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Us Airways Flight Attendants Demand Detailed Busin

PineyBob said:
PITbull said:

You are absolutely correct. We will all in time have to evaluate whether we want to continue being employed here and working under this type of management.

I do believe many are preparing.

This is my sole argument for why you and the leadership of labor should consider granting further concessions:

1 - The industry is "Gorked"! Wages and benefits are just not going to be what they were for a LONG time, if ever.

2 - Some of your co-workers need aditional time to plan their escape. A paycheck while creating and implementing their exit strategy would be most helpful.

3 - Some love to fly at any wage. Allow them that opportunity.

4 - As for "Allowing" Bronner and the rest "get Rich" off of your efforts. NEWS FLASH! They already are "Rich" by all measurable standards.

5 - Settling the Labor differences with US Airways allows your members "an orderly retreat" to their next career.

For me all of this is difficult to grasp, because unless I was so in love with what I did, I would have been GONE before the BK was over. But that's my take on it. Flame away.
bob i don't have time for any orderly retreat nor do i see any need .
i like the quick fix....
If management complies to AFA's resolution, and I mean every single thing in it, then AFA will have to bring their members into the fold to give leadership direction on whether to go to the table. Things will be different this time. If U mangement has a great relationship with our group, than that part should be easy, if they don't, then the company is in deep quicksand. That will be managment's gage.

AFA needs to devise a process by which to poll its members, either by survey or ballot on whether to open contracts for a third time. This will be our gage on whether the f/as have met their threshold. We are still suffering with the new reserve system, sick penalties and policies, as well as decrease in wages, benefits across the board that protects us in our working years. PREF Bidding system is around the corner for block holders, and from what I saw, its a worse night mare and will eliminate alot of the language in our contract just as a consequence of its implementation later this year. It also has the potential to decrease head count again.

Any threats by managment or Bonehead to the membership to skew the vote will have the PIT local President's wrath.
Pitbull: What is the time frame here? When is the Company to respond to (complying with AFA"s resolutions.)? Is everyone waiting on ALPA? I feel like we are down to the 3rd. yard line, goal to go, seconds on the clock and Time Out Has Been called. <_<

I mean no disrespect to you, but I did go to shool too. I learned history just as you did. I don't need another history lecture.
ktflyhome said:
Pitbull: What is the time frame here? When is the Company to respond to (complying with AFA"s resolutions.)? Is everyone waiting on ALPA? I feel like we are down to the 3rd. yard line, goal to go, seconds on the clock and Time Out Has Been called. <_<

No time frame. Balls in management's court. Whether ALPA negotiates tomorrow or yesterday, makes no difference on our group. Managment states that they will give us the same credit they give the pilots on any "me-too" gives, however, that means dilly squat...all they will do is just RAISE the Bogy number.

In other words what ever dollar amount the co. sets as your contribution to the plan, they will just raise it to encompass what the pilots gave in "me-toos".
700UW said:
Once again dont let facts get in your way!
Once again you are in correct and post what supports only the section you want it too . Let me ask you this factoid. When a company is faced with lower almost crazy pay rates for oversees workers, and then a union gets higher pay for its employees from an american company , WHAT WILL HAPPEN ??????????? Hello? Any one in there?> LOL You and your facts crack me up........ The economy is soft yet union wants high wages and get it or doesnt take pay cuts... WHAT WILL HAPPEN??????????? You see my friend you just dont get it ! These words fly in the face of reality. Reality and facts hmmmmmmmm!
usfliboi said:
700UW said:
Once again dont let facts get in your way!
Once again you are in correct and post what supports only the section you want it too . Let me ask you this genius. When a company is faced with lower almost crazy pay rates for oversees workers, and then a union gets higher pay for its employees from an american company , WHAT WILL HAPPEN ??????????? Hello? Any one in there?> LOL You and your facts crack me up........ The economy is soft yet union wants high wages and get it or doesnt take pay cuts... WHAT WILL HAPPEN??????????? You see my friend you just dont get it ! These words fly in the face of reality. Reality and facts hmmmmmmmm!
hey guy,when you going to come around to the factoid club and quit posting irrelevant rants?
you sure do use up lots of megabytes with these idiotic,nonsensical tyrades...
and your rants arent? Please read my post carefully Use lodgic not your factual world of the past that guides you. Its s o sad to see this it really is . I dont need facts to back what im saying other than to see the reality of today .