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US Airways offer for Delta now $8.867 billion

BoeingBoy, I have a strong suspicion that you also know what 'Pilot' meant.
Well, I would expect someone who is "an active trader and investor who is successful in the markets" to know the difference between a market and individual persons/firms involved in that market. Would it be accurate to say that the NYSE and LCC have made an offer to buy DL, merely because LCC trades on the NYSE? Unless, of course, USA320Pilot made a mistake in phrasing (who hasn't - certainly not me) or intended to make the unofficial committee sound more impressive than it is.

So far, we haven't seen a "Oops, that's not what I meant" which leaves door #2.


ps - interesting that UA is up more on a percentage basis (Nov 14 close thru yesterday's close) than LCC, and up big again today (while LCC is currently down slightly). So much for short term trading patterns and their meaning.
Unless, of course, USA320Pilot made a mistake in phrasing (who hasn't - certainly not me) or intended to make the unofficial committee sound more impressive than it is.

Now, now Jim. If he were to point out that the unofficial committee was unofficial, it would reinforce the fact that his opinion is very unofficial.
As an active trader and investor...



I truly don't have knowledge of the stock market. I'm probably naive, but I've worked for 3 different bankrupt companies, and always came through them okay. I'm not unrealistic, I just truly wish the best for all employees, regardless of who signs our paychecks.

Market price action is market price action. Does it matter if its pre/after market electronic trading or intraday NYSE action? The issue is that investors are bidding up the security because they believe in the speculation and the company's fundamentals, period.

The point is during most M&A activity the security of the acquiring company goes down, but in this case for US Airways it has gone up considering the price immediately before the takeover announcement. Moreover, the bond market is indicating their preference for US Airways' bid too.

Let's be honest here. You do not like me and I do not like you.

Because I have publicly accused you of effectively being a Chameleon and misrepresenting information on the US Airways ALPA and other message boards; as well as supporting the ALPA RC4's destructive efforts during LOA 93 negotiations, you do not like me and you purposely try to discredit me.

That's fine, but when would now be a good time to grow up, especially in your retirement since you're no longer a US Airways employee?


Sounds like you need to grow up. As an active trader and investor you should know to not take pre-market action serious until the security opens.
Let's be honest here. You do not like me and I do not like you.
Because. . .blah blah blah blah. . .
That's fine, but when would now be a good time for to grow up, especially in your retirement since you're no longer a US Airways employee?


:wacko: Yeah! Exactly when would now be a good time to grow up? :wacko: Please tell us! Some things never change!

How is the status of one's employment germane to the expression of opposing opinions? As a side note, BoeingBoy is and will remain listed as a retired USAirways EMPLOYEE.

:lol: And the laughs just keep on coming! :lol:
The issue is that investors are bidding up the security because they believe in the speculation and the company's fundamentals, period.

Well, you got the speculation part right. A company with a trailing P/E of well over 100, 3 billion in debt, horrid returns on assets and equity, and a profit margin less than 2 points--sure sounds like a winner on the fundamentals.

BTW, did you notice the cliff that the price fell off when trading opened this morning? So much for the folks who bid 'er up premarket....
Let's be honest here. You do not like me and I do not like you.

Because I have publicly accused you of effectively being a Chameleon and misrepresenting information on the US Airways ALPA and other message boards; as well as supporting the ALPA RC4's destructive efforts during LOA 93 negotiations, you do not like me and you purposely try to discredit me.

That's fine, but when would now be a good time to grow up, especially in your retirement since you're no longer a US Airways employee?


USA320Pilot [/font]

Alvin, Alvin, Alvin.


When would be a good time to play nice with others?
"Gilding the Lily" and "A320Pilot":

"Former ModerAAtor" posted the following on a thread on the American board regarding Northwest's so-called "Golden Share" in Continental.

From a NWA SEC filing:

Section 4: Master Alliance Agreement

iii Additional Termination Rights

(a) In the event of a NW Change of Control, each of CO and NW shall have the right to terminate the Master Alliance Agreement on 6 months' prior written notice, without liability or penalty to the other party.

(d) For purposes of this term sheet, a "Change of Control" with respect to either NW or CO shall mean any merger, reorganization, share exchange, consolidation, business combination, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution or similar transaction involving NW or CO, or any sale or disposition of all or substantially all of NW's or CO's airline assets on a consolidated basis, involving, or the acquisition of beneficial ownership of 25% or more of the equity securities or voting power of NW or CO by, a third-party air carrier or carriers with annual passenger revenues in any such carrier's most recently completed fiscal year in excess of $1 billion, or an affiliate of any such third-party air carrier(s), or the execution of definitive agreements in respect of any such transaction.
So, we know NWA is going thru a Ch.11 reorganization, and if the stock is cancelled, a recapitalization event takes place. Either event gives CO the right to terminate the agreement without penalty, and I think it's just a matter of time before they invoke that clause in the agreement.
While I'm not a lawyer or a bankruptcy expert, and with all due respect to them, neither are the Wall Street analysts quoted by A320Pilot. The above language appears (to me as a layman) to allow Continental to be able to get rid of Northwest's "Golden Share" at some point in the near future, prior to Northwest's exit from Chapter 11. I guess we'll find out one way or the other soon enough.
My point in the beginning of this thread was simple: The higher the LCC security appreciates the more pressure Delta will feel to agree to the deal.

In regard to my comments of “Furthermore, the bond market and a group of Delta unsecured creditors have formed an unofficial committee to represent their interestsâ€￾ and BoeingBoy’s comments that “Oddly, I missed the report that the "bond market" had joined that short list of relatively minor unsecured creditors that make up the unofficial committee of unsecured creditors....â€￾, I believe Gilding the Lily correctly identified the sentiment of certain posters when he said, “BoeingBoy, I have a strong suspicion that you also know what (USA320)'Pilot' meant.â€￾

BoeingBoy, here are a couple of links you might have missed to help you understand the discussion:

See Story

In regard to my bond market comment, I could have just as easily have said bondholder, for those who likely understood my point but tried to be a smart-aleck instead.

Nonetheless, here is more information on the subject, which I believe some people understood all along and knew what I meant.

See Story

Finally, I believe this board would benefit more from a respectful discussion with decorum versus people purposely trying to twist information and discredit others because they do not like the message.



It's clear you (and your vet) simply do not get it, but why should I be surprised, especially with your lack of courage. 😉


How true....

LCC stock is back below $60 - $59.40 at the last tick. Maybe DL's creditors will view the merger offer dimly for fear the price will keep dropping...... :shock:


You don't honestly believe that Parker, etal. are that inexperienced to go after DL - knowing the competitive environment, with an opening offer at the high end? Parker's smarter than that - the $8B is probably a teaser to force DL to open the books and wait for competitive bids, if any, (UA/NWm etc.), before committing to anything higher.

What is interesting in our on going dialogue is that you always initiate the exchange between us, which I believe starts with your attempt at inflmmatory comments. What is it like to be a smart-aleck who obviously is an angry, miserable person? Are you influenced by that 25-year Vet and is he that way too?

With all due respect, when would now be a good time for you to engage in meaningful discussion versus your constant drivel? :up: 🙄 :up: 🙄

Best regards,


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