I hope he does bring the supermodel look BACK ASAP!!!! Somebody needs to clean up our "look" Have you seen all the fat cows working and mooing through the aisles. The old guys with beer bellies. Our service sucks and too many crew members have really let themselves go. Put lipstick on that pig already it is needed sooooooooooooo bad...I even hear customers comment on 'i thought flight attendants were supposed to be pretty' or 'look at that old one'
I hope he actually listens to the chairman's comments and fa comments...time will tell.
Not so much he can do about the weight issue, but he can certainly require a certain uniform standard, and he absolutely should. It's way overdue.
At the very least: Ties on men, pressed shirt. Period. It's not that hard, boys.
Gate checks. If you are not in compliance and look and act like a total slob, you go home. Period. No whining and crying and begging. Send down an OPR from the dungeon. Stat! You're off to Rome.
People I fly with always say, "This company should be worried about more important things than how I am dressed." "When the company cares about me, then I'll look the part..." Drives me batcrazy. You look like a slob, and, sadly, have no personal pride.
Stop blaming the fact that you look like a washed up hillbilly on the fact that this company is a mess. Have some personal pride for cripes sake.
To jetjok:
You may be right, his hands may be tied too much to do anything productive, but that still makes me wonder: Why not promote a current "yes man" from within, instead of this seasoned guy, who may actually know what a nice service looks like?