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Us Airways Is A Viable Airline With A Plan

Boys...Girls...Stop the fighting. Why bicker at each other? I can't believe the total lack of outrage of whats equivalent to a 1% decrease of management pay. The unions should all get buttons to wear that says. 21% for ALL employees. Where are the balls? We've worn green ribbons and protested in other ways. We are all fighting the wrong people. And please don't tell me about their contracts. The judge could have broke theirs as well. We need to let management, the customers, and the press see how hypocritical all this is.

Management LOVES us to fight amongst ourselves.
UseYourHead said:
I have read bits and pieces from numerous posters that GoFares are not working, US Airways has no plan, that he plan is not working and so on.
Well then explain how Go-fares are working. Are Go-fares improving the performance of the company?

The plan to transform US Airways is working, point-to-point flying is on the increase, Island flying is on the increase, etc.

That is implenting the plan; implementing a "plan" does not mean that it is working. Has the implementation of these aspects of the "plan" improved the performance of the company?
"Typical Pilot",
Yep, pull into PHL, CLT,etc. Have to stop short because even though there are 3 or 4 people on the ramp, not one can park the a/c. Then, after some time, someone shows up. Then maybe, or not, the jetway driver is there. Unload bags, well it seems that we nead at least 3 to start. One in the belly to put the bags on the belt, one to take the bags from the belt and put them on the cart, and #3, I guess he's there incase someone runs out of steam. Less than 3, no bags are loaded or off loaded.
And if there is something in the log book, have to call PIT. Have to keep them in the loop. Yeh, feather bedding at it's best.
The typical pilot sees this day after day.
Atlantic said:
Unload bags, well it seems that we nead at least 3 to start. One in the belly to put the bags on the belt, one to take the bags from the belt and put them on the cart, and #3, I guess he's there incase someone runs out of steam. Less than 3, no bags are loaded or off loaded.

Agent #1 in the belly has to slide the bags to agent #2 working the door so they get on the belt and not piled up at the door. Agent #3 is at the end of the belt to load the bags onto a cart. The exact reverse happens for the onload.

Next time you wanna talk smack you should know what you're talking about first.
And management makes the mechanics call PIT since Maintenance Operation Control (MOC) is located in PIT and all MELs have to be given to the Mechanic from MOC, and the help desk for troubleshooting is in PIT too.

If a MEL is granted an amended flight release has to be sent, and that all comes from PIT, I thought a "typical" pilot would know that.

Next time you want to talk smack, you should know what you're talking about first.
And we should be fighting the other airlines...not management, not each other!

firstamendment said:
Management LOVES us to fight amongst ourselves.
"Better to die with dignity then to live in fear like a coward."

USA320Pilot comments: The above post is full of anger and lacks common sense. Furthermore, UseYourHead's comments are valid and reflect logic versus anger and frustration.

When thinking about the future and potential new contracts, I believe there are two major points to consider: If the cuts are personally to severe, is it better to have a job with benefits or no job at all while in transition? In addition, what about those who require benefits? Are we willing to harm those who want or need to stay at the company for whatever reason?

For example, a colleague of mine sent an email last week and said, "To the pilot, flight attendant, mechanic or gate agent who wants to shut this down. Put life into perspective. The Captain's wife on my trip this weekend was diagnosed with colon cancer stage IV (there is no stage V in cancer). He does not know what he will do if his medical benefits are lost. I asked him how he responded to the pilot that wanted to vote NO on the TA. Each pilot he told that was going to vote NO hanged to YES after hearing his story. There are hundreds of stories like this in this company," he said.

USA320Pilot comments: There is no benefit to anybody associated with US Airways and deep down we all understand that fundamentals are changing. Fuel prices, yield reduction, LCC expansion, Internet booking, Southwest in PHL, and increased security costs are very real and deep issues. I believe everybody would be better off obtaining a deal and then using the agreements to move on, if necessary or continuing to work at the company.


You just don't get it.

Stop trying to pyscho anylaze you are not a psychiatrist. You cant expect thousands of people to vote their jobs away.

The company wants to basically eliminate the whole maintenance dept, contract out reservations, customer service and fleet.

There are no jobs to protect by taking concessions to save your flying job.

You are gonna get a dose of reality then other unions show the guts that your union and members lack.
US Airways Workers Asked To Keep Focus On Customers - Federal Strike Rules Will Likely Forestall Any (union) Action

Complete Story

USA320Pilot comments: It appears the AFA and the Company are nearing a Transformation Plan TA. Management has scheduled meetings to discuss its latest cost-cutting offers with the IAM Mechanics & Related tomorrow, IAM Fleet Service Agents on Wednesday, and the CWA on Thursday.

In regard to the CWA strike vote authorization, it’s unclear if a strike is legal and ALPA labor attorney’s believe Judge Mitchell would not permit the provision because it would likely result in the company liquidating.

Finally, it's my understanding that without new labor accords, permanent S.1113© contract "imposition" could occur for any labor group without a new contract no later than November 30.


UseYourHead said:

Great points, and you are right. Lower yields are a BIG problem, and one more reason that costs must permanently come down.

Thanks for posting these facts.
Why don't you permantly lower YOUR costs. Buy your kids second hand clothes and feed them jello. YOU are one of those "I have mine screw everyone else" types that are going to run this country into the ground. I am so disgusted with your "type" TYPICAL WHITE MALE who has had his ass kissed all his life....Hope the you wake up someday...Oh yea when your job is sent to wherever and you are crying BUT BUT BUT. And you wonder why people are so fed up...with YOUR TYPE.
UseYourHead said:
And we should be fighting the other airlines...not management, not each other!
Oh and by the way...I have over 500 hrs of sick time, work above my schedule every month and have never had to use "outside" help to save my job. Yeah, believe it or not, the majority of employees at XYZ work because they are dedicated and do the right thing. They deserve much better. If you are so honorable take the cake out of your kids mouth and give it to mine.
USA320Pilot said:
US Airways Workers Asked To Keep Focus On Customers - Federal Strike Rules Will Likely Forestall Any (union) Action

Complete Story

USA320Pilot comments: It appears the AFA and the Company are nearing a Transformation Plan TA. Management has scheduled meetings to discuss its latest cost-cutting offers with the IAM Mechanics & Related tomorrow, IAM Fleet Service Agents on Wednesday, and the CWA on Thursday.

In regard to the CWA strike vote authorization, it’s unclear if a strike is legal and ALPA labor attorney’s believe Judge Mitchell would not permit the provision because it would likely result in the company liquidating.

Finally, it's my understanding that without new labor accords, permanent S.1113© contract "imposition" could occur for any labor group without a new contract no later than November 30.




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awayfrmitall said:
Ok if it's as you are stating... if it were not for the cost of fuel US would be posting a profit then WHY is the agreements being presented to the unions run until sometime in 2011?

Why not base the amount of concessions with the price of a barrell of oil? Oil goes down then xx% of a wage cut goes away and the pay goes back up by that amount?

Want to know why not?... because upper management wants to start turning a BIG profit when oil goes down and the hell with the rest of the employees or retirees who will be effected for YEARS...

Not to mention what the concessions do to other employees in the marketplace at all airlines....


Nope, that's not why. Management realizes that it will need equity investors to get over this period of high prices and/or adjust to the new reality of higher prices. Long term deals will attract equity investment..... probably.

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