anyone else to consider another's opinon useless. However, when comments cross the line and can be consider as libel and/or slanderous -- that is when those in authority can overstep and consider words inappropriate and then silence those words. Accusing someone of being a child abuser or questioning their mental stability appears to overstep those bounds. If you were to call 911 or any law enforcement now and state that you neighbor "punches their kids in the face" and states they are "mentally incapable"; DHS or DCS (whichever is in that city)...will be knocking on their door taking their kids away and investigating them. They will take the complaint seriously and look to prove that the claim made was either true or false. If false, those words so easily said have just cause a family weeks - if not months - of turmoil and heartache.

People, please think before you type. If all it's going to be are personal attacks and false accusations, then I'm better off reading the Yahoo! boards between the same content in hope of finding factual information.

Now...back to the airline world -- with a more level headed discussion.
Question?? In the agreement given to the members to vote on as I recall (could be wrong) but the company said they were going to do this, do to timing of the courts, and if the agreement was ratified prior to sept they would pull the IAM out of this docket?
Just asking
In TPA i heard the man say that he will be going to the Judge and let him figure out the paycuts if IAM and CWA do not come to an agreement ..... and he gave a Sept 10 date for doing this so he is a man of his word....
On 8/26/2002 6:41:31 PM

...Siegel is digging his own grave with his shabby respect for the front line. But They might just have a CEO spot at PetSmart open.[😛]
By the way, you cannot demand respect, you MUST EARN IT! Maybe at Petsmart he could be your new boss!

Not if you get the doggy cage cleaner position first.
I earn every single penny I make daily, thank you very much alongside only a dozen hrs of sick time used over 12 months.and over 80 days worth saved up over lifetime,........what exactly do you contribute to the cause?????