Us Airways Reservation Jobs May Be Outsourced

Given the "latest" pop up in a company proposal, I'd say outsourcing is not a maybe, but a given.

"Reservations employees with a classification seniority of 1/1/86 or earlier, will be afforded "No furlough protections" with the exception of force majuere circumstances. The Company is under no obligation to backfill positions vacated by the separation of Reservation employees who are afforded the furlough protection as described herein and that work may be outsourced."
"Reservation employees with a classification seniority after 1/1/86 are NOT entitled to "no furlough protection" and they may be separated due to outsourcing and will in lieu of furlough benefits be entitled to an enhanced severance package equal to the maximum "Early Out" provisions as described herein. Additionally all such employees will be offered outplacement assistance by the Company."

So are they or arent they already training people in, where was it, San Salvador? Now I know why we are adding FLL-SAL flights. :shock:
HEY Delta and UAL sent some to INDIA, USAIR will probably follow. I can remember one time calling Dell about a tech problem I was having and got a REP in India. I said WHERE, she said India. Needless to say the Dell got scrapped and I bought my own stuff to build MY OWN PC.

With GWB back in the White House it will be Carte Blanch for big business to farm out most of their customer support work. One day what is left in America will all be in Spanish after the illegals get their new green cards courtesy of GWB.

Look at Wal-Mart, making big moves in China. After they entrench there I bet they won't be running the slogan about buy American???? We as a three-class society are in for BIG changes 10 years down the road. We'll be in the running to becoming the biggest third world country on the planet. A country of haves and have-nots. And there will be more HAVE NOTS in the future.
NO furlough protections after 1/1/86..what a bunch of stuff..this company just makes me soo angry....
This Vote should send a message to the management team that we demand and deserve respect. I would not object to the outsourceing of jobs so long as we don't loose any that are currently on the property. Let the numbers work themselves out via atrition, not via slash and burn tactics.
There's a buyout in the latest offer .... I think it includes anyone with 5 years or more ..... prediction is 25% will take it.
tadjr said:
So are they or arent they already training people in, where was it, San Salvador? Now I know why we are adding FLL-SAL flights. :shock:

It has become pretty common knowledge that 1- Atento is getting Care and 2-the USAirways reservations training department is going to SAL to train the company for res calls. I think they want to have them taking calls within 6 weeks or so.
Would bet that if buyouts and/or furloughs with no less than unemployment benefits is offered there would be a mass exodus. 25%? I'd say closer to 65-75%. This is one unhappy group!
"I can remember one time calling Dell about a tech problem I was having and got a REP in India. I said WHERE, she said India. Needless to say the Dell got scrapped and I bought my own stuff to build MY OWN PC. "

I hope you make your own clothes and shoes. I'd be willing to bet that not a stich of it was made here. You may remember the "look for the union label" emotional song and dance on TV in the 70's to buy American made garments. It doesn't work. Americans want low prices. Industries change. Workers adjust or get re-trained. People move on.
This is sick, expected, but sick nonetheless.

Amazing how "David C" declares the negotiations going well.

I think that if they are pulling this crap! STRIKE!

It's been obvious for quite sometime that they have no intention of negotiating and trying.

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