Give the process time. As noted in a previous post, Wall Street will eventually come up with the cash to back a US/UA merger of US east coast assets, and an HP/CO merger of US west coast assets. Any UA/CO machinations are driven by the need to have a continuing Star Alliance agreement in place to assure all 3 partners have their fair share of the pie. It's the only way to eliminate sufficient market competition and raise fares to sustainable levels. If you think I am posting this in jest, you are incorrect. Follow the money and you will understand the significant benefits of a 3 way deal using Wall Street cash. This deal is strictly about the long term survival of US, UA, and CO, and without a deal of this magnitude, none of the three will be a going concern in 2 years with the current economic climate. GE, Boeing, Airbus, ILFC, and many others cannot afford to let any one of these three airlines go down the tubes, and they will do whatever it takes to keep their cash flow coming in.