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Us Airways Granted Court Approval Of

Here’s what I publicly reported about this bankruptcy proceeding, which was the first public disclosure of this information:

US Airways would file for Chapter 11 on September 12.

US Airways had hired Arnold & Porter and the investment banking boutique Seabury Group as the company’s advisors.

The company’s primary cost cut targets will be labor contracts and aircraft/facility leases.

The airline would like consensual new labor accords, but if necessary would impose new contracts with temporary changes due to the S.1113(e) process and then use the S.1113/S.1114 process, if necessary.

Every day that goes by company labor proposals would get worse.

The formal restructuring could take about 120 days. The company wants to submit its plan of reorganization (POR) by the end of the year. Why? The new business plan is in place and the only major thing left to do is to reject contracts and then fill in the numbers for the disclosure statement and POR.

Guess what? I was right.



P.S. According to ALPA's attorney's the company could now seek to furlough out of seniority in all work groups.
It wouldn't matter 700. You could have it shown to you in black and white and you'd want it in purple and pink. You chastise the captain for practicing law instead of flying airplanes and what do you do? You practice law also instead of doing whatever it is you do. (Even though we all know what that is)

Once again I ask you to prove what I posted wrong, you can't so you resort to insults and attacks, shows your lack of maturity.

If you have nothing intelligent or noteworthy to say then there is no need in replying to you anymore.

In a side note CNBC that management just told the court they are not here to preside over a liqiudation.

And to 320pp

This is what you posted in case your memory is failing you:

USA320Pilot Today, 08:26 AM Post #26
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Who said the company would emerge before the end of the year?

Regardless, this is a pre-packaged bankrutcy and the company is already rejecting leases on day one.

The company has an excellent website set up that took an enormous amount of effort to complete at www.transformingusairways.com with a very interesting supplmental brief in support of day one motions.

As I said a few months ago, I understand this whole judicial restructuring could take about 120 days.

USA320Pilot Today, 07:28 AM Post #13
Rank: Veteran Member
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As I said a few months ago with my warning, this bankruptcy is pre-packaged, does not require DIP financing, has the approval of the ATSB, and is principally placing labor in the "cross hairs", although there are certain aircraft and facility leases the company would like to reject.

So are you back tracking?
700UW said:

Once again I ask you to prove what I posted wrong, you can't so you resort to insults and attacks, shows your lack of maturity.

If you have nothing intelligent or noteworthy to say then there is no need in replying to you anymore.

In a side note CNBC that management just told the court they are not here to preside over a liqiudation.

And to 320pp
So are you back tracking?

Once again you ignore the obvious and if this isn't a case of the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is coming from the master of insults, attacks, berating dialogs, chest thumping ignorance. Most of what you post is more than 10 years old cut and pastes. You provide nothing here and if you don't like what I post there is an ignore button you can choose that will eliminate my posts from showing up to you. I like to read yours and laugh though.
Nobody wants to see US Airways liquidate and suspend operations, except the company's competitors.

I do not want to see anybody get furloughed or anybody lose more pay and benefits, but the airline world has changed as we know it.

I firmly believe it is in everybody's best interest to not fight with management and accept the changes designed to permit the carrier to transform itself into a network/LCC airline. Then if the changes are unacceptable, we all would have the option to move on.

The benefits of this approach are to keep pay, for example for the F/A's 85% of 100% is better than nothing. In addition, keeping medical benefits, dental benefits, some cash retirement contributions, pass privileges for job hunting, COBRA, severance pay, LTD, some retiree health care benefits, and J4J (if available) is better than just unemployment benefits.


700UW said:

Once again I ask you to prove what I posted wrong, you can't so you resort to insults and attacks, shows your lack of maturity.

If you have nothing intelligent or notheworthy to say then there is no need in replying to you anymore.

In a side note CNBC that management just told the court they are not here to preside over a liqiudation.

I heard that too, and I also heard, lets see: Well I don't have enough space to name all the stores and businesses who said that same thing and then disappeared. That aside, do you really believe they would get on national TV and say: Listen everyone, we plan on stranding PAX like PAM AM did. Consider it an adventure to figure out which city you will find yourself stranded in. You get my point, and besides you never believed them before and even called them to task for it on these boards so now why would you suddenly choose to believe them now?
cavalier said:
I heard that too, and I also heard, lets see: Well I don't have enough space to name all the stores and businesses who said that same thing and then disappeared. That aside, do you really believe they would get on national TV and say: Listen everyone, we plan on stranding PAX like PAM AM did. Consider it an adventure to figure out which city you will find yourself stranded in. You get my point, and besides you never believed them before and even called them to task for it on these boards so now why would you suddenly choose to believe them now?

Actually, the pax tickets will be honored by other carriers in our Star Alliance.

And I did speak to someone in upper managment that said this is in no way a liquidation.

Again, everything is speculative, but these are today's truisms.
Hi.....I have a question going back to the beginning of this thread.

Is it a FACT that Judge Mitchell has SP firstclass privliges on USAirways?
MrAeroMan said:
Yes....those mean ol' Republican's are at it again. Don't forget it wasn't very long ago that the Democratic Presidential nominee, the Senator from Massachusetts, Mr. Waffle himself, John F. Kerry said it would be best for everyone if US Airways just went away. Boy that sure is Liberal compassion if I ever heard it.

**AMEN!** :up:
MrAeroMan said:
Isn't it time for you to dump a lav somewhere??

😀 LOL!!

That's why I like 320 so much. Puts 700 in an absolute lathered up rant. I swear it is the funniest thing to watch!
No makes me lathered up, it just show their lack of knowledge when they post false information or result to insults when they are shown to be proven wrong.

And you need to read, it was aeroman, not 320pp.
My bad Pitbull....this is what ya get when I have been up all night!!! LOL
700UW said:
No makes me lathered up, it just show their lack of knowledge when they post false information or result to insults when they are shown to be proven wrong.

And you need to read, it was aeroman, not 320pp.

Proven wrong?? Where?? LOL!!

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