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US Airways Poor Stewards of the Community

Actually, in the 1990's I was a volunteer at a school for handicapped preschoolers in INT and every year USAir maintenance held a party for the children complete with food and a 'ride' on an airplane where the captain played a tape over the loudspeaker of the plane taking off. It was quite a hit with the kids and their parents.

And they do this at Christmas time in LGA.

If you guys want to be as cold and heartless as many of you come across, I say FINE, we haven't resources, so F :censored: the kids? We aren't a charity for alot of snot nosed brats who are now being misled and lied to by adults, leaving the rug rats to believe they are actually on a real flight and that there is actually a Santa Clause. Let some charity group provide for them or let a local NYC business provide this event. :cold:

While were at it, cut it ALL out. Don't give a GD cent to anyone. If a family member dies, screw you...we don't have the resources to send flowers. Hell, we don't even have the money for a card. Budget constraints. If YOU die, same thing. It's not US Airway's job to give you anything but your paycheck and we owe the world, the states, the counties, the cities, and local communities absolutely nothing. So don't even ask. :cold:

Collectively, that's what I hear from most of these post. And we wonder why we're called USELESS AIR. <_<.................... :cold: :cold:
LCC, I am in complete agreement with you. I wrote them trying to get some bloody city posters for the geography department at UNC Charlotte and got the same lame excuse "while we'd like to help..." CITY POSTERS, for God's sake. Things that are nothing but marketing materials. Free advertising in a place that is graduating our future (and current) customers in a city where it has its biggest hub.

Who sponsored the AIDS Walk in Charlotte? American Airlines. Who gave tickets to a local charity as a door prize? jetBlue. The list goes on and on...and we as a company are NEVER on that list. It's called karma, folks. You reap what you sow.
LCC, I am in complete agreement with you. I wrote them trying to get some bloody city posters for the geography department at UNC Charlotte and got the same lame excuse "while we'd like to help..." CITY POSTERS, for God's sake. Things that are nothing but marketing materials. Free advertising in a place that is graduating our future (and current) customers in a city where it has its biggest hub.

Who sponsored the AIDS Walk in Charlotte? American Airlines. Who gave tickets to a local charity as a door prize? jetBlue. The list goes on and on...and we as a company are NEVER on that list. It's called karma, folks. You reap what you sow.

Had I known, they were giving them out for free in the CLT crew room during F/A appreciation week. There were hundreds!!

:cold: :cold: :cold: :cold: :cold: :cold:
LCC, you are acting like a child that didn't get a pony for her birthday.

The school will be rebuilt, its a high school, there are tens of thousands of them in the cities we serve, if we give money to every raffle or fundraising, we will be broke.

Yeah, its tough to turn down well intentioned people, sorry you didn't get the money. But not everyone that asks is going to get it, that is reality.

When I was at HP I worked on several charitable and community oriented events, in PHX and around the system. The vast majority of times I asked for tickets or a donation or grant or even cheap advertising, I was turned down, I didn't take it personal, because that is what reality is.

I don't think you really understand the role of Community Relations at US, its not there to give money, time, materials ,etc to every single person that asks, and they don't find it fun to turn down so many well intentioned people.

So, buck up, don't take it personally, and make your own donation.
LCC, you are acting like a child that didn't get a pony for her birthday.

I respect you more for actually explaining how it works and I can understand where the company is coming from. Thank you for explaining.

No, I am not acting like a child. I am just shocked at the cold and heartless remarks that people have made on these boards.

:cold: :cold: :cold: :cold: :cold: :cold:

By the way, I'll take that pony Dec. 9th..A mustang will do. 😉
How about a "heritage pin" for your birthday? I have one of those...never used. Genuine die cast metal and plastic...very snazzy.
How about a "heritage pin" for your birthday? I have one of those...never used. Genuine die cast metal and plastic...very snazzy.

Gee thanks...oh and no I Make US Fly pins. I have about 30 of them that nobody else wanted...good for potention 😉 ..if you know what I mean.
I think I bought the last of the really snazzy big HP 747 models at the company store last week.

But, its a collectors item.

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