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US Airways Reports Record December Load Factor

I guess I screwed up last month writing up the hf radio that quit on the way back from DUB. Also the oxygen mask mike switch that broke when I was trying to answer an hf selcal and the f/o was in the lav. I guess the crew going to gig later that day would have figured it out if they had a depressurization. Same with airplane in DUB last month that did not realize it was on the ground with the gear down. The warnings were blaring over the speakers and the eicas lit up like a Christmas tree because it thought it was in the air at low altitude with the gear up. I guess I should just turn myself in because all these things were my fault ...or all usapa's fault.
Cut the crap.

You know as well as the judge that USAPA was running a work action. MX issues are common and no one here expects zero write ups.

But USAPA went above and beyond and, using Wells as an example, tried to fabricate write ups.

Even USAPA admitted to it when then rolled over on the injunction allowing it to become a permanent one without even a fight. Why would they fight it when it was so obvious as to what they were doing.
MX issues are common and no one here expects zero write ups.

Exactly. Breezy makes it sound like having to wait on a gate/ground crew/jetway driver are life and death issues that only someone with his "superior" intellect and airmanship is qualified to deal with, never mind comment on. Like so many easties did before the injunction was issued, he tries to claim that something else was at work - in his case it was TA ops that were the problem. That particular argument is so easy to poke holes through it's amusing to do just that.

The company convinced a Judge, in CLT no less (so much for hometown advantage), that there was an illegal job action taking place and it was made easier by USAPA not really even defending itself. So save all the sob stories for when or if the company comes after you individually for violating the injunction.

Cut the crap.

You know as well as the judge that USAPA was running a work action. MX issues are common and no one here expects zero write ups.

But USAPA went above and beyond and, using Wells as an example, tried to fabricate write ups.

Even USAPA admitted to it when then rolled over on the injunction allowing it to become a permanent one without even a fight. Why would they fight it when it was so obvious as to what they were doing.
Actually I don't know that. I did get some info from usapa saying not to participate in anything that could be construed as a job action. I did get some anonymous phone messages advocating a slow down that could have come from an east pilot, a west pilot, a company official or anyone on earth. For some reason I got one of those "pink panty" awards in my mail box.....don't know why because I was sick that month and the company bought some time for training. I don't believe everything usapa, the company, the faa or for that matter a judge in a right to work state says.
Exactly. Breezy makes it sound like having to wait on a gate/ground crew/jetway driver are life and death issues that only someone with his "superior" intellect and airmanship is qualified to deal with, never mind comment on. Like so many easties did before the injunction was issued, he tries to claim that something else was at work - in his case it was TA ops that were the problem. That particular argument is so easy to poke holes through it's amusing to do just that.

The company convinced a Judge, in CLT no less (so much for hometown advantage), that there was an illegal job action taking place and it was made easier by USAPA not really even defending itself. So save all the sob stories for when or if the company comes after you individually for violating the injunction.


No matter what the circumstances I think NC is a right to work state and I'm sure you could not convict a company of murder if they lined up 50 employees in front of the food court and machinegunned them. The judge would say they had it coming. Rather than just the stats they should have looked at every write up one by one and decided if they were legit and if not legit then an honest mistake or a job action. I was late a lot during that time period and I would have had NO problem with me asking about any particular flight because I sent messages to dispatch about anything that added time to our flight. Also the judge got his info from where? I think it might have come from the company. Do you think the company can massage the data to make it look the way they want. So they hire someone from the outside and pay them to do an audit.......does this not give them a bit of leverage on the outcome?

It was a Federal Court, not a NC State Court, state right to work (for less) laws dont apply to unionized employees under the RLA and a CBA.
All one has to do is look at the MEL slides for the year a huge spike up in May back down in August and back to normal now, that was 100% on the Pilots and Union. BTW MEL items where at an all time low heading into may, so it was not a lack of MX or aging AC issue.
Forgive me for asking but are you a pilot or someone who gets a large bonus for keeping this place ontime? Honest question and not trying to *iss you off.
Corporate Cheerleader who hates unions based in Tempe, office cubicle I believe.
No matter what the circumstances I think NC is a right to work state

Has no bearing under the NMB. Try not paying dues/agency fees and see how much right to work you have (especially if you're a westie).

Also the judge got his info from where? I think it might have come from the company. Do you think the company can massage the data to make it look the way they want. So they hire someone from the outside and pay them to do an audit.......does this not give them a bit of leverage on the outcome?

It's not the plaintiffs job to defend the defendant. USAPA chose not to refute the data other than vaguely and actually admitted telling pilots to ignore company policy regarding operations (hard to do when the chair of the safety committee is faced with his own words). Instead of being mad at the company or judge, ask USAPA a few pointed questions...

I don't think anyone, and certainly not me, ever said that every write-up and delay was part of an illegal job action. But USAPA certainly had the opportunity to do the things you cited - get experts, look at every write-up, etc, and didn't. So unfortunately those who weren't doing anything different are subject to the same injunction as those who did. You can chalk that up as another accomplishment of USAPA.


No matter what the circumstances I think NC is a right to work state and I'm sure you could not convict a company of murder if they lined up 50 employees in front of the food court and machinegunned them. The judge would say they had it coming. Rather than just the stats they should have looked at every write up one by one and decided if they were legit and if not legit then an honest mistake or a job action. I was late a lot during that time period and I would have had NO problem with me asking about any particular flight because I sent messages to dispatch about anything that added time to our flight. Also the judge got his info from where? I think it might have come from the company. Do you think the company can massage the data to make it look the way they want. So they hire someone from the outside and pay them to do an audit.......does this not give them a bit of leverage on the outcome?


Man what a messed up post.

You think the company is going or purger itself with massaged data? And if it was massaged, don't you think USAPA would have been quick to point it out instead of rolling over in the injunction?

Quick making up excuses. There was a work action, it was obvious, and USAPA has indirectly admitted to it.
Forgive me for asking but are you a pilot or someone who gets a large bonus for keeping this place ontime? Honest question and not trying to *iss you off.
Forgive me for asking, but what difference does that make.

Stats are stats and the showed an obvious spike that correlated with other nefarious USAPA activity. The company nailed the easties and thats why the now have a permanent injunction in place.
And the spike ended withing days of the judges ruling also just as mysteriously. You get a spike every summer because of the heat and strain on the ops but this was a huge spike and the start and stop of it (to the day) coincides exactly with union chatter.
Forgive me for asking, but what difference does that make.

Stats are stats and the showed an obvious spike that correlated with other nefarious USAPA activity. The company nailed the easties and thats why the now have a permanent injunction in place.
Stats are stats and can be manipulated thousands of ways. Liars fugure and fugures lie.
Beat me to it

And thank you for pointing it out.

Once again, we have an eastie looking to find blame in someone else.
Thanks for pointing out to me what I already knew. In theory it should make no difference what state a federal judge is in....in fact I think they are influenced by their location. My take on the issue. If you care to think that just because they are a federal judge they are perfect you are welcome to your opinion.
Exactly. Breezy makes it sound like having to wait on a gate/ground crew/jetway driver are life and death issues that only someone with his "superior" intellect and airmanship is qualified to deal with, never mind comment on. Like so many easties did before the injunction was issued, he tries to claim that something else was at work - in his case it was TA ops that were the problem. That particular argument is so easy to poke holes through it's amusing to do just that.

The company convinced a Judge, in CLT no less (so much for hometown advantage), that there was an illegal job action taking place and it was made easier by USAPA not really even defending itself. So save all the sob stories for when or if the company comes after you individually for violating the injunction.


Where did I say anything about jetways, rampers, etc? The only thing I have addressed is the mx issues on the Philly TA ops.

check your meds.


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