Talk about STUPIDITY at it's finest. I hope they throw the book at him and cram that cellphone 'right up where the sun doesn't shine'. What a moron, and in uniform to boot!
Talk about STUPIDITY at it's finest. I hope they throw the book at him and cram that cellphone 'right up where the sun doesn't shine'. What a moron, and in uniform to boot!
Well before we Lynch him why don't we wait until the evidence is tested before we violate his person?
A voice of reason?
No. He's guilty. Fox news said so.
Fox news said so.
that's exactly what the hell the problem is IN THIS WORLD with all of those politically correct clowns that WANT to Defend individuals that are caught 'red handed'.......somebody ALWAYS making an excuse for some idiot doing STUPID things and trying to justify "WHY they should've/could've/would've done the misdeed". It's PATHETIC and says a lot about YOU, your lack of morals, common sense and plain good judgement. I am not by ANY means playing Judge or Jury (because quite frankly I couldn't give a damn about the pilot or know the young girl) but I WILL 'CALL OUT' STUPID when I See It and NOT Budge one iota in giving HIM any Leeway to justify his actions. A Pig is a PIG. He needs to be exposed, raked over the coals, EXPOSED and Slaughtered. Next thing you know someone will claim....."he's Really Nice, Very Professional, Comes from a Great Family, Has a Great Wife and Kids and is a Church Going Individual. B-F-D! He SCREWED UP.......Now He Needs to PAY UP!). Tired of the Continuous BS from some of these People.Well before we Lynch him why don't we wait until the evidence is tested before we violate his person?
I am not by ANY means playing Judge or Jury
He needs to be exposed, raked over the coals, EXPOSED and Slaughtered.
Where I take offense to your commentary is that for some reason YOU fail to mention that the Individual needs to TAKE OWNERSHIP for his actions. People like You want to pass the blame on EVERYONE else for getting 'their hand caught in the cookie jar'. Blaming society, tv, soap operas and the internet are foolish at best. You either have morals and know the difference between Right or Wrong or You don't. Next thing You will do is blame the cellphone manufacturer for putting a camera in the phone. I fathom to think that some of You would also want to believe that those pedophile priests/clergy really had no choice when it came to sexual misconduct with young children and altar boys because they were literally victims in their willingness to help a child in need. PEOPLE Do S-T-U-P-I-D Things ALL The Time.......some get away with it and some don't. But what pisses Me off to the high heavens is when OTHER's try to defend the possible Why/How and Society Made Me Do it Syndrome. People have CHOICES to make in life EVERY need to think with your Head (the right one) or You will 'Crash and Burn' everytime. And do not think for One Minute that I will feel sorry for your demise. It's ALL About Ownership for Your Actions.........and some people REFUSE to Buy into that, it's sooooooo much easier blaming the 'other guy'. Tired of It!A FAR FAR right wing talk show host whose name escapes me right now, Tom something said something one time that I've never forgot.
"The only thing worse than being a Pedophile is being accused of being one when you're not"
For better or worse we have a society that IMO suffers from an acute overload of sexual material. From sit coms and soap operas that glorify infidelity to the veritable smorgasboard of internet porn and all manner of things in between. With this backdrop is it really a surprise that someone would succumb to the deviant behavior known as "Upskirting"?
This is a tragic situation for all concerned. If (as I expect) he is found guilty I think the full weight of the law MUST be applied and IMO part of the punishment should include his termination from US Airways. and significant jail time. However why do I think he doesn't spend day one in jail?
One thing I do find interesting in this thread is that NO ONE has stopped to ponder the long term effects something like this may have on the young woman who is the victim.