Us Airways Seek Ways To Make Reductions

Nor mention of an ICT/UCT or any other type of transaction involving the Elk Grove based airline of UA or the Eagan, MN based NWA.
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Dell & Magsau:

I find your smart aleck comments interesting when you seem to take pleasure in "shooting the messenger", which is to be expected when you cannot refute the facts.


Your about two hours late, this article has all ready been posted.
Like I have posted b4, if you want to help with cutting costs from an employee standpoint why not offer a decent buy out package. The advantages out weigh the disadvantages. Imagine if 20pct of your topped out employees take the buyout. And even if you replace those who chose to leave, it still works out cost wise in the long run in regards to salary. Yes it does cost the company dollars to do so, but the benis outway the cost IMO.
USA320Pilot said:
Dell & Magsau:

I find your smart aleck comments interesting when you seem to take pleasure in "shooting the messenger", which is to be expected when you cannot refute the facts.


Is that also like the "painful" clause we are still waiting for you to provide, also how we are gonna lose the arbitration and finally how the IAM loses all its grievances?

Main Entry: cred·i·bil·i·ty
Pronunciation: "kre-d&-'bi-l&-tE
Function: noun
Date: 1594
1 : the quality or power of inspiring belief <an account lacking in credibility>
2 : capacity for belief <strains her reader's credibility —Times Literary Supplement>

It wasn't you, it was USA320Pilot in the thread "Us Airways Faces Cost Showdown In Philadelphia". Different paper, different dateline, different headline, same article.

Whats funy here is he post a real article and nothing but crap from the fab 3 interesteing, are we here to make a difference or call names. Turn your attention to scotty and beam him up outta there.
usfliboi said:
Whats funy here is he post a real article and nothing but crap from the fab 3 interesteing, are we here to make a difference or call names. Turn your attention to scotty and beam him up outta there.
I think you need to take your own advice and call the EAS, because you are getting like another poster and seem obsessed with the IAM, why is that?
I'm in the arena with you....

Give me what's mine and TURN ME LOOSE>>>

See how many would FLY the Coop!!!! :up:

I've suggested it ALL ALONG>>

YA HEAR THAT CCY????????????????????????

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