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US Airways Responds to Proposed Civil Penalty from the Federal Aviation Administration

The fine isn't the big deal. It's merely the end result of poor planning and sloppy implementation. The risks to Management are great and often these risks are viewed purely in terms of non compliance or the risk of being caught unprepared.

So how much do will these high-powered executives who are deemed irreplaceable be getting for bonuses this year?
Not mention NetTracer vs WorldTracer, Outlook vs Lotus Noets. Has any IT system change been beneficial.

As with so may things, there is a vast difference between "almost as good and a lot cheaper" and "not nearly as good and only a little less expensive".

"Pennywise and Pound foolish", Tempe's mantra.

This topic came up on Monday night's "Daily Show with Jon Stewart." Sully was on doing the grand book tour. He spoke about Jeff Skiles running through the checklists contained in the QRH (Quick Response Handbook.) The original QRH concept had tabbed pages so that one could "quickly" respond to emergencies. Sully pointed out that poor Jeff had to search the index to find the appropriate pages since, as a cost-cutting measure, USAirways decided to print the QRH in-house, and didn't have the capability to make a tabbed QRH. Jon Stewart was dumbfounded (as were pretty much all the US pilots a few years ago when this genius decision was made.) Great publicity on national TV for USAirways and their new and improved (read: cheaper) QRH.

As you said: "Pennywise and pound foolish." I wonder what other "gotchas" are just lurking because of this mantra.