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Us Airways Granted Court Approval Of

Open your eyes and comprehend.

320s posts say it is a prepackaged bankruptcy, no where has US said it is, the POR has not been filed or approved, and the information posted is from the SEC who has given examples and definitions of a prepackaged bankruptcy which this filing has none!

Not my fault if you cant understand what prepackaged means.
Well you certainly cleared that up didn't you? You make it as clear as mud as usual. Thanks for clarifying that!
I'm not a lawyer and I'm not a pilot and I don't know if it is classified as a pre-packaged or not but obviously there were some agreements before had with creditors and the stablization borad if we can use some of the restricted cash while in BK. However, I will bet $10 to a donut that this BK Judge or any other BK judge is going to give the company what they say is necessary to keep from going into chapter 7 and putting 30,000 in the unemployment line this close to an election. No judge is stupid enough to risk his future on that decision.
hadEnuff said:
No judge is stupid enough to risk his future on that decision.

I'm a little confused by this statement, as federal judges are appointed and not elected. I serioulsy doubt that Judge Mitchell has any concern regarding his own career as it relates to the US Airways proceedings.

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