US Airways' List of Outside Safety & Safety Culture Accolades Growing

President Cleary next relayed to the Board that he had just been informed that the FAA Certificate Management Office (CMO) was proceeding with enforcement action against US Airways for operating from Larnica, Cyprus (LCLK) on May 6, 7 & 8th without ETOPs authority. Thanks to Captain Rick Brown who was very helpful with the investigation. Please Click Here to read the June 16th Safety Update for a re-cap of this story. Safety Culture Accolades Growing, not!
President Cleary next relayed to the Board that he had just been informed that the FAA Certificate Management Office (CMO) was proceeding with enforcement action against US Airways for operating from Larnica, Cyprus (LCLK) on May 6, 7 & 8th without ETOPs authority. Thanks to Captain Rick Brown who was very helpful with the investigation. Please Click Here to read the June 16th Safety Update for a re-cap of this story. Safety Culture Accolades Growing, not!
Maybe some folks should look in a mirror to see the real issue with our compamy! I await your answer.....
I don't think you are right about that. I did get a message from the union saying not to participate in any illegal job action. I should think that would be sufficient.

While I suspect it would depend on the judge, in the AMR v APA case it wouldn't have been nearly enough. There, the APA officers put out code-a-phone and email messages, stuffed the pilot mail boxes with letters and put posters in the crew rooms. All saying not just to knock it off, but giving the judges order verbatim and giving the consequences to the individuals and union of not complying with the judges order. That wasn't enough because the phone tree wasn't used. The judge said that the APA hadn't used every means at it's disposal to stop the actions.

...Doug is the longest currently serving CEO means that he has ten years, or forty financial quarters, where he has in fact met BOD/Shareholder expectations. There's no telling when Doug will step down as CEO, but there sure aren't any signs of it happening anytime soon.

Why on earth would Doug leave? Leave now and give up all your adoration?
Well Bob....Im Tony! Now what? If you truly are a pilot then you know I speak the truth otherwise you are just stirring! Now you man up and tell us what really goes on up front with those "secret" phone calls on they pre paid cell phones? The truth shall set you free :) Again you know what I am referring too!
Nice to meet you Tony and I can't tell you anything about prepaid cellphones because I haven't seen anyone use one . If those phones exist were they used under usapa orders? Were they paid for by usapa? Maybe it could be someone from alpa. Bottom line is I can't tell you about something I have not seen.


Nice to meet you Tony and I can't tell you anything about prepaid cellphones because I haven't seen anyone use one . If those phones exist were they used under usapa orders? Were they paid for by usapa? Maybe it could be someone from alpa. Bottom line is I can't tell you about something I have not seen.



Nice to meet you Bob..Unfortunatley I can tell you what I saw! In every instance the Pilot wore a "Im on board" lanyard, spoke of his distain for this company during the briefing...and spoke of getting the Pre paid cell phones in order to prevent anyone from tracing the call. If you are flying ask your co workers. I can bet you half of them have witnessed the same! Where did the text come from? Where were the calls placed too..dont know dont care...Its about the actions of a few not the person calling the shots.. They will eventually get caught!

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