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US Airways CEO calls for more consolidation

Hasn't Parker been talking about the need for consolidation since at least the merger, which was itself consolidation? I just don't see any earthshaking, or even new, news here.

That’s *all* that Parker really thinks about. I just thought it would liven things up at USAv a bit since BOB snack thread got locked down, LOL.
True, at least as *A relationships are concerned. Personally I think a CO/UA combination has more benefits than a UA/US combination, but that's pure speculation.

Don't look for a UA/CO merger. More a sharing of resources to cut costs and and build on joint strengths.

At the expense of one, or more, other airlines.
oh if dreams could come true . the new airplane is here ready to launch phl to sju........................love it
Hasn't Parker been talking about the need for consolidation since at least the merger, which was itself consolidation? I just don't see any earthshaking, or even new, news here.

Your sense comes from being retired, and presumably without the nightly wish for the left seat of a UAL widebody. Not everyone is so enlightened.
US Airways CEO calls for more consolidation - US Airways chief says airline industry needs to get smaller to get profitable, improve service

Dude! You call this news? What rock have you been hiding under since 2005?

That's why he wanted the merger with U in the first place. He has always been searching for the perfect dupe to dump it on.

Don't be surprised if Parker ends up pawning off a "distressed" U to the federal gov't in a bailout within a year...
Good Lord, USA320Pilot....how many times have you had a friend/secret admirer/insider/fueler/lav truck driver/ramp rat/stock broker/Board of Director/voice in your head....give you some sort of inside info. on some sort of pending merger regarding LCC and it NEVER happens, absolutely NEVER pans out....and then you proceed to magically disappear for a few months because you look like a poliana.???

Spare us the copy/paste links already. You know no more or less than the guy working the catering truck for Sky Chef. The only difference is, he never proclaims to be some sort of aviation Nostradamus :lol:
LOLOLOL - I cant stop laughing. This is so "spot on". I seriously think this poor pilot is delusional, possibly psychotic. Someone PLEASE call EAP!
US Airways CEO calls for more consolidation - US Airways chief says airline industry needs to get smaller to get profitable, improve service

Wait...I missed this part. Wasn't Douggie the one who said that there is too much emphasis on service?

Those who run U are like any other blovient politician - they will say whatever they need to at any given time. They have no standard.
Good Lord, USA320Pilot....how many times have you had a friend/secret admirer/insider/fueler/lav truck driver/ramp rat/stock broker/Board of Director/voice in your head....give you some sort of inside info...:lol:

My guess is that his dog talks to him at night. Didn't someone say the dog told him to run for LGA rep?

What a dog bone.
But fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective.. United is lining up its ducks in a row with Continental.

Give the process time. As noted in a previous post, Wall Street will eventually come up with the cash to back a US/UA merger of US east coast assets, and an HP/CO merger of US west coast assets. Any UA/CO machinations are driven by the need to have a continuing Star Alliance agreement in place to assure all 3 partners have their fair share of the pie. It's the only way to eliminate sufficient market competition and raise fares to sustainable levels. If you think I am posting this in jest, you are incorrect. Follow the money and you will understand the significant benefits of a 3 way deal using Wall Street cash. This deal is strictly about the long term survival of US, UA, and CO, and without a deal of this magnitude, none of the three will be a going concern in 2 years with the current economic climate. GE, Boeing, Airbus, ILFC, and many others cannot afford to let any one of these three airlines go down the tubes, and they will do whatever it takes to keep their cash flow coming in.
Give the process time. As noted in a previous post, Wall Street will eventually come up with the cash to back a US/UA merger of US east coast assets, and an HP/CO merger of US west coast assets. Any UA/CO machinations are driven by the need to have a continuing Star Alliance agreement in place to assure all 3 partners have their fair share of the pie. It's the only way to eliminate sufficient market competition and raise fares to sustainable levels. If you think I am posting this in jest, you are incorrect. Follow the money and you will understand the significant benefits of a 3 way deal using Wall Street cash. This deal is strictly about the long term survival of US, UA, and CO, and without a deal of this magnitude, none of the three will be a going concern in 2 years with the current economic climate. GE, Boeing, Airbus, ILFC, and many others cannot afford to let any one of these three airlines go down the tubes, and they will do whatever it takes to keep their cash flow coming in.

Thats some serious spin there Doc!
Dumping Kirby and the Bud moron might help.
That's about the only consolidation I can live with! Well stated.

Any CEO that says the industry focuses too much on customers needs to go back under the rock he came from...and take his little cocker spaniel with him.

Until then, I'll just watch this train wreck from afar....where the view has been much more comfortable, by the way...with an airline that actually believes in focusing on customers.
Two notes:

Any UA/CO machinations are driven by the need to have a continuing Star Alliance agreement in place to assure all 3 partners have their fair share of the pie.

Nowhere in that tango is US. Were US a sufficient partner, CO would not have been invited to the Star Alliance.

This deal is strictly about the long term survival of US, UA, and CO, and without a deal of this magnitude, none of the three will be a going concern in 2 years with the current economic climate. GE, Boeing, Airbus, ILFC, and many others cannot afford to let any one of these three airlines go down the tubes, and they will do whatever it takes to keep their cash flow coming in.

CO is the least likely to fail (of the three) under any scenario. CO also has assets that people want. UA and US are a whole other ball of wax, although UA can get something for it's Chicago and SFO operations. US does not have any operations or assets (that are not already in hock) that anyone but the leasing companies really wants to "save."

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