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I'm going to respectfully decline to answer except for my comments below. My negative feelings on ObamaCare would over load the server.

Individual Liberty comes from our creator. No government can confer these fundamental human rights. Among these rights is the right to freely associate with others of like mind and to organize to further their common interests. I have long argued that the single biggest enemy of Organized Labor was FDR and all of the laws that you allude to and their subsequent regulations. A free market is just that and when Government meddles with the relationship between Labor and Management precious little good comes from it for either side. All of the items you mention in your first paragraph are issues to be negotiated between company and labor without government intervention. However you cannot deny history that right or wrong the Labor movement gave us the lifestyle we enjoy today.

There are many examples like the one you posted. You cannot blame organized Labor IMO for the subsequent actions of Government. FDR was if nothing else a master politician. Like the current Empty Suit he needed money to get re-elected. Big Business had it, labor was getting the upper hand and he put a stop to that quick fast and in a hurry. Same with Social Security, a brilliant election year ploy. Take an obscenely small percentage of a persons wages in exchange for a pension. They made the retirement age 65 in a country where the average life expectancy was 55. Total Scam at the time. Over time the scam worked right up until the Baby Boomers started to retire and the life expectancy went to about 77, so now we are upside down on the largest social program we have. All because we traded a little bit of economic freedom for a little bit of economic security and got neither.
Well I would love to see how many employers would voluntarily submit to collective bargaining without a federal mandate to force the situation on them. Some may, but my best guess is that most organized labor would be quickly dismissed in the free market. Either way let the labor and employer free choices reign rather than the pernicious interference of federal or state government. The nation's economy and jobless rate would be exponentially better in a true free-market environment.

I fully concur on the Social Security disaster that came out of FDR and the 1930's. Back then the annual maximum contribution was $60. If it had remained capped at $60 I would still consider it unconstitutional but at least the burden would be more than manageable. BTW, Medicare & Medicaid programs have now surpassed Social Security as the top federal expenditure and the top unfunded liability. SS unfunded liability is "only" $15 trillion versus more than $100 trillion for Medicare, Medicaid and prescription drugs. Can you spell i-n-s-o-l-v-e-n-c-y?
I'll be in the C-D CLT Club on 11/5, from about 3PM-4PM, and I am curious how much of a difference I will notice. Does anybody know if the "enhanced snacks" will be out during that timeframe?
Well I would love to see how many employers would voluntarily submit to collective bargaining without a federal mandate to force the situation on them. Some may, but my best guess is that most organized labor would be quickly dismissed in the free market. Either way let the labor and employer free choices reign rather than the pernicious interference of federal or state government. The nation's economy and jobless rate would be exponentially better in a true free-market environment.

Well fact is the unions were gaining in power and used techniques that are now conveniently illegal to bring a company to the table. If you've ever heard the expression "Mop & Broom Brigade" then you have heard a phrase that comes straight from the Labor Movement. Back when you loaded coal by hand and were paid by the ton they used Mules to haul the carts. Since the men were being shot at by the Baldwin's the women would get up early and go down to the mine and use pots & pans, mops, brooms anything they could to frighten off the mules so no coal got loaded that day. These were the tactics of Mother Jones, Aunt Molly Jackson, Sarah Ogan Gunning & many many others. They also used the concept of "Roving Pickets" where they would go to any company facility and blockade it so no product got out and by the time the law showed up they'd be gone. That stuff stopped when FDR needed to get his Progressive arse re-elected.

Today all you hear about is union violence. Well history teaches us that labor learned the lesson from the Company Gun Thugs hired to intimidate the strikers. I've told the story here before how I was asked to go to KY and be a strikebreaker at Brookside. $512.00 per week in 1974 was a hefty sum of money for a 21 year old kid to walk away from. I've never crossed a picket line and I intend to die with that being the case. Doesn't mean I agree with Organized labor anymore then standing in a garage would make me a car but to me there are moral absolutes and crossing a picket line is one of them.
Why don't YOU come on out here where the elite athletes of business operate? Pick up a phone and schedule a few Sales calls??? WHY? Because you couldn't close a door much less a sale.
Sure Dwight. I'll leave the Scranton office to come out to the Pine Barrens and sell copy paper.

Just exactly how much have you spent from your own pocket on US airfare this month?
Can there be ANY discussions here without insulting each other? If you disagree with one another that's fine,but cut out the personal attacks already. You make yourself look like a child.

Grow up.
Sure Dwight. I'll leave the Scranton office to come out to the Pine Barrens and sell copy paper.

Just exactly how much have you spent from your own pocket on US airfare this month?

Typical "Pile-It" an expert in his own mind, knower of all things yet incapable of memory. I haven't resided in Mystic Islands, NJ for over a year. Most on here know I relocated to the Upper Midwest.

Never sold Copy Paper. Sold Digital Printing equipment with a sticker of just under a quarter Million. I haven't spent a dime flying US in a while. Partly because the largest airport even remotely close is MSP and US doesn't fly to Helena, MT where one of my better clients is located. When I fly back east to visit family I do use US Airways.

Allow me to extend the invitation for you to join me out here on the pointy end of the spear where Sales are won and lost based upon talent and not seniority. Like your colleague you couldn't close a door much less a deal. Typical Pile-It
Maybe Tempe can bring back the video poker machines to the Clubs. You know, there's nothing quite as classy as a few rounds of Slotto before jetting off to Europe, all while adding a few bucks to the spreadsheet. :lol:

Why don't you genuisis go start an airline and run it right or move up through the ranks and become CEO?
Genuisis {sic}? :lol: Actually I could save a startup airline money by reusing all the F silverware that fell into my rollaboard.
Can there be ANY discussions here without insulting each other? If you disagree with one another that's fine,but cut out the personal attacks already. You make yourself look like a child.

Grow up.
Aw shucks, mister...we was just talkin' crass and blowing off steam is all...can we have our ball back now? :unsure:
Aw shucks, mister...we was just talkin' crass and blowing off steam is all...can we have our ball back now? :unsure:

NO! you have to write:

"I will not fart in the catchers face' 500 times then you can have the ball and the bat.
Typical Pile-It
Probably not, since I started a very successful company with mostly other people's money and what was in my wallet and sold my interest in it for a tidy profit 5yrs later. I made plenty of cold calls (there's no other kind when no one has heard of you) and most of them never paid off. But the one's that did paid nicely. The market conditions that allowed for that success no longer exist, and airline flying a few days a month allows for family priorities to take their rightful place.

So in short - Been there. Done that. Turn off the light when you leave.
I know, they are such bastards, I mean they were the only post deregulation airline out of hundreds to survive and thrive, making money, employing people, adding to the economy, how dare they?

Oh yes how dare they. The same airline who filed bankruptcy, held it's head above water in PHX against Southwest (didn't thrive) made a few buck on the backs of the lowest paid employees in the majors and had to merge with dying US to SURVIVE! Please save the junk posts. US is one of if not the most customer and employee unfriendly airline. 🙄