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Possible TB exposure on US Express flight

Aug 20, 2002
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Not something one would expect on a flight from Austin...
Federal officials on Monday said a call from a passenger’s doctor in part triggered authorities to hold a US Airways flight on the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport tarmac Saturday because the passenger might have a serious infectious disease.
Flight 2846 landed in Phoenix and stopped short of the gate as Phoenix Fire Department paramedics boarded and escorted the possibly infected passenger off. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has not confirmed whether the passenger who boarded the flight from Austin to Phoenix was infected with tuberculosis...
The fact that the passenger met all 3 criteria for addition to the No-Fly list should mean criminal charges could be filed for deliberate exposure of others.  Reminds me of the passenger we had removed from a flight several years ago.  She actually said that "No, she didn't think running a fever of 102 was any reason to change her travel plans!"