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Us Airways Is A Viable Airline With A Plan

You know,

The AFA, IAM and CWA did not tell ALPA how to conduct their negotiations, nor tell the pilot what concessions to take.

Learn the common courtesy of doing the same.

Your posts show a scared man who is afraid that another work group(s) will have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the company and hold them accountable (something that your group has no idea about) and it might force this company out of business.

It is not the IAM, AFA or CWA'a fault, they did not tell Glass to steal and declare war on the employees, Glass has done this all himself. Glass is a known union buster, he worked for Ford and Harrison which is one the the biggest and well known union busting firms, and how ethical is it that US Airways now uses outside counsel (Ford and Harrison) in arbitration cases and negotiations instead of the in-house council and labor relations personnel?

How is it ethical that US pays Glass a salary and we hire his law firm and his consulting business, Glass and Associates also?

Sounds like Jerry it triple dipping. Go look at the court records on payouts to companies we do business with, it is all there.

Once concessionary contracts were signed, the company tried to steal what they could not negotiate. Did Glass reimburse the company $15 million they are going to have to pay the IAM Mechanic and Related employees for the airbus arbitration?

Stick to flying your plane and worry about your contract and let the other union members decide what course and let me decide their own fate, they did the same for you, show them the same courtesy and respect.
Note the fuels cost increase from last year ... it does NOT account for the total loss, it is 72 Mill increase over last year, the other 150 million is the lowering of yields..especially out of PHL. not only will yields continue to erode through out the east coast ... it will accelerate

Three Months Ended
September September ,
30, 2004 30, 2003(2)
Operating Revenues
(3) $1,601 $1,593
Cargo and
freight 31 31
Other 167 147
Revenues 1,799 1,771
Operating Expenses
Personnel costs 653 656
Aviation fuel 282 210
700 (with all due respect),

Now that is too funny 🙂

You and everyone else did not narrate the entire negotiating process, including how we should vote too?

I have not heard anything this funny in long time.

We are not scared, we are full of common sense...that is why we do what we do, and it has been a no-brainer.

And yes, I do have opinions about what all the other groups are facing too...rest assured you will hear all about them 🙂

700UW said:
You know,

The AFA, IAM and CWA did not tell ALPA how to conduct their negotiations, nor tell the pilot what concessions to take.

Typical Pilot,

Can't answer the questions poised to you.

Better to die with dignity then to live in fear like a coward.

You can post away and it won't make a bit difference to how an IAM, CWA or AFA member will vote, something I guess you will never learn that they will do the opposite of what you post, they are grown men and women and have a mind of their own, and have the democratic right to vote however then please, something that you can't change.
UseYourHead said:
Fuel on the other hand is killing us...if not for fuel we would be posting a nice profit.

Ok if it's as you are stating... if it were not for the cost of fuel US would be posting a profit then WHY is the agreements being presented to the unions run until sometime in 2011?

Why not base the amount of concessions with the price of a barrell of oil? Oil goes down then xx% of a wage cut goes away and the pay goes back up by that amount?

Want to know why not?... because upper management wants to start turning a BIG profit when oil goes down and the hell with the rest of the employees or retirees who will be effected for YEARS...

Not to mention what the concessions do to other employees in the marketplace at all airlines....

kiloromeo said:
Note the fuels cost increase from last year ... it does NOT account for the total loss, it is 72 Mill increase over last year, the other 150 million is the lowering of yields..especially out of PHL. not only will yields continue to erode through out the east coast ... it will accelerate

Three Months Ended
September September ,
30, 2004 30, 2003(2)
Operating Revenues
(3) $1,601 $1,593
Cargo and
freight 31 31
Other 167 147
Revenues 1,799 1,771
Operating Expenses
Personnel costs 653 656
Aviation fuel 282 210


You have not responded to kiloromeo...Why?

You are once again wrong and insulting. The MEC has not received a T/A. Our MEC President CHAIRS the neg. committee.

Now, I will not address you either. I believe you are not who you claim to be on these boards...

You don't know me or my function.

You sure have been on the board a lot lately. Are you scared or desperate?
Pitbull says, "Even United who is still in BK. They haven't terminated their pensions yet."

Pitbull, the management at UAL is watching and waiting the final results at USAIR. Then they will know exactly what they can get away with, by continually crying poor. UniTED management is warning that they could default on DIP covenants this next quarter. And, that even canceling the pensions will not give them the relief that they need to exit BK. So, right after the elections you can rest assured that the pensions will be terminated. And in NOV you will see them asking the judge to lower every working groups wages a certain percentage like they have at USAIR. Then, like USAIR if they don't get new concessions they will ask the judge to cancel the labor agreements.

These two airlines do not have a lot of maneuvering room left AT ALL. When the shake out of the airline industry has transpired in the years ahead, these two carriers will probably have succumbed to their old style of total mismanagement.

Great points, and you are right. Lower yields are a BIG problem, and one more reason that costs must permanently come down.

Thanks for posting these facts.

kiloromeo said:
Note the fuels cost increase from last year ... it does NOT account for the total loss, it is 72 Mill increase over last year, the other 150 million is the lowering of yields..especially out of PHL.
You are a piece of work...what do insults have to do with any debate here?

I do not want to change how anyone votes, I am entitled to my opinion, as are you.

I don't know what that has to do with being a coward, something I am not. I have voted as I see fit, and your statement below shows a real lack of maturity and any logic:

"they will do the opposite of what you post"

Thats makes allot of sense, voting the opposite of what I think just because...sounds like something a 6 year-old would do.

Good luck to you, your going to need it....

Grow up ace!

700UW said:
Better to die with dignity then to live in fear like a coward.

You can post away and it won't make a bit difference to how an IAM, CWA or AFA member will vote, something I guess you will never learn that they will do the opposite of what you post, they are grown men and women and have a mind of their own, and have the democratic right to vote however then please, something that you can't change.

Still waiting for you to answer. Keep dodging.
Have you been keeping tabs? I have had a several days off, its been nice and given me some time to play here.

Scared or desperate...not quite...is anything happening this week that I should be?

Non-pilot consessions will happen, or the judge will do it for you, that is a no-brainer, and a fact.

My only hope for you is that your group has the courage to step-up and choose what is best for your membership, instead of your union leadership hiding behind their mother skirt, afraid to make the tough choices facing them.

The easy way to go here is say no, your head is handed to you that way, instead of standing up in front of the membership explaining the long list of tough choices, now that is courage, something 7 of our 12 MEC members displayed.

Good luck to you and your group, I really mean it.


unit4clt said:

You sure have been on the board a lot lately. Are you scared or desperate?

I guess I got wrapped around the axle...what question are you waiting to have answered?

Sorry for any delay, really....

700UW said:
Still waiting for you to answer. Keep dodging.

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