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US Airways delays A350 deliveries

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Why would anybody come to my defense? I haven't asked for any help, thank you very much. The fact that Delta is the worlds largest, most powerful carrier on Planet Earth is undeniable. With our fleet of 1,100+ aircraft and for the first time ever, a carrier with true global reach and virtually unfettered access to any market we deem worthy, we are to be marveled and feared at the same time. I command thee serfs to convert now or fall forever. :lol:
The fact that Delta is the worlds largest, most powerful carrier on Planet Earth is undeniable.

Yes, but US is replacing some really worn out 737's with the luxury E190's. I wonder if the E190 will become the flagship for US????
Why would anybody come to my defense? I haven't asked for any help, thank you very much. The fact that Delta is the worlds largest, most powerful carrier on Planet Earth is undeniable. With our fleet of 1,100+ aircraft and for the first time ever, a carrier with true global reach and virtually unfettered access to any market we deem worthy, we are to be marveled and feared at the same time. I command thee serfs to convert now or fall forever. :lol:

Pan American Airways, Eastern Airlines, Braniff Airlines, Trans World Airlines.

All powerhouses of their own times.

Now may be Delta's time.

Will they be welcomed, too, to the dustbin of history?

A very prudent and responsible move considering todays economical environment, especially in the airline industry.

Some very irresponsible and vindictive armchair analysts, who decide this is an omen, are amateurs. Tweaking deliveries of aircraft 6 years from now by one year, is acceptable.

This is a nasty business that will incur many casualties and survivors. This move is a very small piece of the puzzle of adaptation to a cyclical industry.

May I note that some posters belong to an association that are asking customers not to fly on a particular airline. This strategy is not working. They are stepping up, what they think is the heat. I consider them nothing but keystone cops extortionists.

It's nice to read an objective post and not some mindless dialogue by an employee with an ax to grind. Good Work!!!!!!!!!!!
Why would anybody come to my defense? I haven't asked for any help, thank you very much. The fact that Delta is the worlds largest, most powerful carrier on Planet Earth is undeniable. With our fleet of 1,100+ aircraft and for the first time ever, a carrier with true global reach and virtually unfettered access to any market we deem worthy, we are to be marveled and feared at the same time. I command thee serfs to convert now or fall forever. :lol:
That's fine you feel you are the 'most powerful carrier on Planet Earth', but we still pity you 'BIG fleet' guy. :lol:

Your credibility was shot long ago, at this point we are just trying to understand why you have this unhealthy obsession with the US and AirTran forums....especially since you 'supposedly' work for the 'most powerful carrier on Planet Earth' and have such a 'BIG fleet'. :lol:

IMO, Your insecurity just might be one reason you feel compelled to keep telling us how 'BIG' your fleet is. :lol: Again, good luck with that....
Well, it seems all is wonderful in NorDelda Land. Let's see how great they are when they actually start merging operations, computer systems, and seniority. I can't wait to see the union vs nonunion fight to come. Pass the popcorn.

I find it funny that anyone from another airline finds it necessary to talk smack here considering the huge loses the airlines took.

As far as the subject at hand, by the time the 350 arrives, I'll actually be able to hold that plane as a line.

Regarding the E190, my fav plane now. 2/2 seeting in back. roomy, only 99 people. More people means more complaints. Bigger planes means more people with UNREALISTIC expectatiohs.
Why would anybody come to my defense? I haven't asked for any help, thank you very much. The fact that Delta is the worlds largest, most powerful carrier on Planet Earth is undeniable. With our fleet of 1,100+ aircraft and for the first time ever, a carrier with true global reach and virtually unfettered access to any market we deem worthy, we are to be marveled and feared at the same time. I command thee serfs to convert now or fall forever. :lol:
I for one would trade all that BS for a Southwest PAYCHECK, that my friend is the bottom line, :lol:
Why would anybody come to my defense? I haven't asked for any help, thank you very much. The fact that Delta is the worlds largest, most powerful carrier on Planet Earth is undeniable. With our fleet of 1,100+ aircraft and for the first time ever, a carrier with true global reach and virtually unfettered access to any market we deem worthy, we are to be marveled and feared at the same time. I command thee serfs to convert now or fall forever. :lol:
"Beam me up Scotty", from this mega-carrier wonderland called Deltaville. How long do you think the fleet will stay at that number? The DC-9's will be leaving along with some of the older 747's. followed by the MD-88's.
It just amazes me how fasinated you are with US, while the smoke is starting rise over on the DL & NW boards. Maybe you should actually focus on something that has to do with YOUR JOB & COMPANY. Based on what I'm reading over there, you have lots of trouble brewing already between the 2 workgroups and it Ain't pretty. They may have thrown the Pilot groups a bone, but it sounds like they are just going to give you guys the Bone. Anderson doesn't have a very glamorous track record of being employee friendly. What B.S he feeds you guys now as opposed to what he does once his wallet is filled remains to be seen. Most here including one of the moderators have seen you for what you are, and that is nothing more than a
"flame-bait post" specialist. I see that you lurk the DL & NW boards, but lack the Go-nads to post ANY remarks. Perhaps they would see you as one of the Kool Aid drinkers over there with all of your company cheerleading propaganda. Get a life already, will ya.... :lol:
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