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US Airways offer for Delta now $8.867 billion

when would now blah, blah, blah...

:wacko: Refresher Course:
Post #266173
:wacko: "I'm not going to continue with "mud slinging", emotional comments, or to try and discredit the messenger. If you choose to do so, so be it."


USA320Pilot :wacko:

I chose to defend BoeingBoy. Perhaps that explanation lifts the :unsure: fog? Once again, thank you for the neverending, always predictable laughs. :lol: :lol:

With all due respect, what you do not seem to understand is the difference between calling a spade-a-spade and "mud slinging, emotional comments, or to try and discredit the messenger."

My comments are respectful and not a smart-aleck approach, unlike others. Are they pointed comments? Sometimes, but I believe they are respectful and not designed to be inflamatory.

By the way, what useful purpose does it serve to make a comment like blah, blah, blah? Is that appropriate english and meaningful? Maybe for somebody in pre-school, but I believe not for an adult, which is an example of what I mean by being a smart-aleck.


...so where is "WT" lurking..we need some spin!!! I guess having lunch with Gerry everyday!
My comments are respectful and not a smart-aleck approach, unlike others. Are they pointed comments? Sometimes, but I believe they are respectful and not designed to be inflamatory.

And I believe you to be an egomaniac and delusional.

How do you explain the bit about "not designed to be inflamatory" when you are busy on the Delta board and have been busy on the United board discussing the ICT/UCT garbage? What about your past comments about the RC4, your union leadership or writing of a letter to the editor of the Charlotte paper?

You, sir, are a real piece of work.

BTW, airing percieved grievences against Boeing Boy around here is not likely to endear yourself to many here. I think you would be unhappy if a poll were launched to see who folks would rather have here, you or him.
US Airways' stock price is up $2.54 in pre-market electronic trading to trade at $62 per share. At this price the offer to acquire Delta is $8.867 billion, with $4 billion in cash of $4.867 billion in stock.

I believe as the stock price appreciates, the pressure will mount on Delta's board and its creditor's committee to accept US Airways' offer.

See Story


Now we can lop off close to $400 million off that value.
With all due respect, what you do not seem to understand is the difference between calling a spade-a-spade and "mud slinging, emotional comments, or to try and discredit the messenger."
And that speaks volumns.....

Being a legend in your own mind (just calling a spade a spade, ya know), you cannot comprehend and your ego will not admit to the possibility that you may be wrong. Your words are to be accepted as nothing less than the truth - pearls of infinite wisdom dispensed to the great unwashed masses.

So when you call someone a moron, angry, bitter, clueless, disgruntled, etc, you are merely calling a spade a spade - if you say it, it must be Truth.

Of course, it anyone should dare to question these pearls of wisdom you dispense, they must be "mud slinging, [making] emotional comments, or [trying to] discredit the messenger" since "the messenger' cannot be wrong.


ps - and dalad is right. The value of the offer has dropped a bit over the last two trading days. No new thread proclaiming the news??? I guess not since it's hard to spin as supporting your cause du jour....
And that speaks volumns.....

Being a legend in your own mind (just calling a spade a spade, ya know), you cannot comprehend and your ego will not admit to the possibility that you may be wrong. Your words are to be accepted as nothing less than the truth - pearls of infinite wisdom dispensed to the great unwashed masses.

So when you call someone a moron, angry, bitter, clueless, disgruntled, etc, you are merely calling a spade a spade - if you say it, it must be Truth.

Of course, it anyone should dare to question these pearls of wisdom you dispense, they must be "mud slinging, [making] emotional comments, or [trying to] discredit the messenger" since "the messenger' cannot be wrong.


ps - and dalad is right. The value of the offer has dropped a bit over the last two trading days. No new thread proclaiming the news??? I guess not since it's hard to spin as supporting your cause du jour....
Jim as aformer lurker I've always enjoyed your posts as they seemed balanced. Please don't go away since you've retired.

I started this topic to indicate the value of the offer had changed due to pre-market electronic trading. If the price of US Airways’ security goes up the proposed merger offer goes up and if the security goes down the proposed offer goes down. Today’s price action saw the stock price decline on lower than average volume, which is an indication there were not a lot of buyers. From a technical analysis perspective this is not a bearish signal.

In regard to being wrong, when I am wrong I admit it. Furthermore, if I am wrong or as you say “question the pearls of wisdonâ€￾ I dispense, I have not problem with that if the dicussion is mature. If I am wrong that is o.k. because that means there is a better way.

My objection to some of our posters is a lack of decorum, a lack of respect, people who lack courage when they insult others typing behind a PC, smart-aleck's, or people being a chameleon. Another objection I have is when people purposely trying to discredit the author of the post because a person does not like the message or they twist information.

BoeingBoy, when is it o.k. to be a chamelon, support union leaders who purposely misrepresent information, twist information, or be disrespectful? Or when is it o.k. to be a smart-aleck?

Best regards,

Today’s price action saw the stock price decline on lower than average volume, which is an indication there were not a lot of buyers. From a technical analysis perspective this is not a bearish signal.

Today's Volume : 4,266,000
Average Volume (10 day): 2,085,460
Avg Vol (3m):2,069,420

In regard to being wrong, when I am wrong I admit it.

Time to fess up, then.....


By the way, what useful purpose does it serve to make a comment like blah, blah, blah? Is that appropriate english and meaningful? Maybe for somebody in pre-school, but I believe not for an adult, blah-blah-blah.


Yes, it is appropriate English and meaningful. It's most useful purpose, in this instance, is to shorten your posts to acceptable lengths, as referenced here, blah-blah-blah appears to suit your posts quite appropriately. However, since you've asked so nicely:

Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'blä
Etymology: imitative
1 also blah-blah-blah/-"blä/ : silly or pretentious chatter or nonsense

I'm sure anyone with a grasp of the English language, could utilize the word(s) blah/blah-blah-blah, as an adult or pre-schooler. 😎

Class dismissed.
BoeingBoy, when is it o.k. to be a chamelon, support union leaders who purposely misrepresent information, twist information, or be disrespectful? Or when is it o.k. to be a smart-aleck?

Best regards,


"When," you ask? You could not even garner (don't you love that word!) enough votes, in one of the smallest bases in the airline, to carry the votes of U pilots to the MEC. Copilots and F/As avoid you like the plague, and you make fun of one our most loyal, newly retired pilots by questioning HIS comments on this board.

You have not even been worth the time to reply to over the last year, much less the last decade. I can say with authority you are so far off base on current events it is laughable...but I won't.

As a true union member, maybe you should start thinking of your DAL fellow pilots as brothers, no matter what happens in this transation. In the end, we will stand with them or fall, because this is all bigger than your petty observations.

JEEEEZUS I thought Kindergarten was only a half day![/b][/size][/font]

...hardest two years of my life.

"Today’s price action saw the stock price decline on lower than average volume, which is an indication there were not a lot of buyers".

Is it possible the increase in oil prices and OPEC's announcement of production cuts in Feb had anything to do with the drop in stock price?


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