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Attitudes like yours are the reason that US Airways will survive but NEVER thrive. It is however nice to know that from the ramp to the Board room the customer means NOTHING.
You have no idea what the customer means to me, and you don't know anything about me or my attitude. Unlike you, I've been both a customer AND an employee of an airline. So much hyperbole. "NOTHING", "NEVER"; do you not want to be taken seriously or do you just not expect to be?

I just happen to think - and I know this makes me a radical - that companies should be able to clear their throats without the permission and authorization of customers. Bottom line: you were not privy to the factors that went into the decision but all the same could not resist the temptation to assume, criticize and pontificate. It must really bother you that the management teams of various airlines don't value your opinion as much as you do.

Dead last in customer Satisfaction most of that time.
And still in business.

Three BK's between the companies that now comprise US
Of how many current management is responsible for? Which has what exactly to do with the Envoy club in PHL?

6 Years of Labor strife post merger with it's drag on profits
Which has what exactly to do with the Envoy club in PHL? Check out my unscientific forum poll, a strong majority of people here blame some combination of the pilots for this being the case.

Lowest wages of the Major US Airlines
For all work groups? Including those proudly and stubbornly, that is to say "happily" working under LOA93? Which has what exactly to do with the Envoy club in PHL?

Nearly grounded by the FAA
Never grounded by the FAA.

A CEO who served at least one more bay in prison than me.
And yet is still gainfully employed, massively (over)compensated and running an airline that is so far succeeding as a standalone. Ooh, and that abusive alcoholic President that tried to hijack that flight, the one who you almost brought to justice but slipped through your fingers, which has...what exactly to do with the Envoy club in PHL?

Your inventory of transgressions which you so oft and lovingly refer to supports not your argument but rather mine, that being your creepy obsession with this airline and the people who run it, that you take glee in knocking it at every opportunity and discounting any advance and progress it makes; nourishing the demons of your psyche while painting yourself as the hero and standard bearer of customers and employees. For all your thousands of posts of lambasts and lamentations what have you achieved?

Keep up the good work. B)

Bottom line: you were not privy to the factors that went into the decision but all the same could not resist the temptation to assume, criticize and pontificate.
Envoy club in PHL closing is great news for USAirways and the customers. HP style
Well, at least with HP it stayed open six years longer than it otherwise would have...

Truth is that it's highly likely that without merger neither airline would be here today. Parker does many things well. Despite all of your attacks and insults hurled at me you cannot refute the point that at no time since Bill Franke has HP Management ever given any attention to the human side of the equation.

If you look back US was no better having merged with an airline that had the best reputation in the US for customer service, then with an airline that was essentially Southwest and turned them into the dung heap that was US prior to the most recent merger.

In both cases Senior Management ignored the human aspect. WN never has and their bottom line and the words of their founder have proven this for thirty five years. The ONLY thing any airline has 100% control of 100% of the time is their people.
Truth is that it's highly likely that without merger neither airline would be here today. Parker does many things well. Despite all of your attacks and insults hurled at me you cannot refute the point that at no time since Bill Franke has HP Management ever given any attention to the human side of the equation.
Not insults, observations, and very poignant ones. That you find them insulting indicates only to me that you also find them accurate, in which it seems you're not alone. I'm bored with your invocations of dinosauric executives from a pre-9/11, pre-fuel crisis, pre-financial collapse and pre-depression world that no longer exists. You may as well be quoting scripture, for all the good it does. There is rhetoric, and then there is reality. Come back to us when you have all the facts about the club closing and I'll be happy to entertain your argument concerning the human side of the equation.

If you look back US was no better having merged with an airline that had the best reputation in the US for customer service, then with an airline that was essentially Southwest and turned them into the dung heap that was US prior to the most recent merger.

In both cases Senior Management ignored the human aspect. WN never has and their bottom line and the words of their founder have proven this for thirty five years. The ONLY thing any airline has 100% control of 100% of the time is their people.
US is not, never has been, and never will be WN. HP was never WN, the old US was never WN. So long as all of these remain as facts you will never be satisfied with the way US does or did business, in any of its manifestations, no matter what it does, because if you were you'd have nothing to post about. I'll say the following in generalized terms so that you don't take it as an insult: some people thrive on and actively promote dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction and discord that they can appeal to and invoke with every action the company makes, for the purpose of nothing beyond the psychological/emotional gratification they receive as playing the part of the all-knowing expert messiah. Very human indeed.
Truth is that it's highly likely that without merger neither airline would be here today. Parker does many things well. Despite all of your attacks and insults hurled at me you cannot refute the point that at no time since Bill Franke has HP Management ever given any attention to the human side of the equation.

If you look back US was no better having merged with an airline that had the best reputation in the US for customer service, then with an airline that was essentially Southwest and turned them into the dung heap that was US prior to the most recent merger.

In both cases Senior Management ignored the human aspect. WN never has and their bottom line and the words of their founder have proven this for thirty five years. The ONLY thing any airline has 100% control of 100% of the time is their people.
Parker does many things well...... you are so right. DoUgIe does SO much better than the most of us ! Just another West coast Decision from a bunch of Spread Sheet FOOLS that have no idea of the East Coast Business want and needs. Go CO !, oops I mean UAL. Glad we will be heading to One World in the near Future.
US is not, never has been, and never will be WN. HP was never WN, the old US was never WN. So long as all of these remain as facts you will never be satisfied with the way US does or did business, in any of its manifestations, no matter what it does, because if you were you'd have nothing to post about. I'll say the following in generalized terms so that you don't take it as an insult: some people thrive on and actively promote dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction and discord that they can appeal to and invoke with every action the company makes, for the purpose of nothing beyond the psychological/emotional gratification they receive as playing the part of the all-knowing expert messiah. Very human indeed.

Doesn't it strike you as odd or perhaps revealing that CO & WN have been more profitable than HP or US despite disparate business models? The common denominator in both companies is PEOPLE. Both carriers are known for their commitment to their workers and that focus flows right to the bottom line.

My frustrations are that I see really really talented customer oriented employees just completely stymied by a 1940's approach to management. US Airways is the classic example of "Of course we want you to think and make decisions just check with me first" mentality.

As long as that mind set prevails and is IMO encouraged from the top, US Airways will never reach its full potential for the Employees, Customers and Investors. IMO US Airways should have been the dominant domestic carrier, yet through various blunders at the top have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The list of blunders is far to long to list here. If the old US had been managed right there would have been no way that they would have ended up in a position that in order to survive they'd merge with a third rate airline like HP. But all of that is ancient history now and we have what we have.

Operationally things have improved immensely
Customer Satisfaction has improved but has IMO a long way to go.
For the most part the fares make sense and that is a direct result of the genius of Andrew Nocella. I give Andrew a lot of credit as IMO he kept the doors open at US long enough to work out the merger. Whatever they pay him isn't enough.
In general US has done a pretty good job improving on the "Nuts & Bolts" aspect of running an airline.
Where they have repeatedly dropped the ball is in the Customer/Employee Satisfaction arena and for this reason alone US has placed their long term viability in jeopardy without another merger.

I had an incident when traveling that required me to use one of my contacts to get it fixed. It was fixed promptly. However when I saw what this person had to go through in order to help a customer I became convinced that US will wallow in mediocrity for as long as the current team is in place. I won't detail the incident as I have a verbal agreement not to share our conversations as the individual is at the Managing Director Level and is a really great person. I just wonder how long it will be before the person leaves in frustration.
Doesn't it strike you as odd or perhaps revealing that CO & WN have been more profitable than HP or US despite disparate business models? The common denominator in both companies is PEOPLE. Both carriers are known for their commitment to their workers and that focus flows right to the bottom line.

My frustrations are that I see really really talented customer oriented employees just completely stymied by a 1940's approach to management. US Airways is the classic example of "Of course we want you to think and make decisions just check with me first" mentality.

As long as that mind set prevails and is IMO encouraged from the top, US Airways will never reach its full potential for the Employees, Customers and Investors. IMO US Airways should have been the dominant domestic carrier, yet through various blunders at the top have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The list of blunders is far to long to list here. If the old US had been managed right there would have been no way that they would have ended up in a position that in order to survive they'd merge with a third rate airline like HP. But all of that is ancient history now and we have what we have.

Operationally things have improved immensely
Customer Satisfaction has improved but has IMO a long way to go.
For the most part the fares make sense and that is a direct result of the genius of Andrew Nocella. I give Andrew a lot of credit as IMO he kept the doors open at US long enough to work out the merger. Whatever they pay him isn't enough.
In general US has done a pretty good job improving on the "Nuts & Bolts" aspect of running an airline.
Where they have repeatedly dropped the ball is in the Customer/Employee Satisfaction arena and for this reason alone US has placed their long term viability in jeopardy without another merger.

I had an incident when traveling that required me to use one of my contacts to get it fixed. It was fixed promptly. However when I saw what this person had to go through in order to help a customer I became convinced that US will wallow in mediocrity for as long as the current team is in place. I won't detail the incident as I have a verbal agreement not to share our conversations as the individual is at the Managing Director Level and is a really great person. I just wonder how long it will be before the person leaves in frustration.

There is rhetoric, and then there is reality. Come back to us when you have all the facts about the club closing and I'll be happy to entertain your argument concerning the human side of the equation.
Why don't you genuisis go start an airline and run it right or move up through the ranks and become CEO?

Oh I forgot you are in an union and stuck at suck!
Why don't you genuisis go start an airline and run it right or move up through the ranks and become CEO?

Oh I forgot you are in an union and stuck at suck!

First, off I'm a Customer and when dealing with your ilk I prefer to be called "Salary Provider" if you don't mind.

Secondly, there is a lot of talent on this board. Many of whom could be integral parts of an upstart airline.

Thirdly, with all of your scary talent why are you where you are. Glass house, stones and all of that?

I, generally speaking respect the the folks who post here with a few notable exceptions. We don't always have to agree or even ever agree. What we do not have to do is not be disagreeable to one another and you Sir or Ma'am have failed royally in this regard. With your anti union rhetoric you insult most everyone here and the sadder part is you show your ignorance of history. Most of what you enjoy like a 40 hour week, overtime, health insurance paid by the company and a host of other things are due to the efforts of the Coal Miners of Appalachia, Steelworkers in PA & ON, Auto Workers in MI back in the 20's and 30's. Many paid with their lives so you could post your vitriol from your office computer while on company time.

I'm not a giant fan of what unions have become. However to ignore their contributions to our society is just plain wrong. Frankly I could do a better job of Marketing US Airways then the current ship of fools. I say that because they don't market their product at all. Why don't YOU come on out here where the elite athletes of business operate? Pick up a phone and schedule a few Sales calls??? WHY? Because you couldn't close a door much less a sale.
First, off I'm a Customer and when dealing with your ilk I prefer to be called "Salary Provider" if you don't mind.

Secondly, there is a lot of talent on this board. Many of whom could be integral parts of an upstart airline.

Thirdly, with all of your scary talent why are you where you are. Glass house, stones and all of that?

I, generally speaking respect the the folks who post here with a few notable exceptions. We don't always have to agree or even ever agree. What we do not have to do is not be disagreeable to one another and you Sir or Ma'am have failed royally in this regard. With your anti union rhetoric you insult most everyone here and the sadder part is you show your ignorance of history. Most of what you enjoy like a 40 hour week, overtime, health insurance paid by the company and a host of other things are due to the efforts of the Coal Miners of Appalachia, Steelworkers in PA & ON, Auto Workers in MI back in the 20's and 30's. Many paid with their lives so you could post your vitriol from your office computer while on company time.

I'm not a giant fan of what unions have become. However to ignore their contributions to our society is just plain wrong. Frankly I could do a better job of Marketing US Airways then the current ship of fools. I say that because they don't market their product at all. Why don't YOU come on out here where the elite athletes of business operate? Pick up a phone and schedule a few Sales calls??? WHY? Because you couldn't close a door much less a sale.
And I thought you were an anti-government constitutional libertarian. Yet, this post seems to imply you support government regulations for 40-hour work weeks (before mandatory overtime) and government mandated overtime compensation. As for the rest, the competitive free market forces dictate what private employers offer employees in order to attract and retain the talent companies need to achieve their goals (until Obamacare kicks in that is).

By all means, please make the connection as to how coal miners and the rest of the people mentioned could pay with their lives so that twenty-first century Americans can post on a website? What's the correlation between what they chose to do to earn a living and what anyone who is non-union does today except for what onerous government regulations do to destructively insert themselves into the free market and the employer-employee relationship?

I've seen the negative effects of the regulations all of my life and would like nothing more than to see these foolish government interferences repealed. Here's just one example...when I was working in a restaurant back in high school the minimum wage for food servers was $2.01/hr (below federal minimum wage rates because gratuities were assumed to make up the difference). The wait staff at the restaurant (the good ones anyway) could easily walk away $200-$300 a night in tips which back in the early '80s was not too bad for college students and moms working an evening shift. At a staff meeting I recall several frustrated waitresses begging management to let them work more than 40 hours per week so they could earn more in tips. They were willing to work for free in terms of the restaurant's payroll of $2.01 per hour or the $3.02 per OT hour, but federal and state labor laws prevented the employer from accepting an offer to work for tips alone. So the restaurant lost a chance to make more money by having wait staff voluntarily work for free and the wait staff lost the opportunity to earn more in tips because the OT laws determined the amount that had to be paid to workers. One can presume that the customers also lost because the meal costs were higher to cover waitress and busboy minimum wages. The customer also suffered because the best wait staff who were well-motivated to earn good tips by offering excellent service were sitting at home instead of being productive in the marketplace.

There is simply no justification or constitutional authority for the government to dictate the terms of the employer-employee relationship. Likewise there is no justification for the government forcing a business to accept organized labor and collective bargaining "rights" against their will or better judgement. Government involvement in these relationships is killing American jobs and the economy. Do as you wish but don't ask me to thank a coal miner or steel worker (do we still have steel workers in America) for giving the government more power and control to destroy the country I love.
And I thought you were an anti-government constitutional libertarian. Yet, this post seems to imply you support government regulations for 40-hour work weeks (before mandatory overtime) and government mandated overtime compensation. As for the rest, the competitive free market forces dictate what private employers offer employees in order to attract and retain the talent companies need to achieve their goals (until Obamacare kicks in that is).

I'm going to respectfully decline to answer except for my comments below. My negative feelings on ObamaCare would over load the server.

By all means, please make the connection as to how coal miners and the rest of the people mentioned could pay with their lives so that twenty-first century Americans can post on a website? What's the correlation between what they chose to do to earn a living and what anyone who is non-union does today except for what onerous government regulations do to destructively insert themselves into the free market and the employer-employee relationship?

Individual Liberty comes from our creator. No government can confer these fundamental human rights. Among these rights is the right to freely associate with others of like mind and to organize to further their common interests. I have long argued that the single biggest enemy of Organized Labor was FDR and all of the laws that you allude to and their subsequent regulations. A free market is just that and when Government meddles with the relationship between Labor and Management precious little good comes from it for either side. All of the items you mention in your first paragraph are issues to be negotiated between company and labor without government intervention. However you cannot deny history that right or wrong the Labor movement gave us the lifestyle we enjoy today.

I've seen the negative effects of the regulations all of my life and would like nothing more than to see these foolish government interferences repealed. Here's just one example...when I was working in a restaurant back in high school the minimum wage for food servers was $2.01/hr (below federal minimum wage rates because gratuities were assumed to make up the difference). The wait staff at the restaurant (the good ones anyway) could easily walk away $200-$300 a night in tips which back in the early '80s was not too bad for college students and moms working an evening shift. At a staff meeting I recall several frustrated waitresses begging management to let them work more than 40 hours per week so they could earn more in tips. They were willing to work for free in terms of the restaurant's payroll of $2.01 per hour or the $3.02 per OT hour, but federal and state labor laws prevented the employer from accepting an offer to work for tips alone. So the restaurant lost a chance to make more money by having wait staff voluntarily work for free and the wait staff lost the opportunity to earn more in tips because the OT laws determined the amount that had to be paid to workers. One can presume that the customers also lost because the meal costs were higher to cover waitress and busboy minimum wages. The customer also suffered because the best wait staff who were well-motivated to earn good tips by offering excellent service were sitting at home instead of being productive in the marketplace.

There is simply no justification or constitutional authority for the government to dictate the terms of the employer-employee relationship. Likewise there is no justification for the government forcing a business to accept organized labor and collective bargaining "rights" against their will or better judgement. Government involvement in these relationships is killing American jobs and the economy. Do as you wish but don't ask me to thank a coal miner or steel worker (do we still have steel workers in America) for giving the government more power and control to destroy the country I love.

There are many examples like the one you posted. You cannot blame organized Labor IMO for the subsequent actions of Government. FDR was if nothing else a master politician. Like the current Empty Suit he needed money to get re-elected. Big Business had it, labor was getting the upper hand and he put a stop to that quick fast and in a hurry. Same with Social Security, a brilliant election year ploy. Take an obscenely small percentage of a persons wages in exchange for a pension. They made the retirement age 65 in a country where the average life expectancy was 55. Total Scam at the time. Over time the scam worked right up until the Baby Boomers started to retire and the life expectancy went to about 77, so now we are upside down on the largest social program we have. All because we traded a little bit of economic freedom for a little bit of economic security and got neither.