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Hot Off The Press From Ben B.

Good luck to you usacrew3,

Will you tell us what your new plans are? (airline/which one, or other industry)

usacrew3 said:
This is my last official day at USAirways, voluntary Separation, Jim this one is for you - is Ben smokin' crack!
I live in Fort Lauderdale and guess what, you are not going to reinvent our once carrier of choice in this city. We have Jet Blue, we have Spirit, we have Song and we have Southwest. South America does not need US Airways. Our once great airline that we were so privileged to cross the Atlantic for and serve is sinking a slow painful death and as a great friend of mine said tonight on the telephone, " Anyone who is not looking for a new job, is fooling themselves"
Goodnight, Im turning off the light but I am not bitter- thank you all for the memories.
PineyBob said:
Honestly Jim, I've met him personally back in December of last year and he appeared genuine and sincere.

Now remember I ripped him in the media and on the internet so things started out rather tense to be polite. I think he was/is his own man.

Wolf worked under Lorinzo. Wolf Hired BBB. Birds of a feather... some smile some don't. (Wolf was gentile about it.)

They all have the same goal. Transportation... of Wealth... from your pocket to theirs.

Wolf always went to struggling airlines. They are the easy ones. They want to hear that someone is coming to improve things, and they are therefore susceptible to the lie “if you give pay cuts now then you will be paid back handsomely in the future.â€￾

Sometimes the euphemism of "business" is applied to the above fleecing. Sophisticated opportunism is more accurate.
Unless he took a very long vacation between jobs B-Cubed would be a Wolf hire:

Baldanza came to US Airways from Grupo Taca, where he served as managing director and chief operating officer from April 1997 to September 1999.

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