You may want to do some historical research and buy a jar of Vasoline to help ease your foot out of your mouth.
What merged with HP was a collection of airlines, legally merged, culturally seperate. You would do well to consider and ponder:
Allegheny - Ed Colodny was held in very high regard by many of the employees, many of who still are employed as
"You Guys" in PHL, PIT and other cities.
Piedmont Founder and CEO Tom Davis, His employees chipped in and bought the man a Mercedes upon his retirement. Can you see the current employees doing that for Doug Parker?? I didn't think so! There are still many many "Piedmonsters" out there currently working as
"You Guys"
Pacific Southwest Airlines - (PSA) Don't know as much about their leadership except employee morale must have been pretty damn good to pull off a slogan "Our Smiles Aren't Just Painted On". That kind of morale comes from the top. There are a great many PSA folks out there in
"You Guys" land.
You know UW you're pretty friggin' arrogant. Now I don't mind arrogance if it's earned. If US were at the top of every performance measurement instead of
DEAD LAST and you came on here with your Feces Filled Fallacies then I could at least respect your opinion. As it stands now, you're nothing more than a pathetic apologist for a failed Management Team.
UW, do you think 20 years from now this board will have a regular poster with a screen name "Longing4StepfordStare"? But we do have one "Longing4piedmont", What do you think that tells you about
"You Guys" ????
In Closing I just want to say Thanks to
"You Guys"